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7AAVDM27 assignment brief Semester 2, 2021-2022


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7AAVDM27 assignment brief

Semester 2, 2021-2022

Working in groups of three,1 carry out a quantitative research project and write it up individually. Each project should use exactly one of the research designs taught in weeks 2-3 (survey or experiment),      exactly one of the data collection methods taught in weeks 4-5 (content analysis or questionnaire), and at least one of the data analysis and visualisation methods taught in weeks 6-9 (note that the methods  taught in week 9 can be considered extensions of the methods taught in weeks 6-8).

The submitted assignments should be a maximum of 3000 words in length, and should be structured as follows:

1.  Introduction

Explain what your project was designed to find out, and why this was important.

2.  Literature review

Cover about 5 published articles or book chapters that are relevant to your topic. For each of  these items of literature, cover (a) what was found out (i.e. the findings), (b) how it was found out (i.e. the methodology), and (c) how robust the findings are likely to be, and why (the        problems and limitations). There is a short guide to writing a literature review here:


Please note that it is expected that all members of a group will cover the same items of literature in their assignments. However, each member of a group should explain and discuss those items of literature in their own words.

3.  Hypotheses

List between 1 and 3 hypotheses which are suggested by or at least consistent with the findings of the items of literature covered in section 2.

Please note that the wording of the hypotheses should be the same for all members of a group.  This is an exception to the rule, applying to all other sections of the assignment, that each group member should explain everything in his or her own words.

4.  Methodology

Explain how you will first collect and then analyse data in order to test the hypotheses listed in section 3. Justify your choices of research design, data collection instrument, and analytic       method. Explain the development of your data collection instrument (i.e. your codebook or     questionnaire). If a suitable data collection instrument already exists, you are encouraged to    adapt it for your purposes (but be sure to credit the source).

Although it is usual to begin the methodology section by talking about data collection and        conclude it by talking about data analysis, when you are planning your project together, it will  probably make more sense to begin with the forms of analysis that you want to do and then      work backwards to the best approach to collecting data for those forms of analysis. This is        especially important with statistical tests, because each statistical test works with specific levels of measurement so if you want to do a particular test, you will need to ensure that you collect the right kind of data for it.

5.  Findings

Report all the findings of your research, noting whether the hypotheses were supported. APA     (American Psychological Association) style should be used in reporting any statistical tests.      APA style has been explained in all of the visualisation and analysis lectures on this module, but there is a concise guide here:


6.  Discussion

Interpret and explain the implications of your findings. Assuming that they are correct, what do they tell us about the world?

7.  Problems and limitations

Go through any reasons for doubt in your findings.

Please note that it is expected that student research will have many problems and limitations! The point is to show that you recognise and understand them.

8.  References

As usual in the Department of Digital Humanities, you should reference each source with an in- text citation and an entry in an end-of-text references list.

If you are collecting data from human participants, however, you will need to apply for ethical            clearance via the REMAS system, and include all documentation (confirmation letter, participant        information sheet, consent form) in the appendices of your assignment. See the following intranet page for details:


Please note that it is only necessary for each group to apply for ethical clearance once. However, all     members of each group should include the same documentation in their appendices. (This will result in an increased similarity score on Turnitin, but do not worry about that.)

It is not necessary to include R code in your assignments.