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CSE412 Group Project


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CSE412 Group Project

PhotoShare: An on-line photo social network system


The system should manage the following information:


Each user is identified by a unique user id and has the following attributes: first name, last name, email, date of birth, hometown, gender, and hashed password. A user can have a number of Albums. User information should be changeable EXCEPT userid and email.


Each user can have any number of friends. Store information about when friendship is formed. User ids for user and friend.


Each album is identified by a unique album id and has the following attributes: name, owner (user) id, and date ofcreation. Each album can contain a number of photos. Note: you will need to consider how to handle multiple photos in an album.


Each photo is identified by a unique photo id and must belong to an album. Each photo has the following attributes: caption and data. The 'data' field should contain the actual binary representation of the uploaded image file. Alternatively, the 'data' field can store the file location of the file that stores the image. Each photo can only be stored in one album and is associated with zero, one, or more tags. UI should display photos.


User id and photo id.


Each tag is described by a single word. Many photos can be tagged with the same tag. For the purpose of this project we will assume that all tags are lower-cased and contain no spaces. For example, you can have many photos tagged with the tag "boston" in different albums. You should also have the photo id.


Each comment is identified by a unique comment id and has the following attributes: text (i.e., the actual comment), the comment's owner (a user), the photo id, and the date the comment was left.

Use cases

The following interaction with the system should be implemented.

User management

Becoming a registered user. Before being able to upload photos a user should register by providing their first name, last name, email address, date of birth, and a password. If the user already exists in the database with the same email address an error message should be produced. The other additional information about each user is optional.

Adding and Listing Friends. You should allow a user to add a new friend to the friend list. For simplicity, you do not have to verify the friendship relationship. Also, you should allow the user to search for other users in the system (in     order to find friends to add.) Finally, you must allow a user to list his/her friends (and people who are friends with the  user).

User activity. To motivate users in using the site we'd like to identify the ones who make the largest contribution and list them on the site. We'll measure the contribution of a user as the number of photos they have uploaded plus the      number of comments they have left for photos. The top 10 users should be reported.

Logging In/Out. You should be able to log in and out of accounts in the applications.

Album and photo management

Photo and album browsing. Every user should be allowed to browse photos. In this project we will assume that all photos and albums are made public by their authors. Users should also be able to browse solely their own albums and photos.

Photo and album creating. After registration, users can start creating albums and uploading photos. The relevant fields are described above. Users should also be able to delete both albums and photos . If a non-empty album is          deleted its photos should also be purged. Users should only be allowed to modify and delete albums and photos which they own.  Deleting photos should also remove likes and comments.

Tag management

Viewing your photos by tag name. Tags provide a way to categorize photos and each photo can have any number of tags. You may think of them as virtual albums. For example, suppose that a user has two distinct albums each of which contains a photo with the tag 'friends'. The means should be provided to view the virtual album created if we select all the photos owned by the user that contain the tag 'friends'. One possible user interface design for this functionality is to present tags as hyperlinks. When a tag is clicked the photos tagged with it are listed.

Viewing all photos by tag name. Furthermore, the system should allow users to view all photos that contain a certain tag, i.e., not only the ones they have uploaded but also photos that belong to other users. This functionality is similar   to the one above and hence they could be presented together. One possible representation is a switch of the form "View all photos / View my photos" that when toggled switches from one view to the other.

Viewing the most popular tags. A function should be provided that lists the most popular tags, i.e., the tags that are associated with the most photos. Again, tags should be clickable so that when a user clicks one of them all photos     tagged with this tag are listed.

Photo search. The functionality should be provided so that registered users can search through the photos by specifying conjunctive tag queries. For example, a visitor could enter the words "friends boston" in a text field, click the search button and be presented with all photos that contain both the tag "friends" and the tag "boston". Search should be able to be restricted to only the user’s photos or all photos.


Leaving comments. Registered users can leave comments. If a registered user leaves a comment, then this counts towards their contribution score as described above.

Like functionality. We want to add a Like functionality. If a user likes a photo, should be able to add a like to the photo. Also, we must be able to see how many likes a photo has and the users that liked this photo.

Search on comments. In this feature, you want to implement a search function based on the comments. The user can  specify a text query (one or more words) and the system should find the users that have created comments that exactly match the query text. The system should return these users (first name and last name) ordered by the number of comments that match the query for each such user in descending order.


Friend recommendation. We want to recommend possible new friends to a user. One simple approach to recommend new friends to a user A is to find all friends of A and find their common friends. That approach is called “friend-of-friends” and is used in some systems as a first step to make friend recommendation.  Order the recommendations based on how many times each recommended friend appears in the lists of friends of friends.

'You-may-also-like' functionality. Given the type of photos uploaded by a user we'd like to make some recommendations to them about other photos they may like. To achieve that do the following: Take the five most commonly used tags among the user's photos. Perform a disjunctive search through all the photos for these five tags. A photo that contains all five tags should be ranked higher than one that contained four of the tags and so on. Between two photos that contain the same number of matched tags prefer the one that is more concise, i.e., the one that has fewer tags overall.