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ECON4309/ECON6309 Economic Measurement Tutorial Assignment #5 2023


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ECON4309/ECON6309 Economic Measurement

Tutorial Assignment #5


These exercises are adapted from Chapter 7 of Diewert’s Barcelona Lectures, Section 4.

Consider the following period t (net) product function (e.g. GDP function):

gt (P,x) ≡ max{P · y : (y,x)ϵSt }                                  (1)

for periods t = 1, 2 ..., where St  is the available technology set (closed convex cone that exhibits free disposability), P is a vector of output prices, y is a vector of the corresponding (net) outputs. (The quantities can be positive or negative; a negative quantity implies that the good is an intermediate input.)

We have the following first order partial derivatives of the function:

yt     =   P gt (Pt ,xt ),

Wt     =   xgt (Pt ,xt ),



where Wt  is a vector of input prices which corresponds to the input vector xt .

With constant returns to scale, then

gt (Pt ,xt ) = Pt  · yt  = Wt  · xt                                                                       (4)

Now, for two periods, 1 and 2, we can define a family of output indexes for each reference

output price vector P :

Q(P,x1 ,x2 ) g2 (P,x2 )

g1 (P,x) .



Note that only the technology (represented by the superscript on g) is changing in going from the denominator to the numerator, thus isolating technical change. If τ(P,x) is greater than one then there has been technical progress.

In a similar fashion, a family of input growth indexes can be defined as follows:

γ(P,t,x1 ,x2 ) ≡                                       (7)

Problem 1

Show that the output quantity index defined by (5) has the following decompositions:

Q(P,x1 ,x2 )   =   τ(P,x2 )γ(P,1,x1 ,x2 );

Q(P,x1 ,x2 )   =   τ(P,x1 )γ(P,2,x1 ,x2 ).

Problem 2

Consider the following Laspeyres-type and Paasche-type theoretical output quantity indexes:

Q(P1 ,x1 ,x2 ) ≡  ;

Q(P2 ,x1 ,x2 ) g2 (P2 ,x2 )

Q(P1 ,x1 ,x2 )  QL (P1 ,P2 ,y1 ,y2 )

Q(P2 ,x1 ,x2 ) ≤  QP (P1 ,P2 ,y1 ,y2 )

where QL (P1 ,P2 ,y1 ,y2 ) and QP (P1 ,P2 ,y1 ,y2 ) are observable Laspeyres and Paasche (net) output quantity indexes. (3 marks)

Using a two-output example, use a diagram to explain the two inequalities.  Hint:  This will be the producer side equivalent of Figure 3. 1 in Chapter 3 of the Lecture Book. (2 marks)

Problem 3

Under what conditions will the inequalities in Problem 2 hold as equalities? Illustrate with a diagram using a two-output example as in Problem 2.