关键词 > CAN302

CAN302 Technologies for e-commerce Assessment II


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CAN302 Technologies for e-commerce

Assessment II

General instructions

This practical lab-based task/project is to assess the students’ ability of code and test a web-   based e-commerce solution in a group format. The assessment will be carried to check your basic skills (HTML, CSS, JS, PHP and SQL) and creativeness to develop, test and implement the design of a web store.

A team should have a discussion and agree on ONE final design of assessment I. Following the final design, the PHP code should be developed and tested.


Students should submit E-copies of a zip file through LMO, which should cover:

1.   A report with

a)   The final design (both UI and data structure in SQL format).

b)   LLD (low level design) of each function (i.e. UML or/and flow chart).

c)   Test report

2.   The PHP codes.

Please note, you need to guarantee that you code can run under XAMPP environment.

Students should submit E-copies of the above tasks in one report. The XJTLU standard cover page should be used.

The report should be submitted on LMO before deadline:

Friday, 5th May, 2023 18:00

Assessment methods:

Marks (helped by TAs) of your report (100%)


Mark will be deducted for later submission based on university regulations

Low level design (30 marks).

Student should explain the design of each function in flow chart. If necessary, the UML diagram (for example - time sequency) chart can also be provided.

The design should be clear enough for other programmer to develop the functions.

Test report (30 marks).

Test cases corresponding to the design should be provided.

The failed result and corresponding bug should also be included.

Code (40 marks)

General code manner and code quality. Check whether all design have been implemented and tested properly.