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BEAM065 Bank Management Coursework 2


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BEAM065 Bank Management

Coursework 2 (60% of the mark for this module) Submission

deadline: 5 May. Word limit: 3,000.

This assignment consists of two options. Both options are worth 100 marks. YOU NEED TO CHOOSE EITHER OPTION 1 OR OPTION 2.

Option 1

Using data from Compustat for a large sample of banks (at least 50) and over a period of at least 5 years, examine the determinants of bank dividend payouts:

- Fama and French (2001) hypothesis

- Risk-shifting theory

- Signalling theory

- Life-cycle theory

As proxies for dividend payouts, you can use any (or all) of the following variables:

-   Dividend-to-asset ratio

-   Dividend-to-equity ratio

-   Dividend payout ratio

Or you can use dividend payout dummy variables as follows:

-   Dividend pay dummy

-   Dividend increase dummy

-   Dividend decrease dummy

-   Dividend omission dummy

In your analysis, you can consider different dimensions/variables, e.g., bank     capital, bank size, deposits, and any other, following the relevant literature.       Moreover, you can use a variety of specifications (as many as you want, e.g.,    large banks and small banks or different periods). You should also discuss your results by comparing them with those in the relevant literature. Finally, you      should discuss the potential pitfalls of the methodology used (if any).

(100 marks)

(no more than 3,000 words)

IMPORTANT: For your analysis you MUST use STATA. The reference list, tables (including notes and titles of the tables) andfigures (including notes and titles of the tables) do NOT count towards the word limit. You do NOT need an introduction or conclusion in your report, but you can divide your report into three different sections, one to describe briefly your methodology, onefor your dataset (e.g, database used and sample selection), and onefor the discussion of the results.

Suggested structure for the report:

1.1 Methodology

1.2 Data

1.3 Discussion of the results

Option 2

Download the annual reports of two banks, “Bank X” and “Bank Y”, for the last 5 years. These two banks must be headquartered in the same country and must   be competitors in at least one line of business (e.g., they engage in “retail           banking” activities). Then, compare the two banks in terms of:

a)  Overall performance and its main drivers

b) Risk profile

c)  Corporate governance structure

d) Dividend payout policy (if any)

e)  International activities (if any)

f)  Funding strategies

g) Hedging strategies (if any)

(100 marks)

(no more than 3,000 words)

IMPORTANT: The reference list does NOT count towards the word limit. You do NOT need an introduction or conclusion in your essay.

Further guidelines

This assignment requires you to focus on the concepts and theories developed in weeks 1 to 10, and is related to the ILOs 1-2, 4- 10.  You are expected to read all of the relevant core academic material on ELE. Evidence of reading optional articles will be rewarded if it improves the quality of your     answers. The marking criteria are stated in Appendix A below.

IMPORTANT: Academic misconduct

The material you submit must be your own work and written in your own words. Where you have used quoted material, you must make full reference to it.

You might be asked to send the data used in your analysis to the Module Leader (Dr. Thaer Alhalabi), along with any other file that you might have used for your data analysis (e.g., Excel file, STATA do-file or log file). Dr. Thaer Alhalabi might also ask you to explain how you  ran the regressions, either via email or during an online meeting on Teams. Further investigation of potential academic misconduct might ensue, according to University regulations.

More information on referencing style


Late Submission of Assignments

You must submit your assignment by the deadline specified. If you fail to submit on time, the following penalties apply:

•     Work submitted up to 1 hour after the deadline, which has reached the standard of the     module pass mark or above, will be subject to a penalty of 5% of the total available mark for the coursework, down to a minimum score of the module pass mark.

•     The penalty for assessed work submitted up to two weeks and without an agreed extension is a capped mark of 50%.

•     Assessed work submitted more than two weeks beyond a submission date will receive a mark of zero.



BART Submission

Online Submission Student Summary Sheet v19

Online Submission Student Handbook v19

Academic Honesty Advice for Students prior to Submission v2

Appendix A: Marking Rubric


(Fail/Condon able Fail)











% of total mark

Knowledge and Understanding of the Subject

Gaps in knowledge     and only superficial understanding of the well- established

Broad                   knowledge and    understanding of material, of well- established           principles of        area(s) of study,  and of the way in

which those       principles have  been developed.

Very good        knowledge and

understanding of material, of         well- established principles of       area(s) of study,  and of the way    in which those    principles have   been developed.

Very good, detailed                knowledge and understanding      of material, main concepts/theories at this level.         Awareness of the limitation of their knowledge, and   how this               influences any     analyses and interpretations     based on that       knowledge.


principles area(s) of study.


Analysis and Interpretation

Demonstration of logical         analysis and critical             interpretation.

Little or no    analysis of     findings,         concepts or theoretical      ideas;              descriptive,    simplistic and anecdotal       and/or incorrect

Satisfactory           application and     analysis of            findings/concepts, perhaps with         some deviation     from theoretical premises

Good                    application and    analysis of           findings/concepts carried out in       line with methodological   and theoretical


Application and   analysis of           findings/concepts carried out           accurately and     with high degree of competence in line with methodological   and theoretical premises


Style and Structure 1)    Clear structure, and attention to grammar and    spelling.

2) Use of


and other


materials. 3)




Poor structure and grammar which is hard to follow or    understand; incorrectly     formatted,      with no           references or  poorly chosen ones.

Overall structure and organisation is satisfactory. Internal               coherence of the whole is              satisfactory.

Make consistently          sound use of appropriate academic              conventions and  academic honesty

Good structure  and grammar,    which is easy to follow and         understand.

Make                    consistently good use of appropriate academic              conventions and academic honesty

Clearly structured and lucidly           expressed. Make consistently          excellent use of appropriate academic              conventions and academic honesty                 Evidence of          further research.   Excellent range    and quality of      references to         support analysis.
