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18LLP123 – Digital Technologies for Market Analysis


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18LLP123 Digital Technologies for Market Analysis

Group Assessments

Weighting: 90% of the module assessment + 10% of peer assessment

Task- to conduct an Investigation of social media activity.

Requirement: This topic should be related to the social media activity related to a suitably chosen topic (e.g an event, brand, celebrity, or campaign).

Data must be collected by group members using one of the following methods learned from class:

(1) Social media data collected from the taught methods

(2) Social media data published by third parties

It is not permitted to use any commercial analytical websites, any

calculative/summative functions embedded in commercial survey platforms or any other similar analytical tools with assembled analysis, to an authorised business   website; otherwise, a zero mark will be applied.

Students need to form task groups of 5 students to complete the project portfolio (90%) and a group peer assessment (one submission per group, 10%).

Each task group needs to conduct an independent group research project by:

•   Picking a topic of interest and establishing relevant research objectives and research questions;

•   Conducting exploratory studies by researching to provide an initial insight into the problem, deciding which metrics you want to analyse, and explaining the  significance of these measures in arriving at answers to the research              questions;

•   Planning and executing quantitative data collection by using any of the taught techniques and successfully collecting a suitable number of records;

•   Applying appropriate techniques of data analysis and spotlighting the findings from data;

•   Presenting the project’s outcomes in a poster

Assessment Structure

•   All groups will use a research report format, as suggested in the following text. This will show the relationship between the exploratory, qualitative research,   and the descriptive, quantitative research stages.

•   All groups will use a standard 5-part report format, as shown in the table below and shown in lectures.

•   Each group should plan, manage, collaborate, and agree on a fair distribution of tasks amongst its members towards the completion of the assignment .


•   Submit online through the link on the LLP123 module page.

o The final submission must be with several different files. Don’t compact the files into.zip format.

o Text files should be .DOC, or.DOCX, RTF, or ODF. Please do not submit the text in PDF (except for the poster) or any other format.

o The poster should be in PDF format.

o The raw data should be submitted in either excel or csv format (zero mark if original data is not included).

All group members should have a copy of the submission for safety and their records.


Project Submission Deadline: 3:00 pm, 17th May, Wednesday

1.  Report (2000 words, excluding references and appendices), with the following suggested structure:

•   500-word business context, problem identification, Research Questions (RQs) development, research objective setting

•   500-word exploratory study summary

•   500-word methodology: data collection rationale and process

•   500-word data analysis and reported findings

2.  Project poster: 1 page PDF file (exempted from the word limit)

3.  Peer assessment: via WebPA

4.  Data: Excel or CSV file

Peer Evaluation

Peer Assessment Deadline 3:00 pm, 17th May, Wednesday

•   Peer Evaluation will be operated in two approaches. The Web-PA scoring  evaluation (https://webpa.lboro.ac.uk/login.php) is mandatory and decisive, and the qualitative feedback (on LEARN page) is optional and usually        requested by the module leader for investigation in the marking stage.

•   Both peer evaluations are strictly confidential.

•   Students will need to fill out the peer evaluation to earn the Peer Evaluation   mark. (Caution: if you do not complete the peer evaluation for every one of    your teammates and submit these evaluations before the deadline, your Peer Evaluation score will be ZERO regardless of how you were scored by your    teammates.) This mandatory evaluation is decisive and crucial.

•   The score you receive will be based on the total scores awarded to you by your teammates when they perform the Peer Evaluation.

•   Mandatory evaluation is designed based on each member’s demonstrated behavioural standard in the whole progress, according to the table below.




Is accountable (e.g., does what they say; when they say it, theyll do it)


Understands the needs and priorities of others and is proactive in communicating to others the information upon which they depend


Is effective at planning and coordinating their tasks with other team members to increase their effectiveness


Is good at following the plans of others


Attends team and other meetings in a timely fashion on a regular basis


Is a constructive force in group work and maintains a positive attitude when dealing with unexpected challenges


Understands where their expertise lies and how to leverage it for the teams benefit


Listens well to others and makes it easy to give feedback to them


Is effective in providing helpful feedback to others


Treats others with respect

•   Qualitative feedback is collected as a supplement to the Web-PA evaluation, without changing the marks of Web-PA, unless there is an investigation for   the violation of an elemental spirit in assignment sharing and collaboration    (which will go to the point list next). No particular format to adopt for this       feedback. No feedback will be provided for this review. The ML/teacher        reserves the right to request further information from the group members,     adjust the student’s mark based on the feedback, and submit as a case of    Academic Misconduct to the AMC.

•   Severe workload share issues (e.g. freeloaders) will be identified from the   qualitative peer feedback and trigger a case-by-case investigation. With      demonstrated evidence, students involved in a significantly uneven share of the workload will be referred to AMC.

Feedback returned on/within 15 working days from the final piece of submission

Each student should take ones own responsibility to liaise others for a topic idea, form a task group, maintain effective team communication, play a leading role in one’s assigned task, and collaborate with teammates for improving the quality of research project           continuously.

EACH student is required to make an individual contribution to the group project in an      engaging and collaborative manner from the start to the end, by undertaking to lead in at least one task from the list of submissions. The lead on the task is not expected to carry    out all the work on that task, but rather to take responsibility in coordinating the group’s activity towards completing the task and be responsible for ensuring the submission is      done on time and to the group’s best ability. The group as a whole is expected to work     towards compiling a final submission of the portfolio on the final submission day.

The objective of this coursework is to provide the students the individual opportunity to build up on the group project carried out by engaging in independent study.

In the report, you will drill your research skills, presenting skills and project management skills:

Each submission should provide the relevant contribution to the group project, including key references. You need to find out the best presentation in an engaging way.

The whole group will learn and apply the steps of market analysis to solve the problem, which include defining RQs, design research, collecting data, analysing data and reporting.

Be critical of the approach(es) taken in the group work, including your own contribution.

Please pay attention to the marking