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BISM1201 Transforming Business with Information Systems Semester One Final Examinations, 2018


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Semester One Final Examinations, 2018

BISM1201 Transforming Business with Information Systems

PART A - Total Marks: 15

Answer all of the following 30 multiple choice questions on the mark sense answer sheet provided. All questions in this section have the same mark (0.5 marks for each question).

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1)  The first four stages of the traditional systems development life cycle (SDLC) are:

a)   analysis, investigation, design, programming/testing

b)  definition, analysis, design, implementation

c)   design, analysis, programming/testing, implementation

d)  requirements, analysis, design, implementation

2)  Which of the following is commonly associated with the traditional systems development life cycle approach?

a)   quality is lowered by the absence of standards

b)  quality is lowered by the absence of adequate documentation

c)  problems caused by users having trouble describing requirements

d)  problems caused by a lack of structure in the methodology

3)  Within systems investigation, technicalfeasibility describes:

a)  whether the company can develop or acquire the hardware, software and communications components needed to solve the business problem

b)  whether the project is an acceptable financial risk for the company

c)  whether the human issues of the project are manageable by the company

d)  all of the above

4)  A transaction processing system:

a)  processes data from the organization’s basic business transactions

b)  collects data continuously, typically in real time

c)  provides the input data for the corporate databases

d)  All of the above

5)  An enterprise resource planning system:

a)   greatly increases organizational productivity

b)  tightly integrates the functional areas of the organization

c)   adopts a business process view of the overall organization

d)  all of the above

6)  Which of the following is an important enabler of CRM?

a)  recognising that there are many customer touch points

b)  recognising the need for sophisticated CRM information systems

c)  recognising the need for sophisticated customer databases

d)  recognising the need for a data warehouse

7)  Which of the following is the most important enabler of the 360-degree view of the customer across an organisation?

a)  the organisation's database

b)  the organisation's data warehouse

c)  the organisation's CRM systems

d)  the organisation's analytical CRM systems

8)  Market-Basket analysis is an example of:

a)   a surveying technique of customer needs from a business

b)  a measure of the how recent, how frequent, and monetary spend of a customer

c)   a data-mining technique for determining sales patterns

d)  all of the above

9)  The upstream segment of the supply chain comprises:

a)  where packaging, assembly or manufacturing takes place

b)  where distribution takes place

c)  where regulation/legislation is sourced

d)  where sourcing or procurement occurs

10) Electronic Data Interchange is:

a)   a communication standard that enables business to exchange routine documents

b)  a communication that enables financial transactions to be completed between banks and businesses

c)   a communication that extends the functionality of Web servers into the area of email

d)  all of the above

11) _____ is the ability for all organisations in a supply chain to access or view relevant data on purchased materials as these materials move through their suppliers'            production processes and transportation networks to their receiving docks.

a)   Supply chain visibility

b)  Supply chain efficiency

c)   Supply chain integration

d)  Supply chain intelligence

12) The bullwhip effect results from which of the following?

a)  poor demand forecast

b)  price fluctuations

c)  rationing within the supply chain

d)  all of the above

13) The push model for supply chain management is best described as:

a)   a make to stock supply chain management approach

b)  companies making products based on customer orders

c)   closely aligned with mass customisation strategy

d)  all of the above

14) Solutions to supply chain problems include:

a)  vertical integration

b)  using inventories

c)   information sharing

d)  all of the above

15) The _____ that changes are made in the systems development life cycle, the _____ expensive these changes become.

a)   sooner, less

b)  later, less

c)  more frequently, more

d)  sooner, more

16) What is the value returned by the following Excel formula?  =4*((1+2)+(1+1))/2

a) 4

b) 10

c) 7

d) 12

17) The function DSUM takes its three arguments in which of the following orders:

a)   Criteria, Field, Database

b)  Field, Criteria, Database

c)  Database, Field, Criteria

d)  Database, Criteria, Field

18) Which of the following describes why the DSUM function was used in the assignment:

a)  DSUM changed dynamically to show the total of only those filtered entries

b)  DSUM worked in combination with Advanced Filter’

c)   SUM did not display those entries filtered out using AND filtering

d)   all of the above

19) The field’ argument of the DSUM function may be syntactically coded as:

a)   a label without quotation marks

b)  a label with quotation marks

c)   an optional label with quotation marks

d)  an optional label without quotation marks

20) The AND function is best described as:

a)  taking 1…255 arguments

b)  returning TRUE if all argument conditions evaluate to TRUE

c)  returning FALSE if any input argument condition evaluates to FALSE

d)  all of the above

21) The function =AND(5=5,4>3,2<=3) returns:

a)   TRUE


c)  #ERROR

d)  #NAME

22) How many functions (and excluding operations) are contained within the following formula:


a)  1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4

23) If A1 contains 2, E5 contains peter’, E6 contains 2, E7 contains =A1, and E8             contains 2, what is the value returned in cell E9 by the function =AVERAGE(E5:E8)?

