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FIT1050 Web Fundamentals 2023 Semester 1 Assignment 3


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FIT1050 Web Fundamentals

2023 Semester 1

Assignment 3 (30%, individual assessment)

Website Development and Report: Build a Website Homepage

Using an approved website template, develop a homepage for the Australian small business that your group selected for Assignment 2. The design of the webpage does not need to be the same as your group's redesign mockup - this assignment will give you the opportunity to create and implement a new design using what you have learned in Assignment 2.

You will also write a short report that explains 5 important decisions relating to key aspects of the homepage design you have implemented.

Approved Website Templates

You must develop your website using one of the website templates available on the following website: https://www.tooplate.com/free-templates

✅ Only choose a template from the "Free HTML Templates" page linked above. ⛔ Do not use any templates from the "576+ CSS Templates" link on the website. ⛔ Do not use a template downloaded from a different website.

Website Content and Technical Guidelines

Use Chrome’s DevTools and a code editor to customise the template. Develop a homepage  only - no other pages are required. Navigation links in the page do not need to be functional.

●   Change all text and image content in the template.

●   Customise colours, backgrounds, and fonts to change the visual design.

●   Add, remove, and rearrange content sections within the template.

●   Implement new features and remove unnecessary ones.

You must also demonstrate a basic understanding of client-side scripting by researching and implementing at least 1 useful interactive feature using JavaScript code. You may write original code (e.g. based on lab activities) or make use of downloaded third-party scripts.

Server-side scripting (i.e. PHP) is not required and will not be assessed in this assignment.

The website must be uploaded to a web host for final testing (covered in week 12).

●   The website must have a favicon that is appropriate for your website.

●   Images must be optimised for web delivery

●   Unnecessary files must be identified and removed.

Report Guidelines

Write a short report between 750-1250 words justifying some important decisions you made when designing and developing the website.

Include the following information at the start of the report:

●   The URL where your hosted website can be accessed online.

●   An overview of your site topic and purpose.

●   The specific target demographic that the site is designed to appeal to.

In your report, provide a justification for the most important decision made for each of the following key aspects of your website:

1.   Site content or major features

2.  Visual design style

3.  Image optimisation

4.  Accessibility

5.  JavaScript interaction

Your justifications must address features that have been implemented in the website, applying theory covered in this unit or demonstrating further supporting research.

Use of Online Resources

The report must include references for all non-original resources used in your website.

●   The website template that the assignment is based on.

●   All non-original text that you have researched.

●   All download images and any other media content.

●   Researched code, including downloaded scripts and online tutorials.

●   Linked/embedded resources, including videos, webfonts and JavaScript code.

Downloaded images must have a licence that allows free commercial use. Public Domain or Creative Commons licensed images are preferred, but other licences that allow free            commercial use will be allowed (check with your tutor if you are unsure).

Images that only contain a logo (website logo, social media icons) do not require a free commercial use licence, but must still be referenced.

Formal referencing style is not required. References may be in the form of a title/filename and source URL. References are not included in the report’s word count.

Use of AI Content Generation Tools

Generative AI tools are restricted for certain functions in this assessment task

In this assessment, you can use generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools for the following:

●   Images used as media content in your website.

●   Text used as content in your website.

Generative artificial intelligence tools are not permitted for writing HTML, CSS or JavaScript code for your website, or for generating text in your report.

All use of generative artificial intelligence for website content must be acknowledged in your report's references. Declaration of generated materials must include:

●   Clear identication of the generated images and/or text.

●   Acknowledging specific generative artificial intelligence tools used.

●   Providing the prompts you used to generate each piece of content.

For more information and examples, refer to Monash Learn HQ.

Deliverables and Submission

   A single ZIP file containing your website folder

○   Include all les required to view your website.

○   Remove files that are not required to view your website.

○   The total size of your website folder must be less than 25MB before compressing as a ZIP file.

   Website development report as a PDF file

○   Upload your website to a web host and include a URL at the start of the report to access your hosted website.

○   Include references for your website and report at the end of the document.

Submission Due: Friday Week 12, 11:55PM