关键词 > ELEC6233

ELEC6233 – SystemC coursework


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ELEC6233 – SystemC coursework

ABSTRACT:  Summarise your work in less than 100 words stating briefly what was achieved.

1. Introduction

State briefly which parts of the assignment were delivered according to the requirements and summarise important issues you encountered   (max 200   words).

2.  Design 1: Full-Adder

 Summarise your modifications to the test bench. State if you observed any erroneous behaviour in the simulation of the adder and if you made any changes to the adder code.  Show Modelsim/QuestaSim waveforms of your simulations and explain them. (max 1 page excluding code and diagrams)

 3. Design 2: 8-bit Counter

 Show the full completed code of your design  and Modelsim/QuestaSim waveforms of your simulations. Explain the waveforms them.(max 1 page excluding code and diagrams)

3. Conclusion

Give your general  conclusion, comment on what you learnt.  Comment on ways to improve the design or extend it further.  ( max. 0.5 page)

4. References

Quote the sources of your information. Especially make reference to any sources you used on Modelsim/QuestaSim and SystemC