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BUS2036 – Business Analysis and Business Analytics


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BUS2036 – Business Analysis and Business Analytics

Assignment Dataset

BUS2036 Assignment Dataset - Europe M AY2223.xls 

Assignment Dataset - Explanatory notes

1. The data file relates to orders placed over the years 2015 to 2018,

2. The dataset focuses on supplying Technology, Furniture and Office supplies related products.

3. There are 4 separate tables, Order, Customer, Sales People, and Returns.

4. In the Orders table, Order IDs are repeated for every order line. The details of the product ordered are also shown on each line.

5. Order lines contain a delivery address and delivery region, which may or may not be the same as the Customers address and region. In other words, an order by a customer may be sent to another delivery address.

6. The customer table contains a record of the customer address, customer segment and customer region they are located in.

7. The data relates primarily to Europe and the transaction currency is Euros €.

8. The Dataset is currently held in Microsoft excel format.

Shipping rules

Time allowed to ship based on shipping type:

· Same day = 0 days

· First class = 1 day

· Second class = 3 days

· Standard class = 6 days

Returned order rule

If an order is returned it is returned in its entirety.