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Stat 20 - Lab 5: People’s Park


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Stat 20 - Lab 5: People’s Park

Part I: Understanding the Context of the Data

Lab 5.1: Peoples Park

Part II: Computing on the Data


The data collected by the Chancellor’s Office on Cal students can be found as ppk in the stat20data package.

The ppk data set represents a subset of questions that were asked in the questionnaire and have had random noise added to them. The results, in aggregate, share similar statistical properties to the raw data, but a given row no longer reflects an individual student’s response completely.

Question 9

Return to your sketches from question 7 here in the lab. Create those visualizations (or more appropriate analogues) using the questionnaire data. For each, add a title and axis labels to make it clear what they are showing, and describe the distribution in words. If your visualization is of ordinal data, the bars should be ordered accordingly. For question 9 you’ re welcome to select just three of the priorities to visualize.

a. Question 9

b. Question 10

c. Question 18 and 21 (showing the change from before and after the information in one plot)

Question 10

Create a new column called support_before that takes the response data from question 18 and returns TRUE for answers of “Very strongly support”,   “Strongly support”, and   “Somewhat support” and FALSE otherwise. What proportion of the survey participants in each class (freshman, sophomore, etc) supported the People’s Park Project before being presented with the information on the bottom of page 14?

Question 11

What is the mean and median rating of the condition of People’s Park (question 15 on the survey)?

Question 12

Create a new column called change_in_support that measures the change in support from question 18 to 21. What is the average change in support of the survey participants in each class (freshman, sophomore, etc) for the People’s Park Project after reading the information?

Question 13

Construct one addition visualization that captures a variable or relationship between two variables that you are interested in. Describe the structure that you see in the plot.

Question 14

Create two 95% confidence intervals for the mean rating of the condition of People’s Park   using both the bootstrap and the normal curve. Interpret the interval in the context of the problem in a clear sentence. Which method for making the CI, if any, would you expect to be more accurate?

Question 15

Create two 95% confidence intervals for the overall proportion of students that support the People’s Park Project without having been exposed to the information on page 14 using both the bootstrap and the normal curve. Interpret the interval in the context of the problem in a clear sentence. Which method for making the CI, if any, would you expect to be more accurate?

Question 16

Create two 95% confidence intervals for the overall change in support the Project before and after being exposed to the information on page 14 using both the bootstrap and the normal curve. Which method for making the CI, if any, would you expect to be more accurate?

Question 17

Does your interval from Question 16 contain 0? What are the implications of that for those working in the Chancellor’s Office on the People’s Park Project?