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BMI602 Data Analysis and Business Modelling Assessment 1


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Assessment Brief – BMI602

Assessment 1 - Details

Data Analysis and Business Modelling


You can submit your answer as a Word, Excel or PowerPoint document. But whatever approach you choose, make sure that your answers are clearly articulated.

Some questions have unique answers, whereas others offer you the opportunity to provide a richer, more researched answer. You have the opportunity to potentially gain additional  marks by demonstrating your advanced knowledge of databases and data analysis, where appropriate.

For this assessment we are using a case study based around the Channel-MOR Project. You may find it useful to begin by making yourself familiar with the project by reading the Channel MOR Project Brief, especially the Executive Summary, found under the Assessment 1 tab in Moodle.

Download the Channel-MOR database on Moodle and complete the tasks detailed.

1.          Using the Installations” tab, design a query and prepare a table listing all the windfarms in the UK that are installed.  The table should include their location, the number of turbines, and the power generation capability.  Order the table decreasing number of turbines.  In your submission, make sure you explain how you undertook  this query and make the results clear. (10 marks)

2.          Using the installation and type tabs evaluate the number of each type of renewable energy generation.  Illustrate this with a table and appropriate graph. (10 marks).

3.          Create a table that shows the installed windfarms in the world .  Calculate the total installed capacity per country.  In your submission, make sure you explain how  you undertook this query and make the results clear. (10 marks)

4.          Review the “Location, Region” column in the Installations” tab .  How good is this data?  How easy would it be to create, for example, a regional query to compare the installed capacity in different regions of the UK? (10 marks)

5.          Using the “firms’ tab, how many potential suppliers are located in the county of Kent in the UK?  In your submission, make sure you explain how you undertook   this query and make the results clear. (10 marks)

6.          Using the “activities” tab, establish which “supply chain model” code, relates to “Power Generation Devices” .  Take this code and then, using the Supplying” tab, work out which firms provide this capability. You might also need to use the Firms” tab to establish their details from the code found on the “Supplying tab. (20 marks)

7.          For the country where you currently live, using the “Installations” tab, calculate the current power generated, and how this may increase in the future. (10 marks)

8.          What type of database has been provided for this assessment. What other type of database could have been used. What are their advantages and disadvantages? (20 marks)