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CITS3403/5505 Final Test


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CITS3403/5505 Final Test.

Taking your project to the next level.

This Examis worth50%ofyourfinalgradeand mustbedone individually. Forequityreasons, the teaching staff will notbe able toanswerindividualquestions between theexamsrelease andthe duedate. Questions maybe postedto theFinalTestteams channelandmaybeansweredbyteaching staff. Any communication, commentary,ordiscussion ofthe testduring this periodwillbe consideredacademic misconduct. Submitazip containingyour HTMLdocumentandanyrequired media files tohttps://secure.csse.uwa.edu.au/run/cssubmit by5pm Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Consider the challenging of launching your daily game, produced in the group project, as a live game used by thousands of users around the world everyday. You will have to make sure the game is as    engaging as possible, the code must be reliable, the servers will have to handle the traffic, and you   must respect the users data.

For the final unit test, you will need to produce a HTML document describing how you might address these challenges. The questions must be answered with respect to the current state of your group    project. The document should satisfy the following constrains:

1.   The document should consist of a single HTML file, with embedded CSS and JavaScript code. You may include some additional image or icon files in the zip, but you must ensure that these will render in the document when the zip is expanded.

2.   You may not use any libraries or external code, like Bootstrap or JQuery, and the page must run without using live server, so AJAX should not be included in the document.

3.  The page should render in a modern web browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari etc) from the file explorer, and should be easy to read and use.

Specification:The web page should have the unit title, your name and student number as a heading at the top and the web page should have four sections, with clear and easy navigation between them. The          sections should be titled Overview, Client-Side, Server-Sideand Software Processes, and the sections    should have the following specifications:

1. Overview: Present a description of your application from the users point of view. You shouldexplain the way the application works, the rules of the game, and how the user can compete the puzzle and share their results. You should include a screenshot of the application.

2. Client-Side: Give a brief (100 word) overview of the client side architecture of your application, and provide:

1.   An interactive To Do List of features to add and issues to address in the client-side application. The list should allow a user to add new items to the list, and remove existing items. Populate the list with 3 items that would need to be done to scale the application, with a description of what each item involves and why it is important (2 sentences each).

2.   An alternative presentation theme for the application. Specify colours, fonts and styles for an alternative theme, an explain your choices (1 paragraph)

3.  The application could use server-side rendering, (utilising Jinja and Flask for example), or  could use client-side rendering (using JavaScript and a REST API). Present and explain the advantages and disadvantages for each option side by side in the webpage, and colour the background of the prefered option green (about 100 words for each option).

3. Server-Side: Give a brief (100 words) overview of the server side architecture of your application, and provide:

1.   An interactive To Do List of features to add and issues to address in the server-side application. The list should allow a user to add new items to the list, and remove existing items. Populate the list with 3 items that would need to be done to scale the application, with a description of what each item involves and why it is important (2 sentences each).

2.   Describe what would need to be done to deploy your application to allow it to scale with thousands of daily users, and highlight the relevant characteristics of the Representational State Transfer Architecture that would enable such scaling (about 200 words).

3.  The privacy and confidence of users will be important to the applications success, but you   will also want to track users engagement. Your application could require users to register   accounts (active user tracking) or could use cookies or local storage to passively track users. Give the advantages and disadvantages of each approach side by side, and color the background of your prefered option green (about 100 words for each option).

4. Software Processes: Making a robust and reliable application will require a team of developers to build and maintain the application. Describe what you think would be the ideal team to work with to deliver and maintain the application (100 words), and provide:

1.   An interactive To Do List of tasks required to deploy and maintain the application. The list should allow a user to add new items to the list, and remove existing items. Populate the list with 3 items that would need to be done to scale up your application, with a clear description of what each item involves and why it is important (about 2 sentences each).

2.   Ensuring the reliability of the application as new features are added will be crucial to building a user base. Describe a testing strategy for your application identifying what kind of tests and validation processes should be used, and how they should be executed (about

200 words).

3.   Describe the process your team used in developping the application to its current state and give an honest and professional appraisal of each team member you worked with. What changes would you make within the project team if you were to continue to develop the application (about 200 words).