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Assignment – 3: Visual, Video and Analysis Folio


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Assignment 3: Visual, Video and Analysis Folio

Flow of Assignment

(Commercial and Creative)

Assignment 3 Overview:

You are required to submit a folio incorporating visual and written components.

1.   An analysis and summary of financial and/or market data pertaining to the specific fashion enterprise or market scenario MS Excel (25%)

2.    Infographics - Visual representation of the market data analysis and outcome (15%)

3.   A seasonal range plan with garment flat illustrations and specifications applying creative software skills. (30%)

4.   A video showcasing the whole process- making use of Infographics to present data analysis to the creation of a range plan drawing on digital storytelling techniques using appropriate software. (30%)


STEP 1: Data Analysis Process

Outcome: To submit a MS Excel based data analysis

Data given for:


















1.    Using MS Excel formulas and Pivot table analyse the current year’s sales data and identify

a.    Item/s which had a high revenue.

b.    Item/s which had a high revenue with/without discount.

c.    Pattern which had a high revenue.

d.    Colour which had a high revenue.

e.    Category which has a high revenue with/without discount.

The results of the data analysis to be saved in the Excel worksheet.

2.    Using Pivot Charts, show the outcome of the following data analysis

a.    Comparison between the categories based on the revenue

b.    Comparison between the categories and subcategories based on the revenue

c.    Comparison between the categories and colour based on the revenue

d.    Comparison between the categories and patterns based on the revenue

e.    Comparison between the patterns

f.     Comparison between the colours

3.    Use the findings of the above two Process (Process 1 & 2) as the basis to create the Range

Plan. It is mandatory that your Range Plan must be based on your findings of the data analysis.

You are allowed to use one, two or more combinations of the above findings to create the Range Plan.

Example A: You could use the findings of Process.1.d (the Colour with the highest revenue) as your base colour in the Range Plan.

Example B: You could use the findings of Process.1.c (the Pattern with the highest revenue) as your base pattern in the Range Plan

Example C: You could use the findings of Process 1.c & Process 1.d (the Pattern with the highest revenue and the Colour with the highest revenue) as the base pattern and colour in the Range Plan.

The steps to create the Range Plan is suggested below.

Step 2: Infographics

Outcome: Submit a PDF version of your Infographic poster.

The infographic elements developed will also be used in the video presentation (in Step 4)

Use infographics to visually present the data analysis and outcomes (as obtained in Step 1). Suggested process:

•    Visually present your key findings/ outcomes in the form of infographics

•    Choose a relevant template

•    Source, edit and develop infographic elements using appropriate software

•    Once layout is complete, export as pdf / jpeg

•    Sections of the infographic needs to be used for the video (Step 4)

Step 3: Range Plan development

Outcome: Submit a PDF version of your range plan illustration.

Use the outcomes from the data analysis process to inform and inspire a range plan    development for Spring/Summer 23/24 or Autumn/Winter 24 for your chosen Brand (either Uniqlo OR Gucci).

The Range Plan to contain:

Garment 1: Manipulated CAD flat- front and back, with specifications as below.             References need to include a visual of the sourced CAD flat that has been manipulated. You are required to creatively manipulate and alter the sourced CAD to make it look     different; you may also combine 2/3 CADs to create a new one.

•    Garment 1 colourway A: 1st  colourway of Garment 1 with indication of colour, material etc. including Pantone colour reference codes and specifications.

•    Garment 1 colourway B: 2nd  colourway of Garment 1 with indication of colour, material etc. including Pantone colour reference codes and specifications.

•    Garment 1 colourway C: 3rd  colourway of Garment 1 with indication of colour, material etc. including Pantone colour reference codes and specifications.

Garment 2: Manipulated CAD flat- front and back, with specifications as below.             References need to include a visual of the sourced CAD flat that has been manipulated. You are required to creatively manipulate and alter the sourced CAD to make it look     different; you may also combine 2/3 CADs to create a new one.

•    Garment 2 colourway A:                                                               1st  colourway of Garment 2 with     indication of colour, material etc. including Pantone colour reference codes and specifications.

•    Garment 2 colourway B: 2nd  colourway of Garment 2 with indication of colour, material etc. including Pantone colour reference codes and specifications.

•    Garment 2 colourway C: 3rd  colourway of Garment 2 with indication of colour, material etc. including Pantone colour reference codes and specifications.

Garment 3: Manipulated CAD flat- front and back, with specifications as below.             References need to include a visual of the sourced CAD flat that has been manipulated. You are required to creatively manipulate and alter the sourced CAD to make it look different; you may also combine 2/3 CADs to create a new one.

