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SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 2, 2023


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SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development


Project 2, Semester 1, 2023

Released: Friday, 21st  April 2023 at 4:30pm AEST

Project 2A Due: Monday, 1st  May 2023 at 4:30pm AEST

Project 2B Due: Friday, 19th  May 2023 at 4:30pm AEST

Please read the complete specification before starting on the project, because there are important instructions through to the end!


In this project, you will create a maze game called ShadowPac in the Java programming language, continuing from your work in Project 1. We will provide a full working solution for Project 1; you may use all or part of it, provided you add a comment explaining where you found the code at the top of each file that uses the sample code.

This is an individual project.  You may discuss it with other students, but all of the imple- mentation must be your own work. By submitting the project you declare that you understand the University’s policy on academic integrity and are aware of consequences of any infringement, including the use of artificial intelligence.

You may use any platform and tools you wish to develop the game, but we recommend using IntelliJ IDEA for Java development as this is what we will support in class.

Note: If you need an extension for the project, please complete the Extension form in the Projects module on Canvas. Make sure you explain your situation with some supporting documentation such as a medical certificate, academic adjustment plan, wedding invitation, etc.  You will receive an email saying if the extension was approved or if we need more information.

If you submit late (either with or without an extension), please complete the Late form in the Projects module on Canvas.  For both forms, you need to be logged in using your university account. Please do not email any of the teaching team regarding extensions or late submissions. All of this is explained again in more detail at the end of this specification.

There are two parts to this project, with different submission dates.   The first task, Project 2A, requires that you produce a class design demonstrating how you plan to implement the game. This should be submitted in the form of a UML diagram showing all the classes you plan to im- plement, the relationships (e.g. inheritance and associations) between them, and their attributes, as well as their primary public methods. You do not need to show constructors, getters/setters, dependency, composition or aggregation relationships. If you so choose, you may show the relation- ship on a separate page to the class members in the interest of neatness, but you must use correct UML notation. Please submit as a PDF file only on Canvas.

The second task, Project 2B, is to complete the implementation of the game as described in the rest of this specification.  You do not need to strictly follow your class design from Project 2A; you will likely find ways to improve the design as you implement it. Submission will be via GitLab and you must make at least 5 commits throughout your project.

Game Overview

“The player controls PacMan,  the  infamous  yellow main  character,  through  an  enclosed maze . To win, move around the walls,  eat all the dots in the maze and avoid the ghosts! In the second level,  the player has  the  ability to  attack the ghosts when they  eat a pellet and the  ability to gain bonus points when they eat a cherry.  ”

The game features two levels :  Level  0  and Level  1, both of which are mazes.  In Level 0, the player will be able to control PacMan who has to move around the walls, eat the dots and avoid the red ghosts, who are stationary. If the player collides with a ghost, the player will lose a life. The player has 3 lives in total. To finish the level, the player needs to eat (collide) with all the dots. If the player loses all 3 lives, the game ends. You have already implemented Level 0 in Project 1 (the only change required is to the winning message screen which is explained later).

When the player finishes Level 0, Level 1 starts.  To win the level and the game, the player must reach a score of 800.  However, the player has to deal with 4 types of ghosts (red,  blue,  green  & pink). The ghosts will be moving in different directions (as explained later). If the player collides with the pellet, the game goes into a frenzy  mode, where the player can gain extra points when colliding with the ghosts and not lose any lives. The player can also gain more points if they collide with a cherry. Outside of the frenzy mode, if the player collides with a ghost, they will lose a life and losing all 3 lives means the game will end.

An Important Note

Before you attempt the project or ask any questions about it on the discussion forum, it is crucial that you read through this entire document thoroughly and carefully. We’ve covered every detail below as best we can without making the document longer than it needs to be.  Thus, if there is any detail about the game you feel was unclear, try referring back to this project spec first, as it can be easy to miss some things in a document of this size. And if your question is more to do on how a feature should be implemented, first ask yourself:  ‘How can I implement this in a way that both satisfies the description given,  and helps make the game easy and fun to play?’  More often than not, the answer you come up with will be the answer we would give you!

