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CSE412 Project Phase 3


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CSE412 Project Phase 3 (100 Points)

Assignment Details (Submission required, 100 points)

Each team needs to submit one copy to the course website.

The document needs to be 100% typed (no handwritten answers)


In phase 3, your team’s job is to develop the final application and integrate it with your database. What to include in report:

-    Cover Page (with the team number and name, member names, member emails, and member signatures).

-    Table of Contents (please use a template to create this)

-    Images of each table of your database

-    A description of each use case and an image demonstrating your working application What to submit:

-    Report

-    Code for application

-    SQL files

-    Sample data used/produced (this must include more than your previous submission, as you are    expected to load your sample data and add to it through use of the application). We will compare this to your previous submission.

-    URL to video demonstrating all functionalities of your application you can use YouTube, Zoom, or any other approach, as long as we can easily view it. Keep your video to ~5 minutes.

The report should be a pdf and should not be in a zip file. If your pdf is in a zip, you will be given a 0 for it.

Note: You should not be collaborating with other teams. As such, your written submissions should be in your own words.




2.5 pts

Cover Page

2.5 pts

Table of Contents

10 pts

Images of database tables

25 pts

Descriptions of each use case

-    Must include images for each use case in



your working application

15 pts

Application code

5 pts

SQL files

15 pts

Sample data

-    Must include original sample data

-    Must include additional data added using application (at least 3 more per table)

25 pts


-    Must be easily accessible

-    Must be ~5 minutes

-    Must demonstrate all use cases

Total: 100 pts