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ACCT90004 Accounting for Decision Making Semester 1, 2023


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Accounting for Decision Making

Department of Accounting

Group Assignment: Collingwood Football Club Ltd

Semester 1, 2023

Assignment conditions:

Due Date

Thursday 11 May 2023 no later than 11 pm. (Week 10)

Word length

4,000 words including working papers, and references.

Assessment value

Assignment is worth 15% of your overall grade.

Assignment submission

The assignment is to be submitted electronically in the Accounting for Decision Making subject on the LMS.

Assignment presentation

Assignment should be double-spaced with left and right margins of 3 cm and top and bottom margins of 2.5cm.

Assignment cover sheet

A completed cover sheet, which may be downloaded from the Assignments section of the LMS must also be submitted and    attached to your assignment.

Assignment contribution

Submission confirms that all group members are submitting original work and have contributed equally to the final paper.

Assignment Learning Aim:

The assignment group will research, investigate, analyse, and report on the 2022 Annual Financial Report of the Collingwood Football Club Limited.

Assignment Learning Objectives:

•   The assignment group will research the Conceptual Framework, Accounting               Standards AASB 15, AASB 1053, AASB 1060, AASB 138, AASB 137 and AASB 136 and implement that research to support the discussion of general-purpose financial         reporting and differential reporting and the appropriate treatment of specific assets and liabilities.

•   The assignment group will conduct an analytical review of performance.

•   The assignment group will research the Australian Securities Investments               Commission (ASIC) requirements in relation to the purpose of an Auditor’s Report and auditor independence.

•   The assignment group will collaborate, discuss, debate, and communicate their findings to provide the foundation of the final report.

•   The assignment group will write a 4,000-word report.  Included in that word count, will be all supporting data and appendices.

•   The group will reference any research using the method APA 7 in their report. (Note: the reference list will not be included in the word count).

Assignment Notes:

It is often said that Melbourne is the sporting capital of Australia some might argue it is the sporting capital of the world.  Melburnians pride themselves on being mad sports followers.  The sporting culture of the city is evidenced by hosting international sporting events such as the F1 at Albert Park, the Australian Open, one of only four grand slam tennis events, the       running of the famous Melbourne Cup horse race and there’s the Boxing Day cricket test       held at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG).  There is also the Australian Football League    (AFL) competition, more commonly known as the footy” .

Your assignment group has decided to embrace the sporting culture in Melbourne.  It is a  widely held view that everyone needs to “pick a footy team” and your group is considering barracking for the Collingwood Football Club.

The Collingwood Football Club (hereafter referred to as “the CFC”) is a professional                 Australian rules football club based in Melbourne that competes in the Australian Football     League (AFL), the sport’s elite competition.  The CFC was formed in 1892 in the traditionally  working-class Melbourne suburb of Collingwood.  The CFC plays home football games at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG).  The players’ home guernsey consists of vertical black and white stripes, matching the Australian bird the magpie, which is why the club is nicknamed    the Magpies or colloquially referred to as the Pies” .  Sponsorship of the guernsey is one of   the most valuable sports sponsorships in Australia.  The CFC is regarded as one of Australia’s most popular sports clubs.  However, it is traditionally reviled by non-Collingwood                   supporters, and it is often said You either love em or you hate em” .

Your assignment group is to research the Collingwood Football Club and review the 2022 Annual Report of the Collingwood Football Club Limited (the CFC) to complete the report tasks detailed below.

This assignment relates to the 2022 Annual Report of the Collingwood Football Club Limited.



The Official website of the Collingwood Football Club can be found at:


Report Tasks:

Task 1

Report Structure


(i)       The report should contain an Index page and a Synopsis (Abstract) of the report (suggested word count of 250 words).

Task 2

General Purpose Financial Statements and Differential Reporting


(i)          What is differential reporting and how does it apply to the CFC?  Explain the reasons for and objective of AASB 1053 Application of Tiers of Australian Accounting               Standards.  Include references to specific paragraphs of the standard.

(ii)          Explain the impact of AASB 1060 General Purpose Financial Statements – Simplified

Disclosures for For-Profit and Not-for-Profit Tier 2 Entities on the financial             statements of the CFC. Include references to specific paragraphs of the standard.

Task 3

Intangible Assets


(i)        Discuss whether it would be appropriate to recognise football players as intangible  assets in accordance with AASB 138 Intangible Assets. Include references to specific paragraphs of AASB 138 and other relevant references to support your answer.

Task 4



(i)       Consider the following hypothetical scenario: The CFC loses its licence to compete in the AFL competition and is suspended from or loses its right to represent the             Australian Football League (AFL).  Explain what would happen to any liability due to  the players of the CFC.  Include reference to the 2022 Annual Report of the AFL.

Task 5

Revenue Recognition


(i)        Explain how revenue from season’s tickets sold to members by the CFC should be       recognised.  Include reference to the five-step model framework in AASB 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers (specific amounts are not required).

(ii)       Explain how the Unearned Income in the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

would have arisen and why it is recognised as a liability.

Task 6

Analytical Review


(i)       Conduct an analytical review comparing the 2021 and 2022 results in the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income of the CFC.  How would you explain to the            members of the CFC the reasons for the vastly different results in those years?

(ii)       Discuss whether, as part of your analytical review, it would be appropriate to calculate

the return on equity of the CFC.

Task 7

Auditor’s Report


(i)       What is the purpose of the Auditor’s Report prepared by Deloitte attached to the

2022 Annual Financial Report?

(ii)      Why is it important for the auditor to provide an Auditor’s Independence Declaration

to the Collingwood Football Club which is included on page 8 of the 2022 Annual Financial Report?

Task 8

Class Action


(i)        Media outlets have recently reported an AFL concussion class action has been lodged with the Victorian Supreme Court. Former players are seeking compensation in a        landmark case against the AFL over the claim that there was “serious damage” cause by concussion-related injuries through head strikes. The action takes in players who   played for AFL clubs between 1985 and March 2023.  Discuss the potential impact of the lawsuit on the financial statements of the CFC.


Collingwood Football Club Limited 2022 Annual Financial Report



Conceptual Framework


AASB 1053 Application of Tiers of Australian Accounting Standards



AASB 1060 General Purpose Financial Statements  Simplified Disclosures for For-Profit

and Not-for-Profit Tier 2 Entities



AASB 138 Intangible Assets



AASB 136 Impairment of Assets



AASB 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers


Australian Football League 126th Annual Report 2022

https://resources.afl.com.au/afl/document/2023/03/03/a2ac5fc4-1ce6-4a12-85e6- 9d398a960142/2022-AFL_AR_Digital-


Referencing APA 7


Assignment Special Note:

•    In the report specific paragraph references need to be quoted to provide validity to your statements.

•    All pages of the report need to be numbered.

•    All members of the Group need to be identified on the Group Assignment Cover sheet in terms of name and student number.

•    A group leader needs to be appointed and that leader needs to submit ONLY ONE COPY of the WORD DOCUMENT ASSIGNMENT.