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CSIT121 Object Oriented Design and Programming Assignment 3


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Object Oriented Design and Programming

Assignment 3

April 2023 – May 2023

1. Objectives

On completion of this assignment a student should be able to write a Java application that:

•  Makes use of Java API "Swing" and "AWT" packages

•  Handles generated events

•  Makes use of layout manager to organize the GUI components

•  Know how to apply and design a program using object-oriented concepts

2. Task

Enhance the one player Java game application "HighSum" done in Assignment 1 with Graphical User Interface (GUI).

2.1 Login

The game starts by the player logging into the game.


2.2 Play Game

The game starts after the player click on “Login” .

First, the dealer will shuffles the deck .

(You may include animation in this frame to simulate “shuffle” effect as enhancement.)


Then the dealer deals two cards from the top of the deck to the player and itself.

Since the player’s last card is higher than the dealer’s last card, the player gets to Call the game.


Assume the player states 10 as the bet chips.

The player’s chip will be deducted by 10.

The chips on table will be updated to 20 and the dealer deals cards for next round.

Assume the dealer’s last card is higher than the player’s last card.

The dealer Call the game and the player gets to choose to Follow or Quit the game.        If the player follows the game, 10 chips will be deducted from the player’s balance chips. (Asumme the dealer place 10 chips.)


The games carry on for maximum of four rounds.

In the last round, the player with the highest total sum wins the game.


And the game continues until the player exits the game.

Error Handling

Your program should be able to handle error situations like where a player enter wrong password or has insufficient chips.

You should look out for other possible exceptions and handle them too.

Game Data

All required data (e.g. player login name, passwords and chips) maybe hardcoded.

3.  Submission

A complete submission requires the following items:

a.UOW Assignment Submission Cover Page

https://www.uow.edu.au/engineering-information-sciences/current-students/assignments/ b.Report

c.Java codes

Compress the above into a zip file and upload to Moodle. (DO NOT embed the zip file into the report word document)

Assignment must be uploaded to Moodle before the deadline. Any late submission of work must be accompanied by an application for Special Consideration, requested via SOLS. Unless an extension is granted, any late submission will receive a penalty of 25% of its total worth per day including    weekends, and will result in zero mark being recorded on or after the 4th late day. Request for      extension with supporting document must be submitted to SIM administration for further              consideration before the submission date and the tutor must be informed. Extension will be          granted on a case-by-case basis.


The report to be submitted consists of the following sections:

1. Classes design :

Draw all the Class diagram (UML standards) with the class name, attributes and methods clearly stated.

2. Test-run of Program:

You have to provide screen outputs (similar to those shown in Section 2 Task Game Play       Module) to show the correct execution of your program according to the requirements stated. The required test runs are : Login, Dealer wins, Player wins and Player quit.

3. Error Handling:

List down the errors and exceptions that your program can handle. Provide screen captures here. (There should be at least 4 error cases . Work out those error cases yourself.)

4. Any Other Comments:

State any other comments here, including any points to take note of if the tutor is to test run the program.

4.  Demonstration

You will be required to conduct a demonstration of how your program works. At the same time, you may be asked questions so as to test your understanding of the work done and the relevant Java programming concepts applied.

5.  Plagiarism

The University's policy on copying does not allow you to copy software as well as your assessment  solutions from another person. Copying of another person's work is unacceptable.  It is the            responsibility of all students that their assessment solutions are their own work. You must also       ensure that others do not obtain access to your solutions for the purpose of copying a part of them.

Where such plagiarism is detected, both of the assessments involved will receive ZERO mark.

6.  Evaluation Criteria (total 10 marks)



Correctness of program execution


Error Handling



(deck shuffle anmation)