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MNGT130 Coursework Brief 2022-23


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MNGT130 Coursework Brief 2022-23

PlanetPlant Ltd is a company that specialises in plant-based meat product alternatives and they own a chain of plant-based food restaurants in the UK. The product range includes plant-based burgers, mince, sausages and soya-steaks that are marketed to help people switch to a more plant-based diet. When PlanetPlant began as a start-up in the south of England, the founders desired that the company was to have a strong ethical focus. However, at a recent meeting with representatives from the trade union the board of directors were dismayed that concerns were raised about pay equality in the company. An action arising from that meeting was for PlanetPlant to investigate these concerns.

The HR manager, Anna Smith, has asked you to conduct a preliminary investigation. As you are a recent graduate employee at PlanetPlant, Anna remembered your interview, plus the fact you have skills in analytics and thinks you are the ideal person to put together a report summarising the current wage situation at the company. To support you in this Alex Kemp, a colleague in the IT services department, has provided you with a sample of wages data of 450 employees of the company in the Excel file “wageData 22-23.xlsx”. The data description is as follows:

wage – wage in GBP, daily

education – number of years of education, starting from primary school

experience – number of years of work experience

age – age in years

gender – gender of the respondent

occupation – categorical variable, indicating the occupation of person. This can be:

worker – tradesperson or assembly line worker

services/technical – service, technical or professional worker

sales/office – sales, office and clerical worker

management – management and administration

Requirements for the analysis

Anna has outlined the specific requirement of the analysis required by the Board of Director below. It comprises two main elements.

1. Pay equality visualisation. Anna would like you to create a simple prototype dashboard in Excel that shows that general position of pay equality at PlanetPlant in terms of gender and occupation. Anna expects that this dashboard will be easy to read, accessible and self-explanatory. However, she will be presenting the dashboard at meeting with the Board of Directors. She has asked you to provide a brief summary of the analysis to help her prepare for the meeting. This should be included in the management report on the wage analysis as an appendix of up to a maximum of 2 pages.

2. Wage regression modelling. As for modelling, Anna would like you to explain wage using quantitative data first, she assumes that this model would give a good explanation of a wage difference. Then she expects you to build a second model including all information (qualitative and quantitative). Both models should not violate any assumptions for regression modelling. She also expects you (1) to explain which variables should be included in each model and why; (2) to compare the two models; (3) to give a comprehensive interpretation of the best model. This analysis should be included in the management report, up to a maximum of 8 pages in total. This page count includes the executive summary.

Your task

Use the information above and the data in the Excel spreadsheet to produce a dashboard and write a management report to the company, who for the purposes of this task is your employer, on the requested analyses. Use any methods from the MNGT130 module that you think are useful and appropriate. However, you will not get any credit and may lose marks if you use methods that are not suitable.

You can assume that management is familiar with all the statistics that have been covered in the course and so you do not need to explain any statistical terminology that you use, they simply require an expert to perform the analysis.

You are required to submit 2 elements: i) Produce a prototype dashboard in Excel; and ii) Write a management report for your analysis that clearly explains the analyses you have done. Marks will be awarded for the choice and look of visualisations, quality (technical correctness) and clarity (quality of explanations) of your responses to the analysis requirements above. The coursework assessment is worth 60% of the overall module marks. The weighting of the assessment marks are as follows:

· Dashboard and with supporting summary appendix (20% of the marks)

· Regression analysis of company wages (60% of the marks)

· Management report (20% of the marks)

You are expected to perform your analysis on the data provided using Excel. Using charts or analyses from other sources in place of the analyses you should be doing for the report will result in a mark of zero for that element of the report.

Report organisation and layout 

The maximum length of the report is 10 pages (not counting the title page). You can use any readable font (i.e., not too small) and use single spacing. There is no penalty for a shorter report, although it is unlikely that you would be able to address all the issues properly in a very short report. You need to provide the information requested and explain the analysis you have done.

The report should follow the guidelines set out in the Lecture on Report Writing. However, since this is a short report:

· You do not need to start different sections on separate pages

· A contents page is not required. If you include a contents page it will count towards the total page limit.

· An appendix should be provided containing a brief summary of the prototype Excel dashboard.


This coursework is to be done as an individual piece of work. All your analysis and the whole of your report must be your own work alone. Collusion between students and plagiarism are regarded as very serious offences and will be penalised severely.

Please note that software to detect plagiarism and collusion will be used.

Submission instructions

· Your report should be submitted to the MNGT130 Moodle site as two documents. An Excel spreadsheet containing the simple prototype dashboard and a Word or PDF document containing the management report. If possible, please submit your report as a PDF file (you should be able to save it in PDF format from Word). Alternatively, submit it as a Word file if that is not possible. 

· Do not submit any other files. Your report must be self-contained but can refer the Dashboard only.

· The deadline for submission is 12 noon (UK time) on Tuesday,  9th May 2023 (Week 23 of Summer term).

· Remember to give yourself the opportunity to complete the task with time to spare. Leaving it to the last minute often results in a poor submission and a low mark. Late work without an agreed extension will be penalised according to the University rules (deduction of marks as shown in the assessment rules table for work up to 3 days late; a mark of 0 for work more than 3 days late). Extensions may, in certain rare circumstances, be given but to obtain an extension you must download the extension request form from the Business Management Moodle site (or email the LUMS UG Office). You are very strongly advised to make back-up copies of your work during the project, e.g. on your hard drive, a USB and/or on a cloud storage service – loss of work due to computer problems will not be accepted as a reason for an extension.