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Assignment 3 - Data Integration and Solving Engineering


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Assignment 3 - Data Integration and Solving Engineering

Problems : Details


Task description:

The task consists of two parts:

In Part A you will use Python and Pandas to integrate multiple data sources and to employ algorithm design skills to solve a real engineering challenge.

In Part B you will explore and present an example of computing and data being put to work. In high-level terms, we want you to find and investigate a situation where computing and data are being used to solve problems or design solutions, then describe the underlying algorithm or computational method to us as a short (1-2 page) case study, using the elements of “motivation”, “materials” and “methods” like case studies presented in class.

Unit Learning Outcomes assessed:

ULO 1: Create your own software - you will learn a programming language and how to design and implement simple algorithms.

ULO 2: Manipulate engineering data flexibly and efficiently by creating your own scripts and simple programs to handle the specific tasks.

ULO 3: Invent creative approaches to solving engineering problems by creating your own software.

ULO 4: Ensure software is correct, clear and maintainable by applying introductory level software development principles and processes.

Estimated time for completion


Group or Individual

How I will be assessed

32 hours

40% of final grade


Using a 7-Point grading scale

What you need to do

Part A (30 marks)

The detailed instructions for Part A can be found in the following two links.

This link opens a skeleton .ipynb file with markdown instructions but without expected results included. You should use this file for to create your solution for Part A.

Open Part A in jupyter

This link opens a HTML file that contains the same markdown instructions, but with the expected results for each task included:

Part A - expected results.htmlLinks to an external site.

Part B (10 marks)

This link opens a skeleton .ipynb file with markdown instructions. You should use this file to generate a PDF report for Part B.

Open Part B in jupyter

Exemplar Case Study for Part BDownload Exemplar Case Study for Part B

Video Instructions for Part B

What to submit

A Jupyter notebook file (.ipynb) for part A and a PDF report for part B (generated from the provided .ipynb notebook).

Go here to submit: EGB103 Assignment 3 - Data Integration and Solving Engineering Problems : Submission


Under normal circumstances, you will receive marks for each criterion via a Canvas rubric within 10-15 working days of submission. Click on Grades to see your results. Usually the reason for each choice of mark is self-evident, the marker will include some written feedback about your performance. You should use this feedback to strengthen your performance in the next assessment item. 


All staff who are assessing your work meet to discuss and compare their judgements before marks or grades are finalised.