关键词 > COMP3000



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Part A

1.    Looking at the .s file produced from gcc -S -O2 hello.c, do you see anything familiar and discussed in the lectures of our first week?

You can see sections like .text and .rodata.

2.   Where (e.g., at which line) is it supposed to call that printf()? If it is not doing that, why? (you can just mention what you think/believe)

You may only see puts() being called, due to the compiler optimization (you are not passing any arguments which printf()’s format string is good at handling so puts() will be enough). You can avoid this by either passing an argument to printf() or using a compiler option like - fno-builtin.

3.   Generate the .s file forsyscall-hello.cas well. Observing the two .s files, what do you think is the key difference?

It calls the syscall() library call instead of printf().

4.   You can play around by trying to see: how a function in C is reflected in assembly; how to return from a function; how variables/literals are represented; what are symbols (refer to commands   like nm); etc.

We will explain a bit in class.

Part B

1.   By default, gcc-produced binaries are dynamically linked (so at runtime they will require dynamic libraries to be present on the system). To compile a binary that is statically linked (so it has no

external runtime library dependencies), instead do this:

gcc -O2 -static hello.c -o hello.static

Then compile a dynamically linked version:

gcc -O2 -z lazy hello.c -o hello.dynamic

How does the size of hello.dynamic compare with that of hello.static? Why?

The static one should be much bigger than the dynamic one, since it has all required libraries included. The actual size would vary with many factors (e.g., the compiler/linker version).

2.   Compile the other flavor of hello.c:syscall-hello.c. Build one static version and one dynamic version as well.

Now considering hello.dynamic, hello.static, syscall-hello.dynamic and syscall-hello.static, see what system calls each program produces by running strace -o sys-

somename.log ./somename.static (or ./somename.dynamic). Which version generates more system calls? Why?

Note: system calls are saved in the log file sys-somename.log. Feel free to save them in a different file for each version.

Dynamically linked programs (containing fewer functions supposedly) do not necessarily generate fewer system calls. It depends on what the code does. For example, I/O-intensive functions need to talk to the OS a lot (to access resources like files/devices). Specifically, in the context of this question, the code per se does not do much (i.e., only prints once), so offloading it to libraries or including it does not make much difference. However, loading a dynamic library into the address space involves system calls, e.g., openat() and read/pread() to read metadata from libc.so and mmap() to map the actual functions for invocation.

3.   See what library calls each program produces by running ltrace -o lib-

somename.log ./somename.dynamic (or ./somename.static). Which version generates more library calls? Why?

The statically linked version should make no library calls by design. This is the purpose of a static build, which is to ensure that all the libraries are present and that they are the correct version, hence no such dependency issues. The output of ltrace can be misleading, which simply says sections describing library dependencies are not found, but expected.

4.   Remember when building hello in Tutorial 1 you did not use -z lazy. Comparing hello with hello.dynamic, any difference? Why this difference?

Lazy binding leaves the actual resolution of library calls to the runtime so that you can observe them with ltrace. With the default “now” binding, it is done at load time, so nothing will be seen at runtime.

5.   Use ldd to find out what dynamic library dependencies dynamic versions have. What about static versions?

Part C

1.   Why are the addresses inconsistent between runs?

Simple answer: because they are just virtual addresses, determined by the OS.

Accurate answer: because of ASLR (address space layout randomization). This will be briefly discussed in class. You can disable it (not recommended for systems in real use) with: echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space

2.   Roughly where does the stack seem to be? The heap? Code? Global variables? (hints: recall the   memory image layout of a process discussed in the lecture and you can search for a more detailed one somewhere; local variables go to the stack; initialized data and global variables go to the data

segment, data allocated at runtime go to the heap.)

Local variables are: lmsg and buf, so &lmsg and &buf (the location of them) are around the stack. The value of buf[0] (dynamically allocated) is in the heap. We will discuss it in a bit more detail.

3.   Change each malloc() call to allocate more than 128K. What happens to the values of sbrk? Why? (Hint: use strace)

When the amount to allocate exceeds a certain threshold malloc() stops using sbrk() and uses mmap() to allocate memory instead.