关键词 > ECON309



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§ The assignment is due by midnight (23:59PM) on Friday, May 12th.

§ Submit your assignments on Moodle as a .pdf file. You can scan your handwritten assignments by using your phone—there are free scanning apps available for android and ios.

§ The file you submit on Moodle has to be a .pdf file named as follows: [LASTNAME]_PS[#]

§ Show your work and explain your reasoning clearly.

§ Unless otherwise stated in a question, the players are assumed to have self-regarding preferences, that is they are only concerned about own outcome.

1.         [20 points] The phrase "scientia potentia est" (or "scientia est potentia" or also "scientia potestas

est") is a Latin aphorism meaning "knowledge is power.”

Considering our discussion of principal-agent problems:

a.         Present a counter-example to this statement where being the agent in a principal-agent type of            relation (i.e. having private information about your characteristics or actions) is not to your advantage, that is you would be better off if your opponent had the same information you had. Make sure to specify the content of the private information you refer to in your example. Explain your example and why it serves as a             counter-example.

b.        Present an example in line with this statement where being the agent in a principal-agent type of       relation (i.e. having private information about your characteristics or actions) is to your advantage, that is     you may be better offjust because your opponent does not have the same information. Make sure to specify the content of the private information you refer to in your example. Explain your example and why it serves as an example that affirms the statement.

2.         [40 Points] An economy has two types of workers, Qualified and Unqualified. You must hire workers without observing their type and pay them before knowing their actual output.

In your firm, a worker who is hired as a qualified worker is paid a wage of 100 units and the wage for an unqualified worker is 60 units.

a.   [25 Points] Consider the following screening mechanism: Anyone who is educated to level N is

considered as a Qualified worker, and anyone who is educated to level N/2 is considered as unqualified. Assume that the unit cost of education for a Qualified worker is 5, whereas for an Unqualified worker, it is 10. (These costs are measured in the same unit as the wages).

The alternative (fallback) option for a Qualified worker pays 60 and requires 4 levels of education. The alternative (fallback) option for the Unqualified worker pays 30 and requires 2 levels of education.

1.   What is the minimum level of N that will achieve a separating equilibrium? (N must be an integer.)

2.   What is the equilibrium payoff to each type of workers if N is set to the lowest number that would achieve a separating equilibrium?

b. [10 Points] Assume that the population consists of 50% Qualified and 50% Unqualified workers. Now suppose you drop the screening mechanism and pool the Qualified and Unqualified workers.

1.   Find the pooled wage that you will need to offer.

2.   Considering both types of workers, who will gain and who will lose from dropping the screening mechanism and moving to a pooling equilibrium?

c. [5 Points] Suppose you are a Qualified worker in this economy and you start off at the pooling equilibrium you found in part b.

1.   Would asking for a raise be a best response strategy for you? If so, identify exactly the argument you would make to your employer which would guarantee you the raise that you will be asking, i.e. state how much of a raise you would ask and how you would convince the employer to accept.

2.   What will be the equilibrium outcome if all qualified workers follow their best-response strategy?

3.    [40 Points] Suppose you are the owner of a company that is undertaking a new project. You have to hire a manager to supervise it. The success of the project is uncertain, but good supervision by the manager can    increase the probability of success. The value of a successful project is 500 units. The project is still worth     100 units even if it is not successful in achieving all the projected goals. The probability of success in case of high effort by the manager is 0.8 (accordingly, the probability of not being successful is 0.2); and the             probability of success in case of low effort by the manager is 0.2 (accordingly, the probability of not being    successful is 0.8). The cost (disutility) of high effort to the manager is equivalent to 40 units and that of low  effort is equivalent to 10 units. The manager has an alternative employment opportunity that would give him a net payoff of 20 units (net of cost of effort).

As the owner of the company, you are to come up with the best incentive scheme to offer to this        manager. The manager’s payoff is given by the payment he receives minus the cost (disutility) of effort.      Your payoff is given by your expected profits (that is, expected value of the project minus the wage paid to the manager). Suppose you can choose between a fixed-wage scheme and a wage-plus-bonus scheme.          (Consider the wage-plus-bonus scheme we discussed in class; i.e. the manager is paid a low wage if the       project fails, i.e. yields the low value, and a high wage if the project succeeds, i.e. yields the high value. To make sense of the numbers, you can think of a unit as $1,000, but for simplicity work with the unit numbers as defined in the question rather than converting them to dollar amounts.).

a.       [10 Points] Fixed Wage

i.   What would be the fixed-wage offered under the fixed-wage scheme?

ii.   Would you be able to elicit high effort from your manager, i.e. would the manager choose high or low effort in equilibrium?

iii.   What would be the expected payoffs to you and the manager under this scheme?

b.       [25 Points] Wage-plus-bonus mechanism

i.   What would be the levels of low wage and high wage you would offer in a wage-plus-bonus   scheme? (Consider the “low wage” as the base wage and the “high wage” as the (base wage + bonus).)

ii.   Would you be able to elicit high effort from your manager, i.e. would the manager choose high or low effort in equilibrium?

iii.   What would be the expected payoffs to you and the manager under this scheme?

c.        [5 Points] In what way is the role played by the bonus component of the wage-plus-bonus scheme similar to the role played by the “co-payments and deductibles” that are paid in addition to the insurance premium for insurance coverage?