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MATH30511 Optimisation


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I. Assessment Requirements

This coursework counts for 50% of your module mark. You can achieve a maximum of 60 marks. You should complete this work in CVX/CVXPY and write a report (either in LaTeX or Word) containing the main findings and brief comments/justification for every task. Your submission should be one document that includes both your report and CVX/CVXPY scripts. Submit the document to the module dropbox.

This coursework is an element of assessment which means you need to pass it in order to pass the module. All work will be submitted to Turnitin as a means to check for plagiarism. Plagiarism will not be tolerated, students are reminded that this is an individual assignment.

II. Assessment Scenario/Problem

You have to carry out the following four equally-weighted tasks.

Task 1

Assume that you work in a computerised tomography (CT) laboratory and your task is to reconstruct images of human brain phantoms. However, the reconstructed images that you get from the scanner are corrupted with additive noise, and you are asked by your boss to come up with a strategy to de- corrupt them. You decide that you will address the problem using a smoothing regulariser.

(a)  What is the price/unwelcome experience that will be undergone for achieving denoising?

(b)  Suppose that the image that you want to reconstruct is the modified Shepp-Logan phantom of

the human brain with a spatial image resolution of 200x200. You can obtain this image, P, in the CVX/CVXPY  environment  by  reading  the Modified_Shepp_Logan.mat”  file  that  has  been uploaded to NOW. Plot this image.

(c)  Of course, you don’t know the exact image that you are trying to reconstruct but you have an approximate knowledge of how human brain phantoms looks like. Which regulariser would you choose for your denoising task? Justify your answer.

(d)  Assume that the corrupted version of the image that you get from the scanner, Pn, is equivalent to the true image, P, after adding Gaussian noise with zero mean and standard deviation equal to 0.06. Create and illustrate this noisy version. This is the image that you will work with.

(e)  If the reconstructed image pixel intensities Prec (i,j) (for i, j = 1, …, 200) need to be between 0 and

1 (0 ≤ Prec (i,j) ≤  1), formulate the image  reconstruction  problem as a scalarised  bi-criterion convex optimisation problem. Then, load it to CVX/CVXPY and solve it for three distinct levels of smoothing. Your chosen three levels should approximately correspond to too much”, “about right”, and not quite enough” smoothing.  Provide the solutions to the three optimisation problems, that is, the illustrations of the reconstructed images. Hint: You may find it helpful to vectorise  the  image  (using  commands  such  as  vec/reshape)  before  throwing  it  to  the optimisation problem/routine so that you reconstruct a 1D signal instead. This approach is more convenient  for  calculations.  Then,  once  you  get  the  optimal  1D  vector/output  from  the software, you can reshape back into 2D to get the reconstructed image.

(f)   Plot the trade-off curve for this bi-criterion optimisation problem. In the plot show the Pareto

optimal point that you will eventually use.

(g)  Provide all the CVX/CVXPY code used. (15 marks)

Task 2

One-Vs-All classification is a strategy that leverages binary algorithms for multi-class classification. It involves fitting one binary classifier per output class. For each classifier, the class is fitted against all the other classes. Finally, given a new input point, predictions are made by running all binary classifiers, and choosing the output class that corresponds to the prediction with the highest confidence.

Suppose you have been asked to build a model that best maps sepal and petal lengths to three types of roses, namely hybrid tea, grandiflora, and floribunda. That is to say, the explanatory variables comprise sepal length and petal length, whereas the output classes are the three types of roses. The dataset for this task can be found in the file roses.mat”, and it contains 20 instances of each rose type, where the input features (sepal length and petal length, in that order) have been normalised.

Assume that you decided to deal with this task by using convex optimisation. In particular, you have chosen to employ the One-Vs-All strategy and the logistic model

p = prob(y = 1) = exp(aT u + b) / [1 + exp(aT u + b)]

where a e Rn and b e R are the model parameters, u e Rn contains the explanatory variables, and y equals 1 means that an individual rose from the population belongs to a certain type.

(a)  Suppose the whole rose population in the dataset is to be used for fitting each binary classifier.

Provide the formulation of the convex optimisation problem that you will use for each binary classifier. Explain all notation used and why this problem is convex.

(b)  Use  CVX/CVXPY  software  to  calculate  the  maximum  likelihood  estimates  of  the  model

parameters a, b for each binary classifier, and present the results.

(c)  Assume that you have been given a rose with normalised sepal and petal lengths (0,0)T . Use the model you built above to predict the class (rose type) to which it belongs.

(d)  Provide all the CVX/CVXPY code used. (15 marks)

Task 3

(I) Let E1 and E2 be the following two ellipsoids:

(a) Provide the formulation of the convex optimisation problem for finding the minimum volume ellipsoid covering the union of E1 and E2 . State the optimisation variables of the problem and their respective sizes. Give all appropriate ellipsoid parameterisations that you will be using.

(b) Use CVX/CVXPY software to find the solution to the above problem. Give the solution (i.e., the minimum volume ellipsoid covering the union of E1 and E2 ) in parameterised form.

(c) Provide all the CVX/CVXPY code used.

(II) Assume that you have been asked to calculate the analytic centre of a set of 50 linear inequalities in R5, with one of the 50 linear inequalities being:

3x1 + 4x2 + 11x3 + 2x4 + x5 50.

Suppose  you  have  successfully  addressed  this  assignment  by  minimising  the  logarithmic  barrier function, and that you have found a unique solution. You are now asked to perform the same calculation on a set of 51 linear inequalities. These comprise the same 50 linear inequalities as in the previous problem, plus the following linear inequality:

3x1 + 4x2 + 11x3 + 2x4 + x5 100.

Will the feasible set and the analytic centre remain the same or differ from the values for the first problem? Briefly justify your answer. (15 marks)

Task 4

Consider the unconstrained optimisation problem

minimise f (x) = 1Tx + exp(1Tx),

where x = (x1,x2 ) e R2 is the optimisation variable.

(a)   Use CVX or CVXPY software to solve the optimisation problem given above. Give the optimal

value p* .

(b)  Assume that you now want to implement the gradient descent algorithm yourself for solving

the  optimisation  problem given  above.  Derive the gradient  ∇f (x). Then, write  code that implements the gradient descent algorithm with x(0)  = (10,1). Use α = 0.01 and β = 0.5 as backtracking line search parameters, and the stopping criterion: ||∇f (x(k)) ||2 ≤ 10-3 .

The  maximum  number  of  iterations  should  be  500.  After  how  many  iterations  did  the algorithm converge?

(c)   Is the sublevel set

S = {x | f (x) ≤ f (x(0) )}

closed? Justify your answer.

(d)    Use your code to plot the suboptimality f (x(k))−p* (where p* is the optimal value obtained in part (a)) and the step size t(k), both of them as a function of the iteration number k.

(e)    Provide all the CVX/CVXPY code used.

(f)     Show that the direction p = (1,1)T is a descent direction at point x = (ln(1/2),0)T . (15 marks)