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BISM7206 Information Retrieval and Management Assessment Task 2 - Team Project: Formatting and Submission Requirements


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BISM7206 Information Retrieval and Management

Assessment Task 2 - Team Project:

Formatting and Submission Requirements

Semester 1 2023


This document specifies the formatting and submission requirements for BISM7206 Assessment Task 2 – Team Project. The guidelines in this document should be read in conjunction with the Assessment Task 2 - Team Project: Description and Specifications " document. The marking rubric will be made available as  a  separate  document  on Blackboard and  should  be  used  as  a guide to the  expectations  of this assessment task. Similarly, the Group Peer Assessment instructions and requirements will be made available on Blackboard.

Group Peer Assessment will be considered in the marking of your assignment and is based on each team member's rating of their peers' contribution to the project. Please follow the Group Peer Assessment

Instructions on Blackboard.

For your team to work together successfully, we strongly recommend that each student complete the suggested modules in the 'Working in Teams' edX course.


Type: Team Project

Due Dates: Report – 3pm Monday 22 May 2023 (Week 13)

Peer Assessment – 3pm Friday 26 May 2023 (Week 13)

Weighting: 40%

In Brief:

You are required to design and develop a well-structured relational database for Smart Farming Systems  (SFS) which  is a  business system storing  information about farming activities, from monitoring fields and using drones for pesticide delivery to creating the perfect greenhouse climate and harvesting. The information stored in the SFS is described in the background narrative/case study. The background narrative and the assignment specifications and deliverables are outlined in the Assessment Task 2 – Team Project: Description and Specifications’ document on Blackboard. You will write a professional business report addressing the assignment description and specifications and you will format  your  report  in  accordance  with  the  following  task  deliverables,  format  and submission guidelines.

Task Deliverables

This is a group assignment that requires students to submit certain deliverables as specified in Assessment Task 2 – Team Project: Description and Specifications. The following deliverables should be incorporated into your business report as one single Word document (not PDF):

Professionally written and formatted business report.

Written responses where required.

Relational Data Model using Crows Foot notation.

Data dictionary formatted as tables in your document (Landscape Orientation recommended).

Relational schema (Landscape Orientation recommended).

●    Copies of SQL scripts from the SQL Query Panel to address the requirements in section 4) Cleanse and import data.

●    An image of the SQL Result Grid after executing SQL Queries where specified in section 4) Cleanse and import data.

Business management questions and database queries.

Please note additional formatting requirements for these deliverables in the following section.



-     Your report should be written and formatted as a professional business report according to the structure specified in Chapter 3: Report Writing in the following text:

Summers, J. & Smith, B., 2014. Communication Skills Handbook, 4th ed.,

Milton, Qld., John Wiley & Sons.

-     The Communication Skills  Handbook can  be found  in the  UQ  Library and a scanned copy of Chapter 3: Report Writing may also be accessed at the link via our on the BISM7206 Blackboard site menu.

- You do not need to include an assignment cover sheet nor a letter of transmittal, however, headers and footers should be included in your report although not on the title page.

-      Each of your team members should be listed on the title page (first name, last name, and student number) as well as your team’s name and tutor’s name, tutorial day and time.


-      If you paraphrase or directly quote any work that is not your own, you must acknowledge the original source using the UQ Harvard referencing style.

Relational Data Model:

-     Your Relational Data Model should be drawn with app.diagrams.net (hand-drawn diagrams are not professional and not acceptable). Your model must be saved as an image (e.g. png) and then pasted into your Word document. Do not embed the link to your drawing as this will not be marked and you will receive zero marks for the Relational Data Model.

MySQL scripts:

-     Your SQL scripts (code/statements) must be copied from MySQL Workbench and pasted into your Microsoft Word document (not as an image). Do not embed links to .sql files as these will not be marked and you will receive zero marks for your SQL scripts.

-      Where specified, take a screenshot of the SQL Result Grid after executing the SQL Queries and paste the image into your report.

Assignment Submission

Only one member of your team will submit a copy of your report. This team member will also be responsible for sharing the assignment feedback after the assignments are marked.

Assignments must be submitted electronically through Turnitin. For instructions on how to submit your assignment through Turnitin, refer to the following link: Submit your assignment. Please do not submit your assignment by email to the Course Coordinator or your Tutor as it will not be marked, and a late penalty may be applied.

Your document must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document not PDF format. PDF submissions will not be marked, and a late penalty may be applied if you have to resubmit your assignment in the correct format.

You must name your document with the following elements:

•    your tutor’s initials and the tutorial number,

•    your project team name,

and then BISM7206’ .

Each of the above elements are to be separated by an underscore’, for example:


This file name should also be used as the submission title in Turnitin.

Note: Each project team MUST be able to produce a copy of their assignment if requested and this copy MUST be produced within 24 hours of it being requested by the Course Co-ordinator. Failure to produce the second copy of the assignment when requested may result in loss of marks or a fail grade for the assignment.

The assessment link will remain open for late submissions, but late submission penalties will apply in accordance with the Course Profile where an approved extension has not been granted. Please discuss any problems that may lead to a late submission as soon as possible. Extensions are only permitted in line with the process identified in the Course Profile and University policy.

Unless an extension has been granted by the Course Coordinator, assignments submitted after the due date and time, will incur a late submission penalty. The penalty is at the rate of 5% of the total available marks for that particular piece of assessment, for each calendar day or part thereof that the item is overdue.

When you submit your assignment via Turnitin, this act will certify that you have acknowledged and understand the Plagiarism Statute of the University of Queensland. Penalties apply for plagiarism.

Additional Information

Some guidance will be given to students in class on how to undertake the assignment. If you are unsure how to  undertake  any  part  of the  assignment, you  are  expected to  review the  BISM7206  learning resources, read the textbook, research the problem and discuss with your team members. If your team is still uncertain, please post your questions to the Discussion Board on Blackboard so that all students will benefit from any given advice. The Assessment Item 2 – Team Project forum will be monitored and replied to by the BISM7206 teaching team thereby maintaining consistency in advice and serving as a platform to share this advice with all students. However, do not expect questions to be answered if your question is clearly addressed in the course materials. Before posting your question to the Discussion Board, please consider the topic your question relates to and post it under the relevant topic thread. It becomes impossible to navigate within the forum if each question is posted as a new thread.

Academic Integrity

Please note that this is a group assignment but sharing outside of your team is not permitted.

The University of Queensland Business School is committed to establishing and sustaining a community that supports independent scholarly learning, critical judgment, academic integrity and ethical standards in all students. As a member of the University community, we also expect students to accept shared responsibility, conducting themselves in a manner consistent with the University’s values and guiding principles.

In accordance with the Student Code of Conduct and Student Integrity & Misconduct policy students must ensure they:

a)   are familiar and compliant with the expectations and responsibilities prescribed under the Student Code of Conduct.

b)   submit only work that is their own or that properly acknowledges the ideas, interpretations, words or creative works of others.

c)    avoid lending original work to others for any reason.

d)   comply with assessment conditions for policies and procedures, rules and regulations.

e)    be clear about what is appropriate referencing and the consequences of inappropriate referencing in their discipline.

f)    do  not  collude  with  people,  including  fellow  students  and  external  third-party  services,  when completing assessment work.

g)    complete the Academic Integrity Modules within the first semester of study at the University.