关键词 > KIT712

KIT712 Data Management Technology 2


School of Information and Communication Technology

College of Sciences and Engineering

Unit Outline

KIT712 Data Management Technology


School Website

School of ICT, Syndicate of Technology, Environments and Design - College of Sciences and Engineering http://www.utas.edu.au/ict

College Website

Information and Resources for College of Sciences and Engineering students are available on the College website at: https://www.utas.edu.au/sciences-engineering

University Website

Information and Resources for 'Current Students' are available on the university website at: http://www.utas.edu.au/students/

IT Help

For all queries or problems with accessing, using, or printing from the computers in the School of ICT, please contact the University IT Service Desk - (please see https://www.utas.edu.au/service-desk for opening times):

● Self-Service Portal (preferred): https://www.utas.edu.au/selfservice;

● Face-to-face assistance (weekdays only): Entrance Level, Morris Miller Library, Sandy Bay Campus;

● Face-to-face assistance (weekdays only): Entrance Level, Launceston Campus Library, Newnham Campus.

● Telephone: 6226 2600.

Computing Facilities

The School of ICT has PC labs, Mac labs, and special purpose Networking labs at the Newnham and Sandy Bay campuses. All students are provided with logins for Windows, Macintosh and Unix environments. If you have not used these facilities before and need assistance please contact the University IT Service Desk. Information about after-hour access to labs may be discussed by your Unit Coordinator.

In Hobart, there are 4 PC Labs, a Mac Lab, and two Networks Labs in the Centenary Building, along with other dedicated ICT labs in other buildings on campus. In Launceston, there are 3 PC Labs, two Mac Labs, and two Networks Labs in Building V.

Use of Facilities

Use of facilities provided by the School of ICT is subject to the University's policy on Information, communication and technology services and facilities use, details of which can be found at https://www.utas.edu.au/policy/policies (specifically Section 7.1, Subsection 3).

The facilities may only be used for study-related purposes, and may not be used for personal gain. Anti-social behaviour in labs such as game playing, viewing pornography, loud discussion, audio without the use of head phones, etc is strictly prohibited in all labs at all times. Eating, drinking, and smoking is not permitted in the labs. Disciplinary action may be taken against students who violate the guidelines.

Learning Strategies

If you need assistance in preparing for study please refer to your tutor or lecturer. The University also provides a range of face-to-face and online services to help equip students with the academic and literacy skills that they need to undertake their study. These services are in addition to the support you receive in each unit from unit coordinators, lecturers and tutors. For details of additional services such as workshops, individual consultation for learning advice, and peer assisted learning opportunities, please visit https://www.utas.edu.au/students/learning

The University also provides free access to Studiosity, 24/7 online study help for all UTAS students, enabling them to get feedback on written work within 24 hours or chat live with a subject specialist anywhere and anytime.

If you will be using MyLO for the first time and would like some information on how to use MyLO refer to the following website: https://www.utas.edu.au/mylo/student-support

Some of the units you will study use videoconferencing to deliver lectures and tutorials. To enable you to get the best out of a videoconference please refer to the following guide: http://www.its.utas.edu.au/videoconf/vcstudentguide.pdf

Help resolving concerns about this unit

In the first instance you should contact your lecturer. If the matter is not resolved then you should contact the Head of School. If the matter is still unresolved and you would like to know who to contact or the procedures for resolving your concern refer to the following website: https://www.utas.edu.au/students/safe-fair-community-unit/incidents

The Tasmanian University Union (TUU) may also be able to assist.

The School reserves the right to alter the details contained in this Unit Outline. Students will be advised of changes to the outline via their University email account and it remains the responsibility of the student to check their email for such changes.

Safety and Wellbeing

The University is committed to providing a safe and secure teaching and learning environment. In addition to specific requirements of this unit you should refer to the University's Safety and Wellbeing website - https://www.utas.edu.au/safety-and-wellbeing/home/ and policy.

The University recognises that hazard identification, risk assessment and controls are a critical part of everyday work.

Prior to commencing any laboratory and/or field activity on or off campus in this unit you are required to:

● identify hazards - find out what could cause harm

● assess risks if necessary - understand the nature of the harm that could be caused by the hazard, how serious the harm could be and the likelihood of it happening

● control risks - implement the most effective control measure that is reasonably practicable in the circumstances

● review control measures to ensure they are working as planned.

A formal Risk Assessment must be completed as part of any project proposal/plan prior to commencing any practical activities. Your supervisor will assist you in identifying potential hazards and assessing risks for your project and will assist you with sign off on any documentation.

Use the Risk Assessment template contained within the UTAS Project and Task Risk Management Minimum Standard. A word version of this form is available from the UTAS WHS webpage and in MyLO. Note that risk assessments (RA) are not required for activities that are considered routine and a current Safe Work Procedure (SWP) is already in place to manage the project/task.

