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BISM2206 Accounting Information and Software Applications Semester One Final Examinations, 2020


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Semester One Final Examinations, 2020

BISM2206 Accounting Information and Software Applications

Section A (10 Marks)

Question 1 (10 marks/10 minutes)

Please study and complete the following table by stating whether the characteristics of the information supporting these decision-making types:

(a)  are ill-defined or well-defined;

(b)  use internal or external information;

(c)  use internal or external information sources;

(d)  use future-oriented or historical information;

(e)  are frequent or infrequent;

(f)   use more or less accurate information.

In the final column of the table, please provide one (1) example for each type of decision-making that illustrates and confirms your assessment of the information characteristics for each decision type.

Hint: Some parts of the table have been completed for you. You are not to change this                information. 0.5 mark for each correctly aligned information characteristic, and 1 mark for each appropriate example that confirms the characteristics in light of the decision type.

Section B (40 marks)

All the questions in this section relate to your major assignment during the semester.

Question 1 (10 marks/10 minutes)

(a)        Describe the detail of the transaction being performed in the following screen. (5 marks)

(b)        Give the journal entry that MYOB made as a result of the transaction in part (a)

(Note: account numbers are not required, just use account names.) (5 marks)

Answer Section B, Question 1(a) and Question 1(b) here:

Question 2 (10 marks/10 minutes)

(a)        Describe the detail of the transaction being performed in the following screen. (5 marks)

(b)        Give the journal entry that MYOB made as a result of the transaction in part (a)

(Note: account numbers are not required, just use account names.) (5 marks)

Answer Section B, Question 2(a) and Question 2(b) here:

Question 3 (10 marks/10 minutes)

(a)        Describe the detail of the transaction being performed in the following screen. (5 marks)

(b)        Give the journal entry that MYOB made as a result of the transaction in part (a)

(Note: account numbers are not required, just use account names.) (5 marks)

Answer Section B, Question 3(a) and Question 3(b) here:

Section B, Question 4 (10 marks/10 minutes)

Based on the following small extract from Polis Grocers Inc., fill in the missing activities in the table of Entities and Activities presented below. (1 mark per correct activity labelled)

Extract, Polis Grocers Inc.

To enter an order, the customer must log on to the Polis Web site with a user-name and password. Using the customer database, the system confirms that the customer has a refrigerator unit in place and that the customer is in good standing. Once approved, the customer can browse the product list that is generated from the inventory database and add items from the shopping cart. When finished, the customer proceeds to the checkout screen to authorize the billing amount to be charged to his or her account. When the order is submitted, items are allocated in the inventory database, and a new order is recorded in the order database. In the warehouse, a clerk downloads an outstanding order from the order database to a handheld computer. The downloaded order provides an electronic picking ticket for use in assembling the customer’s order.


Activity (type your answer in the rows below)

1. Customer

2. Computer

3. Computer

4. Computer

5. Customer

6. Customer

7. Customer

8. Computer

9. Computer

10. Computer

Section C (70 marks)

Question 1 (12 marks/12 minutes)

With regard to the Inventory process control goals of effectiveness of operations, efficiency of operations, and resource security,

(a)   Give two (2) example controls for each of the three process control goals. (6 marks)

(b)   For each of the three process control goals, select one example control from

your answer to (a).  Explain how the control supports the production planning process, and the risks to the production process if such a control was not in     place.

(6 marks 2 marks for each explanation of how the production planning process is supported and the risks to the production process if the control was not in place)

Answer Section C, Question 1(a) and Question 1(b) here:

Question 2 (18 marks/20 minutes)

Thinking  about  your  MYOB  project  and  the  MYOB  evaluation  grids, evaluate MYOB’s  Sales/Order  Entry  module  in  terms  of  each  aspect  listed  in  the  table below.   In  your   response,   include  an appropriate example to  support  your evaluation.

(6 marks for each aspect, i.e., one mark per appropriate evaluation point up to 4 marks for each aspect, and 2 marks for each relevant example supporting the evaluation points)

Question 3 (10 marks, 2 marks each correct answer/10 minutes)

The following is a list of six control plans (A-F). Please match the control plans to each of the control goals and system deficiencies identified in five different         companies in the table, below.

Control plans:

A.  Digital signature

B.  Manually reconcile batch totals

C.  Preformatted screens

D.  One-for-one checking of the goods, picking tickets and sales order

E.  Independent shipping authorization

F.  Turn around document

Control goals and system deficiencies:

1.   Zagreb, Inc. receives sales order on its Web server. Several times each day these are downloaded to the order entry and sales system. During the download          process several line items are lost.

2.   When goods arrive at Toronto Company’s warehouse, the shipping clerk keys in  the sales order number to retrieve the sales order. Often, the clerk keys the sales order number incorrectly and the wrong sales order is displayed.

3.   Central Incorporated’s customer send orders over the internet. Central is concerned that some of the orders are fraudulent.

4.   Landon, Inc. customers are complaining that they are not receiving the correct items and quantities that they ordered.

5.   In reviewing the shipping document controls, the internal auditors at Treamore   Company think they have found the potential for fraudulent activity. The process appears to allow warehouse employees to ship goods without proper                     authorization.

Control goals and system deficiencies

Matching control plans






Question 4 (30 marks/30 minutes)

(a)      Relative to their objectives and outputs, briefly describe the three major

subsystems within the real-world production/conversion system of a

manufacturing organization in the table, below.

(15 marks, 5 marks per correct description up to a maximum of 5 marks

per subsystem)



1. Product




2. Planning and Scheduling



3. Production/Manufacturing



(b)     Complete the functions of the billing/debtors/cash system by filling in the missing

words in the table, below. (5 marks)


Missing words

Customer billing for


Receipt and processing of

and services

Managing customer

timely payment

Assessing and providing




(c)      In the sales/OE system, when a customer’s order is entered into the system, and before accepting the order, the system usually checks the customer master data, the accounts receivable master data, and the inventory master data . In the table below,  briefly  describe why those  master  data  stores  are  checked  prior to the customer’s order being accepted.

(10 marks. 2 marks for customer, 6 marks for accounts receivable, and 2 marks for inventory)