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INFS3202/7202 Individual Project


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INFS3202/7202 Individual Project


1.   The individual project is intended to evaluate your proficiency in designing and developing WIS, with an emphasis on the technology aspect of the


2.   In general, this project includes a project proposal (5 marks) and implementation (40 marks) that will be assessed in THREE milestone check- up sessions based on academic merit.

3.   THREE project topics in Table 1 have been provided for you to choose from, and you will need to select one and only one to work on independently throughout the semester. Any other project proposed by the student needs to be approved by the teaching team.

4.   The proposal needs to be submitted online in Blackboard and will be tested against the Turnitin system for a plagiarism test. For details of the proposal, please refer to Appendix I.

5.   The general technical requirements are listed in Table 2, please make sure you carefully read them through and feel free to ask questions to your tutor.

6.   The features that require to be implemented are categorised into two groups: ungraded and graded features.

a.   The ungraded features include all the core features that have been covered and practised in the practical sessions. They are the core of your web project, but they will be NOT graded.

b.   According to the workload and complexity, the graded features are divided into three difficulty levels: basic, intermediate, and advanced features. They are accessed by different marks.

c.   In each code check-up session (milestone 2 or milestone 3), only 20-mark features will be assessed and recorded. Any feature(s) that result in exceeding 20 marks will not be evaluated in this check-up session.

d.   Similar features will be assessed as one feature.

e.   More specific implementation details can be found in Appendix II.

7.   The entire project will be assessed at THREE milestone check-up sessions. More details of the projects timeline can be found in Table 3.

8.   All the submissions, including the proposal and source code, will be uploaded online to the Blackboard system. Any extension request must be made at least TWO business days before the due date via mySI-net. For details about late submission, please refer to the items in Sec 5.3 in ECP.



Appendix I. Individual Project Proposal

Proposal (5 marks)

A project proposal is a pre-project document that presents a brief and comprehensive summary of the plan for a particular project. It should provide an outline of the project's goals, objectives, timeline, and chosen technologies. For this assessment, you are required to write a proposal that must NOT exceed two A4 pages (excluding tables, images, and references) and it should include the following sections:

•   Introduction: You are required to provide a comprehensive explanation of the main purpose of your project. (0.5 marks)

•   Objectives: You are required to plan and design the key functional components of your project. You need to outline the desirable features (e.g., interactions with users, certain online business transactions, or special interactive visual effects) that you will implement. You may use the example feature table in the project specifications as a reference. (2 marks)

•   UI/UX Design: You should include a clear depiction of the main flows and functions of your project. You can use wireframes or mockups to demonstrate the main pages, which can be created by hand or using any wireframe tools. (2 marks)

•   Timeline: You are required to outline the major deliverables for each milestone. (0.5 marks)


Your proposal must be submitted as a PDF on Blackboard by 4 pm on Friday 24 March 2023 in week 5.

Marking Criteria:

The proposal will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

•   Completeness: The proposal must provide enough information about the type of application that will be developed, the technology to be used, and the business function to be implemented.

•   Soundness: The proposal should explain the reasoning behind the design components such as front-end elements, project structure, visual effects, interactive functions, and scripting language techniques.

•   Adaptiveness: Your proposal must detail the deployment environment for the project and address the technical challenges associated with implementing the application.

Appendix II. Project Implementation Details

Implementation (40 marks)

The implementation phase of a project involves the actual development and creation of the proposed system based on the submitted project proposal. This phase includes coding, testing, and integrating different components of the  system. The implementation is an important phase in project development as it brings the project from the planning stage to the actual development stage. The implementation phase in this course comprises two milestone check-up sessions, namely Milestone 2 and Milestone 3, where each session is worth a maximum of 20 marks. If the combined features exceed 20 marks, the score will be capped at 20. It is important to note that a failure to demonstrate the implemented features in Milestone 2 will result in a score of zero.

Technical Requirements:

•   It is expected that you complete the assignment independently. The use of generative AI tools like ChatGPT during any implementation phase is prohibited. The use of popular libraries is permitted, provided that you have a thorough understanding of the functionality of each feature implemented in your project. It is crucial to acknowledge the tutor and reference any libraries used in the source code's comment section. If you cannot explain the code to the tutors, you may lose marks.

