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CS 372 - Assignment#4


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CS 372 - Assignment#4

Total:  81 points

All the UML diagrams must be readable and produced using a UML tool. Please submit the tool screenshots of all the UML diagrams. This assignment has two parts.

Part 1 (56 pts)

Problem Statement

We want to develop a library management system for universities.  We assume we have two primary users: students and faculty members. Two types of items can be borrowed: books and journals.  Both users can borrow books up to three.  Only faculty members can borrow journals up to five. An item can be borrowed for up to three weeks. If users have overdue items, they must return them and pay the overdue fees before borrowing new items. To borrow or return an item, users must first scan their university ID card.


1. Draw one use case diagram for both user roles. Include the inclusion and extension relationships only when necessary (14 pts).

2. Draw the sequence diagram for the use case “Borrow a Book”based on three objects: Student, Library and DataBase.  Include the possible scenarios (alternatives) for borrowing a book (15 pts).

3. Draw the class diagram of the whole library management application.  Include all the required classes (abstract and concrete ones), multiplicities and relationships. Do not include data and operations for classes (16 pts).

4. Draw an object diagram for the class diagram, representing the following concrete example:  a student (named S1) borrowed two books (called Software Engineer- ing and UML) and a faculty member (named FM1) borrowed one journal (called Artificial Intelligence) at the library of UoR (10 pts).

5. Include the name and link of the UML tool (1pt).

Part 2 (25 pts)

Draw the object diagram for the class diagram depicted in Figure 1, representing the following example: a student registers for two courses.


Figure 1: A Class Diagram

Important notes:

• Include your first and last names and ID within your assignment report (not in the name of the file).

• All the assignments MUST be typed (NO handwriting and NO hand-drawing) to go through Turnitin.

• Email submissions will not be accepted (all the assignments MUST go through Turnitin).

• The submitted PDF must be text-searchable to go through Turnitin.

• You can re-submit your assignment three times until the due date.  At the third re-submission, Turnitin generates the report in 24 hours. Please check the Turnitin report carefully.