For additional advice and assistance see the local WHS Contact or Health and Safety Representative (HSR) within your School/Institution, and/or consult with other staff.


Approach to Learning

The University is committed to high standards of professional conduct in all activities, and holds its commitment and responsibilities to its students as being of paramount importance. Likewise, it holds expectations about the responsibilities students have as they pursue their studies within the special environment the University offers. 

The University is committed to providing a safe, supportive, and healthy environment for all members of our community.

You are expected to spend about 130 hrs studying in this unit - this includes attendance at scheduled teaching sessions. (For a 13 week semester this is, on average, 10 hr/wk.) This is the amount of study time that the 'typical' student will need to reach the level of competence and understanding required to fulfil the unit objectives. You are expected to:

● attend all scheduled teaching sessions, unless otherwise notified by the unit coordinator

● prepare for, and actively participate in all scheduled teaching sessions

● complete the assigned learning tasks

● review what has been learnt

● complete assessment items and submit them on time

● access and be familiar with the information and resources available on the unit website

● seek help from teaching staff if you have any questions or difficulties in studying this unit

You are encouraged to read the university's Behaviour Policy. https://www.utas.edu.au/policy/policies/governance-and-accountability/6.4-Behaviour-Policy

It is expected that students will familiarise themselves with access and use of the MyLO system operated by the University for the electronic delivery of course materials, and for various forms of communication.

It is expected that students will consult email sent to their University email address at least twice a week for notices relating to the administration of the unit, and for notification of the results of assignments.

It is expected that students will read the background material specified in the course curriculum, will actively attend and participate in tutorials, and be prepared to discuss relevant issues arising with tutors, lecturers and fellow students.

Student Expectations of the Unit

Students enrolled in this Unit may reasonably expect the following:

1. To be able to contact a lecturer or tutor by electronic mail, to raise issues arising in the unit, either relating to content or student performance within the unit.

2. Subject to availability, to be able to discuss such issues in person with the lecturer or tutor.

3. That assignments will be marked and the marks will normally be returned within 3 weeks of due dates.

4. That all relevant notices regarding the administration of the unit, including any necessary changes, will be communicated to all students enrolled in the unit via email.

These expectations are in addition to those specified in relevant University regulations.

Academic integrity

What is academic integrity?

At the University of Tasmania, academic integrity requires all students to act responsibly, honestly, ethically, and collegially when using, producing, and communicating information with other students and staff members. The University community is committed to upholding the Statement on Academic Integrity.

Breaches of academic integrity such as plagiarism, contract cheating, collusion and so on are counter to the fundamental values of the University. A breach is defined as being when a student:

a. fails to meet the expectations of academic integrity; or

b. seeks to gain, for themselves or for any other person, any academic advantage or advancement to which they or that other person is not entitled; or

c. improperly disadvantages any other member of the University community.

The University and any persons authorised by the University may submit your assessable works to a text matching service, to obtain a report on possible breaches such as plagiarism or contract cheating. Substantiated breaches can result in a range of sanctions which are outlined in the Student Academic Integrity Ordinance.

More information is available from the Academic Integrity site for students on the Student Portal.

The University and any persons authorised by the University may submit your assessable works to a text matching service, to obtain a report on possible instances of plagiarism or contract cheating.

Academic Integrity Training Module

As part of the University's educative approach to academic integrity, there is a short Academic Integrity Training Module that all students are required to complete.

Completion of the module allows you to demonstrate your understanding of what constitutes a breach of academic integrity.

All commencing students (pre-degree through to higher degree by research) are required to complete the Academic Integrity module available through MyLO. If you do not complete this module your final unit results will be withheld. You should aim to complete the module within the first few weeks of commencing study at the University.


In your written work you will need to support your ideas by referring to scholarly literature, works of art and/or inventions. It is important that you understand how to correctly refer to the work of others and maintain academic integrity.

Failure to appropriately acknowledge the ideas of others constitutes a breach of academic integrity

The University library provides information on presentation of assignments, including referencing styles and should be referred to when completing tasks in this unit.

For further information, see the Academic Integrity site for Students on the Student Portal.


The details of the submission method (paper, electronic or other) for each assignment will be supplied in a separate assignment specification sheet. All in-semester assignment submissions (including electronic submissions) are to include an Assignment Cover Sheet which includes a statement confirming that the submission is your own work. The Assignment Cover Sheet is available from the ICT intranet resources page - https://secure.utas.edu.au/computing-information-systems/resources/assignment-cover-sheets.

Students must take responsibility for the correct submission of their assignments. Students are expected to adhere to the following procedure for submission:

● Submitted files MUST be checked by the student to ensure that correct submission of the file has been undertaken.

