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BISM1201 Transforming Business with Information Systems Semester One Final Examinations, 2019


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Semester One Final Examinations, 2019

BISM1201 Transforming Business with Information Systems

This exam contains 4 short-answer questions worth 60 marks in total (i.e., 15 marks per question). Answer all questions in the spaces provided on the exam paper only.

Question 1: Information Systems Development (Parts a, b, c, d) (Total 15 marks)

a)  Extreme Programming is very commonly used within SCRUM projects.             Describe what Extreme Programming is. Describe the SCRUM stage into which Extreme Programming fits. Within Extreme Programming, describe what the     term pair programming” means. What are two productivity benefits of pair       programming? (Part a: 5 marks)

What is Extreme Programming? ( 1 mark)

What is the SCRUM stage into which Extreme Programming fits? (1 mark)

Describe what the term pair programmingmeans. (1 mark)

W are productivity pair programming? (2

Continued on next page

b)   Information System Development teams frequently use PERT charts. Describe what a PERT chart is. A PERT chart contains task descriptions. Describe the fundamental     information that is most important in relation to a task description. Describe what is   meant by the term “critical path” . Your description should clearly explain why a path is considered critical. (Part b: 3 marks)

Describe what a PERT chart is (0.5 marks):

c)    Explain the structure and characteristics of the SCRUM team. Your answer should include the size of the team; at least three types of people on the team; how the      SCRUM team scales to accommodate large projects; and two factors that must be considered in scaling a SCRUM team. (Part c: 4 marks)

Size of team (0.5 marks):

d)   The SCRUM team selects items from the product backlog. These items will form the sprint backlog. Typically, these items are selected via the concept of a user story” .   Describe the concept of a user story. Describe how user stories are prioritised so that the sprint backlog is then created. Describe what “estimate the user stories” means to the SCRUM team. (Part d: 3 marks)

Describe the concept of a user story ( 1 mark):

How are user prioritised   ( 1          ):


user means SCRUM             ( 1            ) :

Question 2: Business Intelligence (parts a, b) (Total 15 marks)

a)    Draw the logical model of an overall data model with the following description (you should show entities, relationships, attributes, primary and foreign keys, and              relationships with cardinality and modality:

We will store information on departments, courses, and topics.

Each department has a unique name, a building name (which can be shared across departments), a short description, and a single email account/address.

Each course has a unique course ID, a course name, and a course description.

Each topic has a unique topic ID, a topic name, and a learning outcome.

Each department can teach many courses, but always at least one course.

Each course is taught by one department only.

Each course comprises many topics.

Each topic belongs to one course (always only one course). (Part a: 10 marks)

Logical model ( 10 marks):

b)    What type of business intelligence (BI) is RFM analysis? What is the fundamental goal of RFM analysis? How would you analyse the RFM scores for Ajax in the



R Score

F Score

M Score













What type of BI is RFM analysis? (1 mark):

Fundamental goal RFM (1          ):

Analyse RFM scores Ajax (3

Question 3: BPMN (parts a, b, c) (Total 15 marks)

(a) Name (as per our BPMN lecture) and explain the meaning of each of the

following BPMN symbols in the diagram below. (Part a: 2.5 marks)

Symbol 1

Symbol 2

Generate monthly invoice

Symbol 3

Symbol 4

Symbol 5

Symbol 1

Name (0.25 marks)   Explain (0.25 marks)

Symbol 2

Name (0.25 marks)   Explain (0.25 marks)

Symbol 3

Name (0.25 marks)   Explain (0.25 marks)

Symbol 4

Name (0.25 marks)   Explain (0.25 marks)

Symbol 5

Name (0.25 marks)   Explain (0.25 marks)

(b) A university application process is shown below. For each symbol (A, B, C, D, E), what is the meaning of the symbol? Explain whether this symbol is used correctly or not in the diagram. Write your answers in the answer box on the next page.

(Part b: 2.5 marks)