Figure 1: Completed Level 0 Screenshot

Figure 2: Completed Level 1 Screenshot

Note : the actual positions of the entities in the levels we provide you may not be the same as in these screenshots.

The Game Engine

The Basic Academic Game Engine Library (Bagel) is a game engine that you will use to develop your game. You can find the documentation for Bagel here.


Every coordinate on the screen is described by an (x,y) pair.  (0, 0) represents the top-left of the screen, and coordinates increase towards the bottom-right.  Each of these coordinates is called a pixel. The Bagel Point class encapsulates this.


Bagel will refresh the program’s logic at the same refresh rate as your monitor.  Each time, the screen will be cleared to a blank state and all of the graphics are drawn again. Each of these steps is called a frame.  Every time a frame is to be rendered, the update() method in ShadowPac is called. It is in this method that you are expected to update the state of the game.

Your code will be marked on 60Hz screens.  The refresh rate is typically 60 times per second (Hz) but newer devices might have a higher rate. In this case, when your game is running, it may look different to the demo videos as the constant values in this specification have been chosen for a refresh rate of 60Hz. For your convenience, when writing and testing your code, you may either change these values to make your game playable or lower your monitor’s refresh rate to 60Hz. If you do change the values, remember to change them back to the original specification values before submitting, as your code will be marked on 60Hz screens.

This specification requires certain gameplay to only happen for a given number of frames.  These numbers are not fixed and we’ll allow some room for error - as long as the game still plays roughly as intended!


It is sometimes useful to be able to tell when two images are overlapping. This is called collision detection and can get quite complex.  For this game, you can assume images are rectangles and that the player meeting any other entity is a collision. Bagel contains the Rectangle class to help you.

The Levels

Our game will have two levels, each with messages that would be rendered at the start and end of the level.

Window and Background

The background (background0 .png) should be rendered on the screen to completely fill up your window throughout the game (for the instructions, Level 0 and Level 1).  The default windowsize should be 1024  *  768 pixels.  The background has already been implemented for you in the skeleton package.

Level Messages

All messages should be rendered with the font provided in res folder (FSO8BITR .ttf), in size 64 (unless otherwise specified).  All messages should be centered both horizontally and vertically (unless otherwise specified).

Hint: The drawString() method in the Font class uses the given coordinates as the bottom left of the message.   So to center the message, you will need to calculate the coordinates us- ing the Window .getWidth(),  Window .getHeight()  and  Font .getWidth() methods, and also the font size.

Level Start

When the game is run, Level 0 should start with a title message that reads SHADOW  PAC should be rendered in the font provided. The bottom left corner of this message should be located at (260, 250).

Additionally, an instruction message consisting of 2 lines:



should be rendered below the title message, in the font provided, in size 24.  The bottom left of the first line in the message should be calculated as follows: the x-coordinate should be increased by 60 pixels and the y-coordinate should be increased by 190 pixels.

There must be adequate spacing between the 2 lines to ensure readability (you can decide on the value of this spacing yourself, as long as it’s not small enough that the text overlaps or too big that it doesn’t fit within the screen). You can align the lines as you wish.

At the start of Level 1, the following instruction message with these 3 lines should be shown:




This message should be rendered in the font provided in size 40 and the bottom left of the first line in the message should be located at  (200,  350).  The spacing and alignment of the lines is the same as described above.

Each level begins once the start key (space bar) is pressed. To help when testing your game, you can allow the user to skip ahead to the Level 1 start screen by pressing the key ’W’(this is not assessed but will help you when coding, especially when working on Level 1).

World File

All the entities will be defined in a world file, describing the types and their positions in the window.  The world file for Level 0 is level0 .csv and Level 1 is level1 .csv.  A world file is a comma-separated value (CSV) file with rows in the following format:

Type,  x-coordinate,  y-coordinate

An example of a world file:






You must actually load both files—copying and pasting the data, for example, is not allowed. Note: You can assume that the player is always the first entry in both files, the Level 0 world file will have a maximum of 271 entries and the Level 1 world file will have a maximum of 266 entries.

