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CM2307 Object Orientation, Algorithms and Data Structures


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Object Orientation, Algorithms and Data Structures

OO Modelling and Programming Assignment



This is worth 15% of the total marks available for the present coursework.

Download the zip archive file OOTask1.zip from Learning Central. The source code for this task can be found in the Source folder: Bird.java, Canary.java, Chinchilla.java, Client.java, Pet.java, Rabbit.java, SmallMammal.java and ZebraFinch.java. The Client.java class contains a main method which can be run from the command line.

(i)     You will notice that the setName() and getName() methods in Canary do the same as the corresponding methods in ZebraFinch, Chinchilla and Rabbit. Also, you may assume that all birds can fly and that no small       mammals can fly.

Modify the supplied Pet classes (Bird.java, Canary.java, Chinchilla.java, Pet.java, Rabbit.java, SmallMammal.java and ZebraFinch.java) to improve and restructure the code so that:

•    these classes can be used with the supplied ImprovedClient.java class (in the folder ImprovedClientClass), and

•    code redundancy is minimised.

(ii)     In the context of this program, discuss briefly the advantages and

disadvantages of (a) using abstract classes (as in part i); (b) using     interfaces instead of abstract classes (something you are not actually required to implement, only discuss.)

[Guide: no absolute word limits, but you should aim for between 50 and 100 words]


This is worth 15% of the total marks available for the present coursework.

Download the program code for this task (OOTask2.zip). This implements a simple  card deck class, from which cards can be dealt, one at a time, using the dealCard() method.

(i)     The CardDeck class is not thread-safe. Write test code which                  demonstrates that this class is indeed not thread-safe. (HINT: it is            sufficient to demonstrate that if n threads call the CardDeck dealCard() method concurrently, the sequence number afterwards is sometimes less than n.)

(ii)     In what circumstances could an exception be thrown (and caught) by the

CardDeck dealCard() method? You should consider both single- threaded and multi-threaded scenarios in your answer.

(iii)    Implement a new class ThreadSafeCardDeck , based on the CardDeck

class provided, which is thread-safe. Use your test code (modified to     refer to an instance of ThreadSafeCardDeck instead of CardDeck) to  demonstrate that your new class does indeed appear to be thread-safe.


Part 3(a)

This is worth 15% of the total marks available for the present coursework.

Download the program code for this task (OOTask3.zip). This contains the source code files for this task: Game.java, LinearCongruentialGenerator.java and RandomInterface.java.

(i)     Write a description of the purpose of this program, bearing in mind that  you are going to use this description to help you with identifying suitable classes for an improved version of this program in Parts 3(a)(ii) and 3(b) of this task.

[Guide: no rigid maximum, but you should aim for between 100 and 200 words]

(ii)    Write a critique of this program, drawing attention to those aspects which

are poorly designed and/or poorly implemented. You should consider:

•    Cohesion, coupling and whether the number of classes is appropriate

•    The extent to which game entities are modelled as objects

•    Whether it is appropriate to use static variables

•    The programming style in general

•    Any other particularly pertinent points that may occur to you

[Guide: no rigid maximum, but you should aim for between 100 and 300 words]

Part 3(b)

This is worth 25% of the total marks available for the present coursework.

The purpose of the remainder of this task is to design and implement an improved version of the program discussed in Part 3(a), which:

.       Shows evidence of the application of good software design strategies,

including minimising coupling and maximising cohesion

.        Makes use of the description created in Part 3(a) to help you identify

suitable classes

.        Uses your revised ThreadSafeCardDeck from Task 2 to implement the

card-selection actions (NOTE: if you are unable to get ThreadSafeCardDeck working you may, without penalty, use the originally-provided CardDeck class instead)

.        Separates out the two game implementations . To achieve this , you

should apply some kind of design pattern2

.        Includes brief comments explaining the code and decisions, including

your choice of design pattern and all stylistic improvements made , but

. Does not make the game play more interesting, or implement an

improved user interface, etc.

You should submit the following. You are strongly encouraged to approach this task   in the order indicated below (that is, complete at least a first draft of (i) before moving on to (ii); complete at least a first draft of (ii) before moving on to (iii), and complete at least a first draft of (iii) before moving on to (iv)):

(i)     A summary of the classes identified for your improved version of the        program, taking into account the points listed above, and explaining your design choices

[Guide: you may well choose to present these results in tabular form, with just a very small number of words explaining the role of each class, plus  a small number of additional sentences explaining your overall choice,     including your choice of design pattern]

(ii)    A UML class diagram representing the improved program to be


(iii)    A summary of the other changes that are to be made in order to improve

the programming style

(iv)   An implementation of the improved program!

NOTE: for part (iv) your implementation will be judged solely on the extent to which it faithfully implements the classes and design/style improvements documented in parts (i)-(iii).


This is worth 30% of the total marks available for the present coursework (20% for parts (i)-(iv); 10% for the optional part (v))

Download the program code for this task (OOTask4.zip). This contains source code implementing a typical solution for the dining philosophers problem:

DiningPhilosophers.java, Fork.java and Philosopher.java.

