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ECON7300: Statistical Project Assignment (Part IIIa), Semester 1, 2023


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ECON7300: Statistical Project Assignment (Part IIIa), Semester 1, 2023


(A) Questions in this paper should be answered by students whose surnames fall within the range G-M.

(B) Use the Excel file ‘Dataset2_part3a to answer the questions asked.

(C) A heavy penalty will be applied if your answers are not based on dataset assigned to you.

Instructions for Dataset2_part3a: Multiple Regression Analysis

Absenteeism is a series employment problem in most countries. An economist launched a  research  project  to  learn  more  about  the  problem.  She  randomly  selected  45 organisations to participate in a one year study. For each organisation, she recorded the average number of days absent, average employee wage and availability of shift work,

and saved the data in Dataset2_part3a.

The variables saved in Dataset2_part3a are:

•   ada (Y, average number of days absent per employee)

•   awage (X1, average employee wage in $)

•   asw (X2, availability of shift work, coded 1 if yes and 0 if no)

The dependent variable for your analysis is ada.

Answer the following questions using Dataset2_part3a.

(a)  Estimate  a  regression  model  using X1  and X2  to  predict Y  (state  the  multiple regression equation).

(b) Interpret the meaning of the slope of Y with X2.

(c) What are the estimated values of the intercept when X2 = 0 and X2 = 1?

(d) At the 5% level of significance, test whether the intercepts differ by availability of shift work. Follow all the necessary steps and use t-test.

(e) Estimate a regression model using X1, X2 and an interaction between X1 and X2 to predict Y (state the multiple regression equation).

(f) Interpret the meaning of the slope Y with the interaction term.

(g) At the 5% level of significance, test whether the slope of Y with X1 differs by availability of shiftwork. Follow all the necessary steps and use t-test.