关键词 > ECON-UA323



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Final Exam, Spring 2020

Please type your answers to the final exam (and remember to include your name in your response. This exam will go live on Classes at 7:30AM Eastern, please turn in your responses also to Classes at 8:45 (or longer if you have a different arrangement with the Moses Center).

You should feel free to use any material you want to help you with your answer (including liberal use of quoting or research online), but do not communicate with anyone about the exam during the exam.

Since you are typing your answers, we expect them to be at least spell checked. We are not going to be responding to questions during the exam – if you are unclear about something just use your best judgement.

Imagine that you are working in the Ministry of Health of whatever country you are currently in (and tell us what that is). Your boss is desperately searching for relevant literature to help with the current crisis, and came across this paper:


Your boss is hoping for a brief summary of the paper.

First, provide an “elevator pitch” of the paper: if you were on an elevator for 5 minutes (roughly a page) with your boss and had to describe the paper, what would you say? For instance, what was the intervention they tried, and what were the main outcomes? There is no right answer to this: you should not try to pick the parts you think that I find the most interesting.

Then your boss has two additional questions

1) What happens to reported cases? Is an increase in reported cases good or bad? Explain.

2) What are the mechanisms that they believe are operating? When you think about the current crisis, what are the relevant lessons? (Given that you can’t go back in time and change your behavior a year ago)

3) In spite of being totally inundated, your boss wants to prepare for the next crisis, and will allow you to randomize some aspect of the response. Given the differences between Sierra Leone during Ebola and wherever you are now, what would you like to test in your context? Explain why.

You should feel free to quote liberally from the paper, but you should be able to coherently tie things together – we don’t just want you to regurgitate the paper back to us

Good luck!