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ELEC5204 Assignment for 2023


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ELEC5204 Assignment for 2023

Power systems are experiencing a transition in paradigm due to the rapid and increasing penetration of distributed energy resources (DER) connected at low- and medium- voltage distribution networks, including photovoltaic (PV) systems, electric vehicles (EV), battery storage (BS) systems and flexible loads. To give some context, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the installed capacity of rooftop PV systems has grown from 8 GW in 2007 to over 400 GW in 2017. A similar trend is observed in the United States, where the installed capacity of residential PV systems has increased from 5 GW in 2015 to almost 12 GW in 2018. Australia is another country with a similar trend; for example, the number of households with rooftop solar passed two million in 2018. The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) projects an increase in the installed capacity of behind-the-meter PV-battery systems from approximately 8 GW in 2018 to nearly 21 GW in 2030. Technologies enabled by power electronic interfaces, such  as  distributed  energy  resources  (DER),  energy  storage  systems  (ESSs),  and electrical vehicles (EVs), will form microgrids that can be grid-connected or islanded. Microgrids, in general, are particularly beneficial for riding through grid outages and optimizing power dispatch. Employing dc microgrids to integrate such resources, in place of ac systems, offers further advantages in reducing energy losses by decreasing the required number of ac–dc conversion stages. In transmission networks, the modern power system is becoming more complicated due to the increasing penetration ofpower electronics, which is referred to as a power-electronics-dominated system (PEDS). This has led voltage source converter (VSC) based sources (e.g., Type-IV wind power plants, photovoltaic power plants, and HVDC transmissions) up to several hundred megawatts to be connected to the high-voltage transmission network.

Please write a literature review of 1000- 1200 words around the topic state-of-the-art protection method in the active distribution network, microgrid and power-electronics- dominated power system” in recent 10 years from the following journals:

(1) IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid

(2) IEEE Transactions on Power Systems

(3) IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

(4) IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics

Please note: A good literature review should be like a journal article in IEEE publication format and use the IEEE reference style. The marks will be given as follows.

(1) Do not give a direct description of the literature. The literature should be synthesized, compared and analyzed with your own insights and discussions (10 marks).

(2) Do not analyze some irrelevant literature. The review should have a clear focus and logical connections (3 marks).

(3) The research gaps should be found. If there is no research gap, then the value of continuing research on this topic cannot be reflected (4 marks).

4) The structure, clarity, focus on topic, and quality of writing and presentation should be good (3 marks).