Win Conditions

For Level 0, once the player eats all the dots, this is the end of the level. A winning message that reads LEVEL  COMPLETE! should be rendered as described earlier in the Level Messages section. This message should be rendered for 300 frames before displaying the start screen for Level 1.

In Level 1, once the player reaches a score of 800, this is considered a win (note that the player does not have to eat all the dots to complete the level). A winning message that reads WELL  DONE! should be rendered as described in the Level Messages section.

Lose Conditions

On either level, while there is no win, the game will continue running until it ends. As described earlier, the game can only end if the player’s number of lives reduce to 0. A message of GAME  OVER! should be rendered as described in the Level Messages section.

If the player terminates the game window at any point (by pressing the Escape key or by clicking the Exit button), the window will simply close and no message will be shown.

The Game Entities

All game entities have an associated image (or multiple!)  and a starting location  (x,  y) on the map which are defined in the CSV files provided to you.  Remember that you can assume the provided images are rectangles and make use of the Rectangle class in Bagel; the provided (x,  y) coordinates for a given entity should be the top left of each image.

Hint: Image has the drawFromTopLeft method and Rectangle has the intersects method for you to use, refer to the Bagel documentation for more info.

The Player

In our game, the player is represented by PacMan. The player is controlled by the four arrow keys and can move continuously in one of four directions (left, right, up, down) by 3 pixels per frame whenever an arrow key is held down.

(a) pac.png                                                                     (b) pacOpen.png

Figure 3: The player’s images

The player is represented by the images shown above. Every 15 frames, the image rendered should switch between the two (i.e. it should look like the player opening and closing its mouth). Initially, the player will start by facing right, as shown above. Based on the direction the player is moving, the image being rendered needs to be rotated.  For example, if the player is moving down, the images need to be rotated by either 90 degrees clockwise or 270 degrees anti-clockwise, as shown below.

(a) pac.png after rotation                                (b) pacOpen.png after rotation Figure 4: The player’s images rotated when moving downwards

Hint: The drawFromTopLeft method has an overloaded method that takes a DrawOptions object as a parameter.  DrawOption objects have a setRotation method, that allow the rotation to be set in radians.

The player has 3 lives. If the player collides with a ghost (of any colour), the player will lose a life, both ghost and player’s positions will be reset to the starting position. If the player loses all 3 lives, the game ends. Each life is represented by heart .png.  The hearts are rendered in the top right corner of the screen. The first heart should be rendered with

Figure 5: Player’s lives    the top left coordinate at  (900,  10).  The x-coordinate of each heart

after should be increased by 30, as shown on the left.

The player has an associated score.  When the player collides with a

dot, the player’s score increases by 10 (the points value of the dot).  If

the player collides with a cherry, the player’s score increases by 20 (the

points value of the cherry). The score is rendered in the top left corner

of the screen in the format of "SCORE  k" where k is the current score.   Figure 6:  Player’s score The bottom left corner of this message should be located at  (25,  25)   rendering

and the font size should be 20.

When the player collides with a pellet, the game goes into frenzy mode.  In this mode, if the player collides with a ghost, they will not lose a life and their score increases by 30 points for each ghost collision.  The player’s speed also increases by 1 to 4 pixels per frame.  The frenzy mode lasts for 1000 frames.  Once this ends, the player’s speed reduces by 1 to its original speed and the collision behaviour reverts to normal.


The enemies are the four ghosts that can attack the player.  Note that enemies are allowed to overlap with each other during movement.

Red Ghost

Red ghosts feature in both levels and are represented by ghostRed .png. In Level 0, they are stationary (like in Project 1) but in Level 1, they move in the horizontal direction at a a speed of 1 pixel per frame. They will start initially by moving right.