● Students are expected to notify the Lecturer WITHIN TWO HOURS of submission if their files have not been submitted correctly.

● Students must take responsibility for safely backing up of their own files during the academic year to ensure that no files are permanently lost.


Assessment items will not be accepted after the due date except under the conditions stated in the Discipline policy on late assessment. https://secure.utas.edu.au/computing-information-systems/resources

A request for an extension to the due date for an assessment task should be made in writing and submitted to the Unit Coordinator THREE (3) days before the assignment due date. Independent documentation (medical certificate, counsellor’s report, etc.) in support of the application should be attached to the form OR a current Learning Access Plan may be used as supporting documentation, as appropriate.

If you are ill on the day of an examination or have other serious circumstances which prevent you from sitting an examination, you may apply for a deferred examination (see https://www.utas.edu.au/exams/examinations (PDF 290KB) for form and further details). If you are ill, you should see a doctor on the day of the examination and the doctor must return the form to the Exams Office within 3 working days of the examination. Please note that having a medical certificate does not guarantee that a deferred examination will be approved.

Students who have completed an examination(s) and who feel that they have been disadvantaged due to illness or other circumstances affecting their study may request special consideration in the marking of their examination(s) (see http://www.utas.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0019/314623/Special-Consideration.pdf (PDF 143KB) for form). Forms should be submitted directly to the relevant school, accompanied by appropriate supporting documentation, as soon as possible after the completion of the examination(s) and no more than 3 working days after completion of the student’s last examination. Granting of special consideration is at the discretion of the lecturer and school.

Review of Assessment and Appeals

1. It is expected that students will adhere to the following policy for review of any piece of continuous assessment.

a. Within 5 days of the release of the assessment result, the student should request an appointment with the Lecturer. The student should be prepared to discuss specifically which section of the marking criteria they are disputing and why they consider the mark is inappropriate.

b. Following this discussion, students may request a formal remark of the original submission (in accordance with Academic Senate Rule 6 - Admission, Assessment and Student Progress. This remark will be undertaken, where practicable, by an alternative assessor.

2. Students may also request a review of the final result in a unit. The request and payment must be made within 10 days from the date of the result notification. Students are referred to Academic Senate Rule 6 - Admission, Assessment and Student Progress, clause 5.12 at https://www.utas.edu.au/academic-governance/academic-senate/academic-senate-rules.

Concerns and Complaints

The University is committed to providing an environment in which any concerns and complaints will be treated seriously, impartially and resolved as quickly as possible. We are also committed to ensuring that a student may lodge a complaint without fear of disadvantage. In the first instance, students are encouraged (where appropriate) to attempt to resolve their concerns at a local level, by contacting their Unit Coordinator and if the Unit Coordinator can not resolve the issue then the Head of School. If you have a concern, information about who to contact for assistance is available on the How to resolve a student complaint page.

It is expected that students will adhere to the following policy for making any complaint or grievance directly related to a Unit:

a. In the first instance, students are to approach the Lecturer or Unit Coordinator concerned and arrange a time to speak with them about their concern.

b. If an issue remains unresolved, the student should approach the Head of School and arrange a time to speak with them about their concern.

If the School's internal policy of complaints is unable to resolve an issue, students should consult Ordinance 8 Student Complaints for further direction, see http://acserv.admin.utas.edu.au/complaints_info.html

Formal Examination

The formal examination is conducted by the University Registrar. The 'Current Students' section on the university website contains information about the conduct of, and timetable for, formal examinations.

Final Grade

Passing grades will be awarded based on the AVCC guidelines:

PP at least 50% of the overall mark but less than 60%

CR at least 60% of the overall mark but less than 70%

DN at least 70% of the overall mark but less than 80%

HD at least 80% of the overall mark

In order to comply with the benchmarks set by the College of Sciences and Engineering for distribution of grades in units, both the insemester and examination marks that students obtain may be adjusted either upwards or downwards. See https://wikis.utas.edu.au/display/FSET/Policies+and+Documents for details of the College Assessment Guidelines.

Further information and assistance

If you are experiencing difficulties with your studies or assignments, have personal or life-planning issues, disability or illness which may affect your course of study, you are advised to raise these with the unit coordinator in the first instance. There is a range of University-wide support services available to you including:

● Student Advisers (https://www.utas.edu.au/students/learning/advisers)

● Disability Services (https://www.utas.edu.au/students/shw/disability)

● Library assistance (http://www.utas.edu.au/library/study)

● Financial support (https://tuu.com.au/grants-and-bursaries/)

and more which can be found on the Study Support page (https://www.utas.edu.au/students/learning) and Safety, Health and Wellbeing pages (https://www.utas.edu.au/students/shw) from the Current Students portal (https://www.utas.edu.au/students of the University website.