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CMN3102 C Take-Home Final Exam


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CMN3102 C

Take-Home Final Exam

Due by 23:59 on Thursday, April 19, 2023 

Completed take-home exam, including SPSS output in Word or pdf format, has to be submitted by uploading it as single file or separate files via Brightspace in the Assignment section.

The exam is an individual assignment, and each student is required to provide relevant SPSS output in Word or pdf format which includes a login id. Textbooks, notes, and lecture summaries are allowed during the take-home final exam. No recoding of variables into dummy variables is necessary. The World Values Survey is available on Brightspace.

I. (50 points). Select the Canadian sample of the World Values Survey and use all statistical methods that are appropriate from theoretical and practical perspectives for these types of variables to test the following research hypothesis: Language at home affects use of daily newspaper as information source in Canada.

1. What are the dependent and independent variables?

2. What is the type of each of these variables? Briefly explain your answer.

3. Which appropriate statistical methods did you use?

4. Is relationship between these variables statistically significant?  

5. What is (are) the level(s) of statistical significance or probability that relationship between these variables can be attributed to chance?

6. Is the research hypothesis supported? Why or why not?

II (50 points). Select the Canadian sample of the World Values Survey and use all statistical methods that are appropriate from theoretical and practical perspectives for these types of variables to test the following research hypothesis: Age (years) affects positively importance of leisure time in Canada. 

7. What are the dependent and independent variables?

8. What is the type of each of these variables? Briefly explain your answer

9. Which appropriate statistical methods did you use?

10. Is relationship between these variables statistically significant?  Why or why not?

11. What is (are) the level(s) of statistical significance or probability that relationship between these variables can be attributed to chance?

12. Is the research hypothesis supported? Why or why not?