关键词 > COMP3000



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Please submit the answers to the following questions in Brightspace by the due time indicated in the submission entry. There are 20 points in total + 6 bonus points (weight: 0.25).

Submit your answers as a gzipped tarball "username-comp3000-assign3.tar.gz" (where username is your MyCarletonOne username). Do NOT just submit a file of another format (e.g., txt or docx) by renaming it to .tar.gz. Unlike tutorials, assignments are graded for the correctness of the answers.

The tarball you submit must contain the following (applicable to all assignments):

1.  A plaintext file containing your solutions to all questions, including explanations.

2.  A README.txt file listing the contents of your submission as well as any information the TAs should know when grading your assignment. Without this file, grading will be based on the TA’s understanding.

3.  For each question, where applicable, a C file for your modified version of the original file. This should include all required changes for that question. This way, you can avoid something wrong with one    question affecting another question.

4.  Diff files showing the modifications, by comparing each submitted C file above and the original: for example, diff -c 3000original.c 3000modified.c > 3000.diff. Avoid moving around or  changing existing code (unless necessary) which may be distracting.

For this assignment, you need to submit code for question 2 and question 6 in part 1, and question 7.d if you choose to answer it

You can use this command to create the tarball: tar zcvf username-comp3000-assign3.tar.gz your_assignment_directory. **Don’t forget to include your plaintext file!!**

No other formats will be accepted. Submitting in another format will likely result in your assignment not being graded and you receiving no marks for this assignment. In particular, do not submit an MS Word, OpenOffice, or PDF file as your answers document!

As a student learning operating system, you are expected to be able to handle file transfer properly using necessary commands such as ssh, scp or rsync. Otherwise (which happens), please set aside time by     completing your assignment enough long before the due time, then you may ask a TA, the instructor, or another student for any file transfer issue. Then, you can keep working on it and override your submission by uploading a new tarball before it is due.

For your convenience,here are a few commands(among many others) to download a file from your Openstack VM. You need to run the command on your PC, not your Openstack VM.

Empty or corrupted tarballs may be given a grade of zero, so please double check your submission by downloading and extracting it.

Don't forget to include what outside resources you used to complete each of your answers, including other   students, and web resources. You do not need to list help from the instructor, TA, or information found in the textbook or man pages.

Use of any outside resources verbatim as your answer (like copy-paste or quotation) is not allowed, and will be treated as unauthorized collaboration (and reported as plagiarism).

Please do NOT post assignment solutions on MS Teams or Brightspace (or other platforms not used in the course such as Discord) or it will be penalized. Moreover, posting the assignment questions to any external forums/websites is NOT permitted and will also be penalized/reported.

Questions  part 1 [16 + BONUS]

The following questions (where applicable) will be based on the original3000test.c

in Tutorial 5. Remember to delete unneeded large files after completing this


You can make full use of the man” pages.

Definition: a sparse file is a file with holes”, which means not all data blocks are allocated (blocks containing just 0’s will not be allocated until written to; the        corresponding data pointers in the inode just point to NULL, i.e., 0).

Create a sparse file (file with holes”) with: truncate -s 256M myfile1

Create another one: dd if=/dev/zero of=myfile2 bs=1M count=1 seek=255 Create a 3rd one: dd if=/dev/null of=myfile3 bs=1M count=1 seek=256  Create a 4th one: dd if=/dev/urandom of=myfile4 bs=1M count=1

Always examine the size of the files with ls -ls in this part.

1.   [2] Why do myfile2 and myfile3 have the same logical size? Be specific and explain with numbers.

2.   [3] Modify the code so that it is able to count the number of null bytes (whose value is 0) instead of “a” . Which to count is controlled by how it is called. Specifically:

(first compile it into an executable 3000test like before)

$ ln -s 3000test 3000test-a

$ ln -s 3000test 3000test-0

Then, when you provide myfile1 above as input to 3000test-0, you should see:

$ ./3000test-0 myfile1

File myfile1:

inode 10505711

length 268435456

null count 268435456

If you provide myfile1 as input to 3000test-a: (since it does not contain any ‘a’)

$ ./3000test-a myfile1

File myfile1:

inode 10505711

length 268435456

a count 0

3.  [1] In Question 2, 3000test has traversed all the bytes in myfile1. If you check the physical and logical sizes using  ls -ls” , you’ll see they still remain the same as before. Why didn’t the traversal cause actual allocation for those holes?