a)  #ERROR

b)  #NAME

c)  2

d)  #DIV/0

24) Which of the following describes the fourth argument to VLOOKUP?

a)  the fourth argument is optional and is not required by VLOOKUP

b)  the fourth argument is assumed to be TRUE by Excel if the user chooses to omit it when writing the formula/function call

c)  the fourth argument must be an absolute address or named range

d)  the fourth argument must always work with a data table which is sorted in ascending order

25) The Name Manager capability is found within the:

a)  Home tab of the Ribbon

b)  Data tab of the Ribbon

c)   Insert tab of the Ribbon

d)  Formula tab of the Ribbon

26) Which of the following statements most accurately describes the TODAY and the NOW functions?

a)   TODAY and NOW each take one argument

b)  TODAY takes  one argument and NOW takes zero arguments

c)   TODAY takes zero arguments and NOW takes one argument

d)  TODAY and NOW each take zero arguments

27) The CONCATENATE function is best described as:

a)  joins several text strings into one text string

b)  joins numbers and one text string

c)  joins two text strings and a number into one output text string

d)  joins two text strings and a sub-function into one output text string

Please use the graphic below to answer the remaining multiple choice questions.









Cost Table
























28) A VLOOKUP function is to be coded in cell G2 (in the table above).  If we want an exact match for the lookup value in cell G1 we must code the fourth argument to the function as:

a)   TRUE


c)   Omit the argument and let Excel assume the default argument

d)   1

29) The function =VLOOKUP(G1, A3:D5, 1, FALSE) coded in the cell G2 (in the table above) will return:

a)  Apples

b)  $0.50

c)   Oranges

d)  #ERROR

30) The function =VLOOKUP(G1, B3:D5, 2, TRUE) coded in the cell G2 (in the table above) will return:

a)  #NAME!

b)  #ERROR!

c)  #N/A!

d)  #REF!

PART B - Total Marks: 45

This section contains 3 short answer questions worth 45 marks in total (i.e., 15 marks per question). Answer all questions in the spaces provided on the exam paper only.

Question 1: Information Systems Development (Parts a, b, c, d) (Total 15 marks)

a)   Within information systems development (ISD), what is meant by the term service- oriented architecture’?   Concisely describe the two characteristics that are critically important in achieving a ‘service-oriented architecture’ . (Part a - 5 marks total)

Service-oriented architecture ’ (1 mark):

1st characteristic (2 marks)

2nd characteristic (2 marks)

b)   The system definition stage is a fundamental stage of the traditional systems development life cycle (SDLC).  Concisely describe what the main goal of the system definition stage is.  What is the name of the project documentation that is produced by the system definition stage?  Name and concisely explain the three important approaches involved in assessing feasibility within the system definition stage. (Part b - 4 marks total)

Main goal (0.5 marks) and name of project documentation (0.5 marks):

Three important approaches in assessing feasibility  (3 marks):

c)    The traditional systems development life cycle remains a very important            methodology by which organisations undertake the development of software.    Concisely describe two major advantages and two major disadvantages that are associated with the traditional SDLC. (Part c - 4 marks total)

1st advantage (1 mark):

2nd advantage (1 mark):

1st disadvantage (1 mark):

2nd disadvantage (1 mark):

d)   Tests play an important role in the traditional system development life cycle (SDLC) and eXtreme Programming (XP).  Concisely describe when tests are designed/written within the traditional SDLC and also within XP. (Part d - 2 marks total)

SDLC tests when designed/written (1 mark):

XP tests when designed/written (1 mark):

Question 2: Business Intelligence (parts a, b, c) (Total 15 marks)

a)    RFM analysis is a very useful, popular strategy for Business Intelligence.  Describe concisely the principal goal of RFM analysis.  Explain concisely what RFM stands for.  Describe how a typical RFM analysis is completed.

(Part a - 8 marks total)

Principal goal of RFM analysis (2 mark):

What does RFM stand for  (1 mark)

Describe how a typical RFM analysis is completed  (5 marks)

b)   Within the overall area of business intelligence, data mining is an important strategy.  Describe how we have defined data mining during the lectures.  Analysts adopt a very different approach to the use of models in supervised and unsupervised data mining.   Concisely describe this different approach. (Part b - 4 marks total)

Define data mining (2 mark)

Models in supervised and unsupervised data mining - difference?  (2 marks)

c)   Within the areas of data modelling and business intelligence, define the following terms: entity; attribute; relationship. (Part c - 3 marks total)

entity  (1 mark)

attribute (1 mark)

relationship (1 mark)

Question 3: Excel (parts a, b, c, d) (Total 15 marks)

a)      The graphic below shows luxury car sales for June, July and August.  A formula is needed in cell B4 to achieve the following business function:

If total sales for the three months are greater than 20 OR if the sales in any one  month exceed 15 we want the message in cell B4 to read: HIGH SALES, or else the message in cell B4 reads: AVERAGE SALES.

You must use a combination of IF, CONCATENATE, OR, MAX, SUM functions

for the answer. (Part a - 3 marks total)