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CS 372 - Assignment#3


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CS 372 - Assignment#3

Total = 69 points

1. Explain in detail the three categories of the software engineering qualities (18 pts).

2. Explain in detail the following software qualities and how to achieve them: Security and Portability (18 pts).

3. Explain how the reusability of components increases the correctness of applications (9 pts).

4. Explain in detail safety-critical systems and provide three examples of these systems (12 points).

5. Explain in detail real-time systems and provide three examples of these systems (12 points).

Important notes:

• Include your first and last names and ID in the assignment submissions.

• All the assignments MUST be typed (NO handwriting and NO hand-drawing) to go through Turnitin.

• Email submissions will not be accepted (all the assignments MUST go through Turnitin).

• The submitted PDF MUST be text-searchable to go through Turnitin.

• You can re-submit your assignment three times until the due date.  At the third re-submission, Turnitin generates the report in 24 hours.  Please check the Turnitin report carefully.