4.  [1] Let’s make a copy of myfile2:

$ dd if=myfile2 of=myfile2.bck

What happened to myfile2.bck?

[1] Find the option to be used with cp, so that the cp command can optimize space allocation and

maximize the holes of a file:

$ cp [some_option] myfile2 myfile2.cp

$ cp [some_option] myfile2.bck myfile2.bck.cp

The physical size of both myfile2.cp and myfile2.bck.cp will be zero.

5.  [1] If you use 3000test-0 to process myfile4, you can see that the number of null bytes is high. See the example below but your actual number will vary.

$ ./3000test-0 myfile4

File myfile4:

inode 10505712

length 1048576

null count 7265

Why was myfile4 NOT optimized to become a sparse file by the file system (or the cp option you found in question 4) despite the many 0’s?

6.  [4] Use the unmodified version of 3000test. In this question, you will be able to have a concrete sense of the benefit of mmap(). The lines 54 – 79 are to count the occurrences of the character ‘a’ if the file is a regular file. Change the code to use pread() and avoid using mmap() (line 59, and correspondingly line 74) but not affect the current behavior. So, the program should still output the   right number of a’s in a regular file. You must use pread().

Caveat: pay attention to performance when using pread(). If it’s extremely slower than the original, you may lose marks. Use of malloc() is recommended (otherwise you may have issues with static memory allocation).

7.  You may have noticed in Tutorial 3 that, the C struct dirent also contains the file type information d_type (see man readdir) such as DT_REG for regular files. This way, you can avoid reading the actual inode with stat() unless needed, which may improve performance when

processing a large number of files in the same directory (not our case though).

Next, let’s avoid calling stat()just for a change:

a.   [1] State the main reason why it will not be a good idea to use d_type in place of st_mode

for 3000test’s purpose from the perspective of programming/implementation. Do not consider portability/compatibility.

b.   [1] Even though we can use d_type for the file type check and avoid calling stat(), what information needed by 3000test is still missing?

c.    [1] What will be a significant behavior change of 3000test after you have switched to struct dirent?

Hint: look at line 45 in the original code and recall what you learned in Tutorial 5.

d.   [6 BONUS] This question might become easier if your solution is based on the modification

in Question 6 above.

Now, implement the change to avoid calling stat(). Hint: you can mimic what is done in 3000shell (in Tutorial 3), specifically starting from lines 158 and 164. Alternatively, you can also consider using scandir ().

3000test must function like the original version, except that you don’t need to print the missing information mentioned in 7.b.

It is also optional to address the behavior change mentioned in 6.c above. You cannot call stat() (or any of its variants).

Basically, you just need to replace any code involving statbuf and stat ().

Note: no partial marks are considered unless for very minor issues.

Questions  part 2 [4]

No code submission for this part.

8.  [3] Recall that you created a new user called someuser (or a different name of your choice) in Tutorial 4. Assume that someuser is an attacker (or has fallen into the attacker’s hands), i.e., the attacker is now logged in as someuser. No other access/privilege is considered. Now, based on our past discussions in this course, what are the two layers of defense technically that prevent the attacker from learning the plaintext password of the user student? Be specific.

9.  [1] We already said there’s no true atomicity as any operation (e.g., to increment a value in a memory location) is likely divisible into multiple machine instructions. Mutual exclusion is usually     considered to be an equivalent. However, obviously, mutual exclusion mechanisms can also be      divided into multiple machine instructions. For instance, the function to acquire a lock/mutex can be interrupted leading the lock to be acquired by two processes, defeating its purpose.

Why is mutual exclusion able to achieve atomicity? Put another way, what enables mutual exclusion mechanisms to achieve atomicity?