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Research Practice UB5583 Individual Assessment 2


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Research Practice UB5583 Individual Assessment 2 (30% of the whole mark)

Individual Assessment 2 (Part 2) comprises 30% of your whole mark, and is focused on quantitative methodologies.

Part 2: Quantitative data collection

Use the Upper Echelon Theory by Hambrick and Mason (1984) as shown in the figure below to design a questionnaire for collecting primary data that addresses the below RQ:

What is the impact of managers’ psychological and observable characteristics on their organisational strategic choices?

You need to consider the following points when designing your questionnaire:

1. The questionnaire must contain only 4 questions. A high-quality questionnaire contains questions that are directly related to the topic under investigation (you receive no mark for less relevant questions). Each question can contain one or several related sub-questions or statements (maximum of 4 sub-questions or statement) to construct a measure.

2. Out of 4 questions, one question (and its corresponding sub-questions) must be relevant to the observable characteristics. Two questions (and their corresponding sub-questions) must be relevant to the psychological and cognitive characteristics.

3. Psychological characteristics can include a wide array of characteristics, such as individualism, self-esteem, overconfidence, depending/leading character, etc. The questions that cover psychological/cognitive values must come from existing questionnaires that are designed to measure these characteristics/values. You need to search in internet to find relevant questionnaires for such characteristics and need to list the reference you have used for this in your assessment.

4. A high-quality questionnaire consists of questions that leads to quantifiable measures; therefore, using open-ended questions is not advised.

5. You need to choose between binary, ordinal, categorical and numeric variables. An excellent questionnaire frames the questions in a way to have the most appropriate variable type as output. For example, one student might ask about the intensity of employee downsizing using a question that employs Likert rating, another student might ask a yes or no question to examine whether the firm had announced employee downsizing. While the two questions are related to downsizing, the first one is preferred as it provides more information about downsizing.

6. The questions in a high-quality questionnaire are all relevant, have the right wording (i.e., the question is stated so clearly that all the respondents interpret the question the same way) and come in the right order.


Hambrick, D.C. and Mason, P.A., 1984. Upper echelons: The organization as a reflection of its top managers. Academy of management review, 9(2), pp.193-206.


The due date for your assessment is: Monday 15th May 2023 at 10:00 am.

The submission mode is online only. Please submit your assessment onto SafeAssign in the designated area in the Assessment folder.

You must include your student ID number on the first page of your Safe Assign submission.

Any Questions?

There will be a Q&A session on Tuesday 9th May 2023, as per the course guide, where you can ask all your questions.