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ECOS3002 – Development Economics Semester 1 – 2023


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ECOS3002  Development Economics

Mid-Semester Written Assignment, Semester 1 – 2023

Section 1 (one question with multiple parts)


Draw, calculate, interpret


15 marks

Section 2 (2 questions with mutiple)

Short answers

5X2=10 marks

Section 3 (one question with multiple parts)


Interpret a quasi-experiment


10 marks

Section 4 (one question)

Short essay

15 marks



50 marks


Answers must be typed (calculations can be handwritten) .

•    Figures must be hand drawn. Report full figure with objects and labels in correct places. Otherwise, marks will be deducted.

•    Marks will be deducted for excessively unclear or badly written answers (usually 0.5-

1 mark per question).

•    Upload a single PDF file in Canvas assignment page.

•    Use file naming convention: SID_ECOS3002_Assignment.

Section 1. Draw, calculate, interpret (15 points)

Poverty analysis. Suppose the village of Utopia has 5 households, with expenditure levels [1, 4, 5, 9 and 13]. Suppose the poverty line is 5.

i.      (4 points) Draw the poverty profile for Utopia, including the poverty line.

ii.      (4.5 points) Calculate P0, P1, and P2 for this village.

iii.      (4.5points) Suppose you have a budget of 4 to spend on reducing poverty in this village. How you would allocate this budget if your objective was to mostly reduce P0, P1, or P2, respectively?

iv.      (2 points) Suppose in the nearby village of Dystopia, P0=0.4, P1=0.3 and P2=0. 16. As a policymaker which group of population would you prioritize for poverty reduction, with a limited budget? Note that there is no right or wrong answer in this context. What matters is how well you canjustify your answer using your learning in ECOS3002.

Section 2. Short answers  (5X2=10 points)

1.   (5points) Answer below questions with reference to the following figure, which reports population change in Australia (by age groups) over the period 1999 to 2019.


Source: ABS, 2018.

i.      (2  marks)  What  does  the  population  pyramid  indicate  about  Australia’s  age structure?

ii.      (2 marks) What is the potential implication  of the  observed  age  structure  for Australia’s dependency ratio (youth versus elderly dependency ratio)?

iii.      (1 mark) What does the population pyramid indicate about the stage of demographic transition in Australia?

2.   (5 points) Evaluate a randomized control trial (RCT). For each of the below examples, briefly discuss [in 3-4 sentences] whether internal validity or external validity might be a concern.

i.      (2.5 points) World Bank conducts RCT of a program in Indonesia which aims to provide farmers with spot and futures price information by mobile phone. The main objective of the evaluation is to estimate the impact of the intervention on the income and consumption of the farmers. Randomization is done at an individual level.

ii.      (2.5 points) An intervention in the U.S. compared performance contracting in schools to traditional classroom instruction. A comparison of treatment and control schools found no impact on student learning. One of the explanations for this outcome is that the existing teachers were out to show that they could do a better job than those outsiders (performance contractors).

Section 3. Interpret a quasi-experiment (15 points)

Interpret a regression discontinuity (RD) quasi-experiment.

In September 2016, the German government extended the potential duration of unemployment benefits  from  25  weeks  to  109  weeks  for job  seekers  aged  50  or  older  when  entering unemployment, living for at least 12 months in certain regions of Germany, who satisfy a previous work requirement. Suppose you were requested to do an impact evaluation of the program two years after it was launched.

You notice that the age-based identification strategy compares job seekers who are aged 50 years to job seekers who are just below the cut-off. As the eligibility required completion of the 50th year of age, the slightly older group ofjob seekers would have access to the program, whereas the slightly younger group of job seekers would not have access to the program. Therefore, you  decided to use sharp RD design to test the impact of the program. You start by examining the effect of the policy on the average duration ofunemployment spells.

Below figure reports the results. It shows average unemployment duration by age at entry into unemployment for each age quarter from 46 years and 1 quarter to 53 years and 4 quarters. The evidence is based on 4500 treated individuals aged 50 years and older and 5000 control individuals aged 46–49 years.

i.      (5 points) Interpret the results of the RD from the figure. Do you think the program had  any impact on the average duration of unemployment spells? Provide the RD estimate of the impact of the program on unemployment duration (in weeks) ?

ii.      (3 points) Name one potential threat to the validity of this RD design. What would you do to test for it.

iii.      (2 points) Do you think external validity might be a concern with RD estimates? Why or why not?

Section 4.  Short Essay (15 points)

[Make sure your answer is structured as a short essay, i.e., with short introduction (3-4 sentences),  outlining  each  reason  in  a  short paragraph,  and  a  brief  conclusion  (2-3 sentences)]. Maximum answer length: 1.5 pages.

Suppose you are advising the government of Nigeria on effective poverty reduction strategies for the country. The policy makers strongly believe that rapid economic growth is the most effective channel to reduce poverty. They also argue that the same strategy would also reduce inequality. What would be your advice to the Nigerian government in this context? Would you endorse their proposition? Why or why not?

Give at least three reasons in support of your recommendation, making precise use of the concepts related to the relationship between poverty, inequality and  economic growth as discussed in ECOS3002.