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IEEE 14-Bus System


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IEEE 14-Bus System

Sunday, 18 Apr 2021


Power system analysis on IEEE 14-Bus System


The IEEE 14 Bus Test Case represents a portion of the American Electric Power System (in the Midwestern US) as of February, 1962. IEEE 14 bus system is widely used as a case for conducting various studies like short circuit analysis, load flow studies, and interconnected grid problems.

Figure 1: IEEE 14-Bus System

System specifications

14 bus system

5 machines

11 loads

5 transformers

1 shunt compensator

For more information, please check the DigSilent model (available in iLearn).

Project aim

The aim of this project is to perform analysis on IEEE 14-Bus System given in Fig. 1.

Project objectives

○   Identify the specification of the given IEEE 14-Bus System (e.g. total generation, total load, total loss, bus types, line types, load models, voltage profile, stability region, etc)

○  Among the available cable options in the library of the project for the line 1-2 (2 options), and line 6- 13 (4 options), select the two options (1 for each line), so that the network faces the least violence    during future outages

○   Identify the most reliable bus at which a 50-MW EV charging station can be connected. Provide a report and include your recommendations to make the system more reliable

○   Perform fault analysis (i.e., three phase) on at least one line on your choice and design a protection relay system to successfully isolate the fault. Recommend and implement solution(s) if the designed relay is faulty and cannot operate. Discuss if any other protection equipment can be offered?

Design specifications

The result of the analysis should meet the following requirements:

○ Voltages of the buses to be within ±5% of the reference voltage (the slack bus voltage)

○ All the equipment do not overload (or minimum violence) at any time including n-1 outages

○   Power factors at the buses to be higher than 0.85

○  At any time, the total generation is equivalent to the load demand plus losses


This team project contributes 50% to your final mark. The assessment for this project consists of:

Individual and team assessment

▪  Oral presentation and demonstration of the project 20% (Week 14 - Wed)

▪  Individual project logbook 10% (end of Week 13)

▪  Peer assessment regarding the actual contribution of each team member (Week 13)

▪  Project report to be submitted in iLearn by each team member 20% (end of Week 13)

Learning outcomes

This project will contribute to the following learning outcomes:

○   Power system modelling, load flow studies, fault studies, power system stability, and power system planning

○   Simulation of power networks using DigSilent Power Factory

○   Collaborative work in teams and pear learning

○   Communication of technical concepts and results in written reports