•    Garment 3 colourway A: 1st  colourway of Garment 3 with indication of colour, material etc. including Pantone colour reference codes and specifications.

•    Garment 3 colourway B: 2nd  colourway of Garment 3 with indication of colour, material etc. including Pantone colour reference codes and specifications.

•    Garment 3 colourway C: 3rd  colourway of Garment 3 with indication of colour, material etc. including Pantone colour reference codes and specifications.

Garment 4: New, original created CAD flat- front and back, with specifications as below. (Create a new CAD in Illustrator on a blank artboard)

•    Garment 4 colourway A: 1st  colourway of Garment 4 with indication of colour, material etc. including Pantone colour reference codes and specifications.

•    Garment 4 colourway B: 2nd  colourway of Garment 4 with indication of colour, material etc. including Pantone colour reference codes and specifications.

•    Garment 4 colourway C: 3rd  colourway of Garment 4 with indication of colour, material etc. including Pantone colour reference codes and specifications.

Garment 5: New, original created CAD flat- front and back, with specifications as below. (Create a new CAD in Illustrator on a blank artboard)

•    Garment 5 colourway A: 1st  colourway of Garment 5 with indication of colour, material etc. including Pantone colour reference codes and specifications.

•    Garment 5 colourway B: 2nd  colourway of Garment 5 with indication of colour, material etc. including Pantone colour reference codes and specifications.

•    Garment 5 colourway C: 3rd  colourway of Garment 5 with indication of colour, material etc. including Pantone colour reference codes and specifications.


You will classify the garments according to

Detailed name


•    Category (tops/ bottoms/ dress/ outerwear etc.)

•    Sub-category (t-shirt/ top/ sweater/ shirt/ skirt/ pants/ dress/ jacket/ coat etc.)

•     Fit and style (Short sleeve/ long sleeve/ cropped crew/ leggings/ straight cut pants etc.)

•     Material details (Cotton/ chiffon/ satin/ silk/ wool etc.)

•     Pattern details (plain/ stripes/ floral/ printed/ embroidered etc.)

•    Colour details (reference codes)

Suggested Layout Structure: Use a

2, keep in mind visual hierarchy

similar layout as your Assignment

Suggested Layout of Range Plan (Layout in InDesign and export as a PDF)

Page 1

Cover page (name of collection + season + brand name + student name)

Page 2

Mood board for the Range Plan (include inspiration images/ materials/ colours)

Page 3

Overview of collection (all garments)

Page 4

Garment 1 front and back (garment classification details as specified) – (manipulate sourced flat- provide sourced CAD as reference)

Page 5

3 coloured versions of Garment 1 (garment classification details as specified and indicate placement of colours/ materials)

Page 6

Garment 2 front and back (garment classification details as specified) – (manipulate sourced flat- provide sourced CAD as reference)

Page 7

3 coloured versions of Garment 2 (garment classification details as specified and indicate placement of colours/ materials)

Page 8

Garment 3 front and back (garment classification details as specified) – (manipulate sourced flat- provide sourced CAD as reference)

Page 9

3 coloured versions of Garment 3 (garment classification details as specified and indicate placement of colours/ materials)

Page 10

Garment 4 front and back (garment classification details as specified) (original designed flat- own creation on a blank artboard)

Page 11

3 coloured versions of Garment 4 (garment classification details as specified and indicate placement of colours/ materials)

Page 12

Garment 5 front and back (garment classification details as specified) (original designed flat - own creation on a blank artboard)

Page 13

3 coloured versions of Garment 5 (garment classification details as specified and indicate placement of colours/ materials)


Reference page/s (References should include visual images of the sourced CADs for Garment 1,2 & 3)


End page (Credit page+ Student name, Course, Year)

Step 4: Video Presentation

Outcome: Submit as an mp4 video.

To create a video using Adobe Express showcasing the whole process making use of Infographics to present data analysis to the creation of a range plan, drawing on digital storytelling techniques using appropriate software.

Suggested process:

•    Outline the project brief

•    Use infographics to visually present the data analysis and outcomes- source, edit and develop infographic elements using appropriate software

•    Provide rationale for range plan development based on the data analysis outcomes

•    Create a mood board as                                                               visual inspiration for range plan development (include images, colours, materials etc)

•    Use Range Plan document pages (Step 2) to populate range plan communication

•    Make sure presentation is cohesive- keep in mind visual hierarchy in layout

•    Use images/ illustrations, text, voice overs, music, and videos where applicable to enhance your digital storytelling