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FIT3178: iOS App Development Assessment 3


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FIT3178: iOS App Development

Assessment 3: Demonstration of App Development Progress

Due 4 unique weeks from Weeks 8– 12 during allocated Lab Class (4% each, 16% total)


The purpose of this assessment is to allow us to evaluate progress and give feedback on the development of your nal app (Assessment 4). This is conducted during 4 unique weeks from weeks 8– 12 within the allocated lab class. You can choose which 4 of the 5 weeks you are    evaluated for (recognising you may have assessments from other units during this period).     Here “progress” means both the quantity and quality of what you have implemented.

This assessment should demonstrate the following learning outcomes:

-    Analyse mobile interface guidelines and technical constraints to design effective navigation and user interfaces for mobile apps

-    Apply object-oriented design patterns such as Model-View-Controller and Delegation

-    Follow iOS best practices to design, construct and test non-trivial iOS apps with a web service component


For this assessment, you are required to demonstrate the progress you have achieved on the development of your nal mobile app (Assessment 4), which will be based on your designs    from Assessment 1. From the time you receive feedback for Assessment 1, you should be    using your lab class and private study time to develop your final assessment app.

During each lab class from Week 8– 12, you will have the opportunity to demonstrate the    current design and functionality of your app, via an interview with your lab demonstrator. As part of this, they will also review and discuss the underlying code of the app.

This assessment provides you with the opportunity to discuss development progress and receive feedback. You can talk with your demonstrator about any issues that have arisen during development and decide if your project scope needs to be changed.

You are required to employ version control to back up your development history in a private   Monash GitLab repository. This repository must be shared with your demonstrator, providing them maintainer-level access.

For each demonstration, you should present a running app, though it is acceptable for some functionality to be absent or for there to be bugs. While you will still be working on your app  during the Weeks 8– 12 lab class, you need to be ready to give the demo of a working app   when your demonstrator asks. This means you might need to employ the use of Git stashes or branches to be able to show the last working version while you are busy working on the   next addition.

Marking Criteria:

This assessment is worth 16% of the total marks for this unit, with each prototype worth 4%.

Your mark (as a 0.5 increment) will be based on the overall development progress, visual design of the app and the quality of the implemented functionality and code, as per marking criteria below.




No progress. The student was absent from the lab, had no prototype to demonstrate or showed no or negligible progress


Unsatisfactory progress and quality. The student has made some progress, but less than would be expected in a week of work for FIT3178, or work is of low quality, i.e., badly designed / goes against best-practice as taught in the unit.


Satisfactory progress and quality. The student has clearly put in reasonable eort and made adequate implementation progress this week. Their work is of satisfactory quality, with some parts incomplete or opportunities for improvement.


Strong progress and quality. The student has made strong progress this week. They   implemented an impressive amount of functionality completed to a high quality, though still with room for improvement


Excellent progress and quality. The student has made outstanding progress and their implementation work this week is of impressive quality, and couldnt be any better.

Since every student’s app design is different and it makes sense to develop the functionality of different apps in different orders, it is not possible to give a detailed description of expected     weekly development progress, but some example progress for a week of work are outlined     below.

Your project timeline and scope outlined in your specification (Assessment 1) should serve as a guide for the functionality you develop each week, though this should be continually revised in consultation with your demonstrator. You can also discuss any implementation difficulties  you are encountering.

As a guide, you should be spending a minimum of 9 hours a week working on your final assessment from Week 7 onwards. This includes your 3 hours of scheduled lab time (where this assessment happens and where you may do optional lab exercises where these are relevant to your assessment) and 6 hours of private study time.

The scope of the lab exercises plus extension activities should serve as examples of reasonable progress that could be expected in one week.  Some examples of reasonable weekly progress could be:

Fully implementing 2–3 view controllers and their associated logic and communication.

●   Implemented data persistence layer including implementation of data and/or model classes.

●   Implemented communication with backend service or web API, including demonstrated connectivity and parsing of responses to classes/structs.

●   Implementation of navigation hierarchy for the app including UI elements and corresponding custom classes, outlets and action stubs.

You should be prepared to answer questions about your design and implementation decisions:

Why have you made the visual and interface design choices you have made?

●   How have you developed your solution thus far and how have you approached implementation challenges?

●   How have you approached testing your application and your methodology? (Especially, towards the due date for nal app submission.)

Submission Requirements:

You are required to attend your assigned lab from Weeks 8– 12 and participate in interviews to demonstrate the functionality of your app and the underlying code. As part of your prototype  demonstration, your demonstrator will give you verbal feedback on your progress with respect to the development of the app, and suggest improvements for work implemented or partially  implemented so far.

Prior to each of the weekly prototype demonstrations you are required to commit and push the current version of your code to your project repository on the Monash GitLab server.    Intermediate versions of code in your commit history will not be assessed, but effective Git usage will be assessed. The Git history may also be used to ensure academic integrity.

Absence and Special Consideration

Failure to commit and share your code or to attend your allocated Weeks 8– 12 lab classes   without prior consultation with your demonstrator will result in a mark of 0 being awarded for that week’s assessment.

If you are unable to attend your weekly lab classes due to circumstances beyond your control, you may be able to apply for special consideration and give this demonstration later. Special   consideration applications must be sent to Monash Connect via: https://www.monash.edu/connect/forms/modules/course/special-consideration.  Supporting documentation will need to be submitted with the application.

Generative AI tools are restricted for certain functions in this assessment task

In this assessment, you can use generative artificial intelligence (AI) in order to conduct  background research only, however, we strongly discourage it as it doesn’t give its sources, and it may not give correct answers or best-practice. Any use of generative AI must be appropriately acknowledged (see Learn HQ) including specifying the prompts used.