•   You must deploy your project to a remote server (e.g., UQCloud zone, GCP, or AWS) to get it marked.

•   Your project must follow a design architectural pattern, such as MVC or 3-tier architecture, which includes communication between front-end, back-end, and database components.

•   It is mandatory to implement all core features listed in Table 4 in addition to the graded features in Milestone 2 check-up session. However, please note that the core features will not be graded since they are mainly covered and practised in practical sessions.

•   The graded features are categorized into basic (2 marks each), intermediate (3 marks each), and advanced (4 marks each) levels, and you have the flexibility to choose the combination of features to achieve a total of 20 marks in Milestone 2 and another 20 marks in Milestone 3.

•   Each Milestone check-up session assesses the implementation for up to 20 points, so it is important to select features strategically. You cannot accumulate all the 40-point features in the final assessment milestone. If you fail to demonstrate the 20-point features in Milestone 2, your score in Milestone 3 will be capped at 20 points.

•   Note that each feature will only be marked once. For instance, the registration function for both admin and users will be considered as one feature due to their similarities in implementation.

Table 4. Feature groups

Core features (compulsory but ungraded)

1. Login

• Server-side validation is required (e.g., informing the user if the username is not registered in the database or if the password is incorrect).

• Each page should reflect the user’s login status (e.g., the profile/logout button should appear only when the user has logged in).

• Some content should only be visible to logged-in users.

• Choose an appropriate HTTP request method (e.g., GET, POST, PUT, etc.) for client-server communication.

2. Registration

• Username and email address should be checked to be unique.

• Password strength should be checked.

• The registered user data should be saved in the database.

• Choose an appropriate HTTP request method (e.g., GET, POST, PUT, etc.) for client-server communication.

3. User Profile

• Create a user profile interface that is only accessible when the user has logged in.

• All the user’s information should be fetched from the database.

4. Cookies

• Use cookies in at least one of the features you implemented


• Use AJAX in at least one of the features you implemented.

Basic features (2 marks each)

● Remember me: retain the user’s login details even after the session expired.

● Maintain scroll position of large HTML page when client return

● Continuously loading data when scrolling

● Favorites or rating

● Search box autocompletion

● Adding course (e.g., events, goods, pictures)

● Writing comments/reviews

● User profile updating (e.g., email, phone number)

● Display the user’s current location on a map

● Image processing (e.g., resize, compress and add watermarks to images)

● Third-party API integration (e.g., sending an SMS to verify a phone number using SMS API)

● Basic file uploading: (e.g., profile image, food pictures, thumbnails)

● Using drag and drop to choose files for uploading (prerequisite: basic file uploading)

● Multiple files uploading at the same time (prerequisite: basic file uploading)

● Web Security (e.g., captcha, password encryption, data sanitizing)

● Online Payment Integration (e.g., PayPal, Stripe)

● Image and PDF Manipulation (e.g., sending receipt)

● Others at the same difficulty level

Intermediate features (3 marks each)

● Item Searching (e.g., images, meals or items, depending on the topic)

○ Each resulting search item should contain a link that redirects to a detailed page

● Email Verification

○ After registration, an email should be sent to the user for email verification.

○ This feature could be implemented using a random token or a verification code.

○ The user should be able to see the verification status, i.e. email verified or not.

● Forgot Password

○ Take account of security concerns.

○ This feature could be implemented using reset tokens or secret questions

● Shopping Cart/Wishlist/Calendar

○ The information should be stored in the database

○ Users should be able to add and remove items from the cart/wish list/calendar.

● Others at the same difficulty levelAdvanced features (4 marks each)

● Data Mining (e.g., association rule mining)

● Management Dashboard (statistical information)

● Push Notification (e.g., when the item is sold, when the meal is delivered)

● Recommendation Algorithm (statistic based)

● Computer Vision Algorithm (e.g., detecting objects in images)

● Real-time Chatbot (self-implemented)

● Others at the same difficulty level