Briefly, the dining philosophers problem is as follows

There are five philosophers, sitting to eat spaghetti at a round table with five forks. Each philosopher has a fork to his/or her left and a fork to the right. The fork on the left hand side is shared with the neighbouring philosopher on the left; similarly the  fork to the right is shared with the neighbouring philosopher on the right hand side.

To eat, a philosopher must pick up both forks the one on the left and the one on the right. After a while, the philosopher stops eating and puts the forks down. Since there are only five forks, at most two philosophers can be eating at the same time (they      need 2x2=4 forks).

The philosophers keep on taking the opportunity as it arises to try to obtain both left and right forks, eat for a while, then put the forks down for a while, do some thinking, and then repeating the attempt to eat.

One particular solution requires a philosopher to acquire the fork on his/her left then to acquire the one on his/her right, then eat.

(i)     Explain how this code implements the dining philosophers problem, paying particular attention to:

•    the way picking up a fork” and putting down a fork” are realised in the program, and

•    the role played by the inUse variable.

(ii)    After running the code for several times, you will notice that execution will

sometimes freeze permanently. Making reference to what you know       about liveness hazards, explain what is causing the execution to freeze.

(iii)    One way of addressing this problem is for one of the philosophers to try

to pick up the fork to the right first of all, then the one to the left. The       easiest way to achieve this is to tell the philosopher the fork on the left is actually the one on the right, and vice-versa, when calling the Philosopher’s constructor. Modify the code accordingly and explain       briefly why your minor change helps avoid a deadlock situation. In what way will the output be incorrect if you adopt this relatively simple             solution?

[This task continues on the next page]

[Task 4 continued …]

(iv)   Although the solution described in (iii) should ensure that the program

does not freeze, some philosophers may well not get much opportunity to eat. Give one reason why this might happen, explaining your answer        carefully.

(v)    [NOTE: This last part is an optional challenge, but you will need to     attempt it in order to access the last 10% of the marks for the present exercise]

Another solution to the deadlock problem is for a philosopher to ensure  both forks are available then take both of them before anyone else has a chance! Then (s)he can eat for a while, after which (s)he can put them    down so that they are available for others.

From an implementation point of view, this means that

•    no other threads must be allowed to interleave with an individual philosopher’s thread while (s)he is checking the forks’ states and, if they are not currently in use, changing their states so that they  are in use

•    it would therefore be appropriate to guard the code to do the crit- ical part described in the previous bullet point with a lock that is  shared among all the philosophers’ threads. Two possibilities for this are either to (a) create a single object in the DiningPhilo- sophers main() method and pass that same object as an addi-  tional parameter to the Philosopher constructor; or (b) define a static object in the Philosopher class for use in locking.

Accordingly, your task for this part of the question is to implement the     solution as described, but also to include appropriate comments in your code to explain how it implements the solution how your code ensures that both forks are acquired; that no-one else can acquire a fork while a given philosopher is in the process of acquiring it, etc.

Learning Outcomes Assessed

Appreciate the main features that are needed in a programming language in order to support the development of reliable, portable software and how key OO principles relate to those features.

Apply principles of good OO software design to the creation of robust, elegant, maintainable code.

Explain and apply a range of design patterns.

Demonstrate understanding of object-oriented abstractions for concurrency and user interaction.

Criteria for assessment

Credit will be awarded against the following criteria.

TASK 1: Refactoring


The code produces correct output; the code has been fully refactored to work with the Im- provedClient class and to minimise code redundancy; an insightful discussion of the ad-   vantages and disadvantages of using abstract classes or interfaces is provided


Any deviations from correct output are minor; the code has been fully refactored to work with the ImprovedClient class and code redundancy is mostly minimised; a good discus- sion of the advantages and disadvantages of using abstract classes or interfaces is provided


If the code does not produce correct output, it is clear how the code could be fixed so that it did so; code shows good progress towards a solution; progress has been made towards refactoring the code to work with the ImprovedClient class and to minimise code redund-  ancy; the discussion of advantages and disadvantages of using abstract classes or inter- faces shows some understanding of the roles that they play

Pass/ 3rd

Code shows incomplete progress towards a solution; the discussion of advantages and disadvantages of using abstract classes or interfaces shows basic, but limited under- standing of the roles that they play


There are major problems with the code for example, it might not compile, or does not really address the question; the discussion is poor or absent

TASK 2: Concurrent testing of a card deck class and making it thread-safe


You have fully identified and explained the circumstances in which an exception might be thrown (and caught) by the dealCard() method. Your revised card deck class is thread- safe. Your test code provides effective demonstration that the original card deck class is  not thread-safe, and that your revised card deck class appears to be thread-safe. The     code is well structured and includes in-line comments which provide an excellent insight into the way it works.


You have mostly identified and explained the circumstances in which an exception might be thrown (and caught) by the dealCard() method. Your revised card deck class is thread-safe, with (at most) very minor errors. Your test code provides a reasonably good demonstration that the original card deck class is not thread-safe, and that your revised card deck class appears to be thread-safe. The code is well structured and includes in-  line comments which provide good insight into the way it works.


You have partially identified and explained the circumstances in which an exception might be thrown (and caught) by the dealCard() method. A credible attempt