Figure 7: Red Ghost

A ghost cannot overlap or move though a wall. When there is a collision

with a wall, the red ghost’s movement reverses in the horizontal direction (for e.g:  if the ghost hits a wall while moving right, the ghost will move left after the collision). When there is a collision with the player, the player and the ghost will reset to the starting position. If a ghost collides with a dot or a cherry, they will simply move through (the order in which you render them is up to you).

Blue Ghost

Figure 8: Blue Ghost

Blue ghosts feature only in Level 1 and are represented by ghostBlue .png. They move in the vertical direction at a a speed of 2 pixels per frame. They will start initially by moving downwards.

A ghost cannot overlap or move though a wall. When there is a collision

with a wall, the blue ghost’s movement reverses in the vertical direction (for e.g:  if the ghost hits a wall while moving down, the ghost will move up after the collision). When there is a collision with the player, the player and the ghost will reset to the starting position. If a ghost collides with a dot or a cherry, they will simply move through (the order in which you render them is up to you).

Green Ghost

Green ghosts are only in Level 1 and are shown by ghostGreen .png. They can move in one of two directions (horizontal or vertical), randomly se-

Figure 9: Green Ghost

lected at creation at a speed of 4 pixels per frame. The ghost will start by

initially increasing in the selected direction (i.e, if the vertical direction is

chosen, the ghost will move down and if the horizontal direction is chosen,

the ghost will move right).

A ghost cannot overlap or move though a wall.  When there is a collision with a wall, the green ghost’s movement reverses in the selected direction (for e.g:  if a ghost moving in the vertical direction hits a wall while moving up, the ghost will move down after the collision). When there is a collision with the player, the player and the ghost will reset to the starting position. If a ghost collides with a dot or a cherry, they will simply move through (the order in which you render them is up to you).

Pink Ghost

Figure 10: Pink Ghost

Pink ghosts are only in Level 1 and are rendered by ghostPink .png. They can move in one of four directions (left, right, up and down), randomly selected at creation at a speed of 3 pixels per frame.

A ghost cannot overlap or move though a wall. When there is a collision

with a wall, the pink ghost’s direction will be randomly chosen again from the four possible directions.  When there is a collision with the player, the player and the ghost will reset to the starting position. If a ghost collides with a dot or a cherry, they will simply move through (the order in which you render them is up to you).

The Ghosts during Frenzy Mode

During  frenzy  mode,  all  of  the  ghosts  images  will  be  changed  to

ghostFrenzy .png as shown on the right.  Their speeds will correspond-

ingly decrease by 0.5 pixels per frame.  During this mode, if a ghost

collides with the player, the ghost will disappear from the screen.  All

other behaviour remains the same during this mode.                                   Figure  11:   A  Ghost Once the frenzy mode ends, the ghosts that disappeared will reappear at   during frenzy mode    their starting positions (i.e.  the original positions in the csv file).  Any

ghosts that didn’t disappear, will continue to move as normal. All of the ghosts behaviour returns to normal including the speed, the images and the collision behaviour.

Stationary Entities

These are entities placed throughout the level that do not move, at locations specified by the level CSV file (the Level 0 Red Ghost is also stationary but is not included here as it has been explained earlier). These may apply some effect on the moving entities that collide with them, and may need to disappear at some point (i.e. the game should stop rendering and updating them).


Figure 12: Wall

A wall is a stationary object, shown by wall .png. The player shouldnt be able to overlap with or move through the walls, i.e. the player must move the player around any areas on the level where walls are being rendered.


A dot is a stationary object,  shown by  dot .png,  with a points value

of  10.    When  the  player  collides  with  a  dot,  the  player’s  score  in-

creases  by  the  dot’s  point  value  and  the  dot  disappears  from  the



A cherry is a stationary object,  shown by  cherry .png, with a points value of 20.  When the player collides with a cherry, the player’s score

Figure 14: Cherry

increases by the cherry’s point value and the cherry screen.

disappears from the


A pellet is a stationary object, shown by pellet .png. When the player collides with it, the game

goes into frenzy mode and the pellet disappears from the screen. If a ghost collides with the pellet, nothing happens and the ghost is able to pass through.

Figure 15: Pellet