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FINA403 Derivatives Assignment 2 2023


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Assignment 2


1    PDE option pricing

supershare option” is an option that provides payoff:

f(ST ) = {0(S)T /XL

if XL  ≤ ST  < XH


The price of such an option is given by:

wt =       [N(d1 ) − N(d2 )] ,


d1                 log(St /XL ) + (r + σ2 /2)(T t)

σ ^T t

2      =

1. Sketch the payoff of a supershare option (as a function of ST ).

2. Confirm that the supershare option pricing formula satisfies the boundary condition for the option’s payoff.

3. Show that

w            1                                        1

∂S           XL                                             σXL ^T − t

=                         (N\ (d1 ) − N\ (d2 )) +                        (d2 N\ (d2 ) − d1 N\ (d1 ))

    =    id1 N\ (d1 ) − d2 N\ (d2 ) + 2 (  + ) ^T t[N\ (d2 ) − N\ (d1 )]] . Hint: for , it may help to know that N\\ (d) = −dN\ (d) .

4. Hence, confirm that the supershare option pricing formula satisfies the Black-Scholes PDE.

2    Martingale option pricing

A stock price follows:

dSt = µSt dt + σSt dW.

1. A digital call option provides payoff (at time T):

f(ST ) =

Use risk-neutral valuation to write down a formula for the option’s price. Hint:  You may find it useful to write down what the option’s payoff is in terms of the log stock price at maturity.

2. A forward start option”does not initially have a known strike price.  Instead, part way through its life, the strike price is set equal to the current stock price.  Mathematically, an option which matures at time T has its

strike price set at time τ to be equal to Sτ  where 0 < τ < T. We consider (here) a forward start call option.

(a) What is the option’s value at time τ (as a function of Sτ )? .

(b) Using your answer to 2a, show that the value of a forward start option satisfies:

f0  = S0  [N ((  + ) ^T − τ)− er(Tτ)N ((  ) ^T − τ)] .

(c) A cliquet” is a security which offers an investor a sequence of (say) quarterly payments. Each payment is equal to:

max(St St −0 .25 , 0) ,

so that the investor receives, each quarter, the profit they would have received from holding the stock, if it is positive, or zero otherwise.  Using your price for a forward start option, what is an appropriate pricing formula for a two year cliquet?

3    How well does delta hedging work?

Both our arguments concerning option pricing are predicated on the idea that we can dynamically replicate an option’s payoff by trading the underlying stock.  This question examines the hedging strategy proposed by the martingale approach to see how it fares.

The file FINA403 assign2 data.xlsx contains simulated data for a stock with µ = 0.08 and σ = 0.20.  Assume r = 0.03. Each step is 0.01 years.

1. For each observation, calculate a call option price, with strike 50, maturing at time 0.5 (the end of the data series).

2. For each observation, calculate the option’s delta.

3. At each point in time, what are ϕ and ψ (the holdings of stocks and bonds you would have in your portfolio)?

4. Is this portfolio self financing?  i.e. could you afford to buy the time t portfolio with your holdings from time t − ∆t? If not, what are the cash flows required at each time?

5. What happens if you only rebalance the portfolio every ten steps?