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Suggested Structure for Assignment Two: Research Report (ECON2010)


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Suggested Structure for Assignment Two: Research Report (ECON2010)

Cover Page

(Title of the Report, Authors’ Name and Student ID)

Executive Summary

Outlines the purpose of the report, major actions (e.g. data collection, information used to develop this report) and major findings.

1. Introduction

Briefly introduce the background of the report, and industry to be discussed.  

2. Summary of Data

Explain how you collected data (e.g. websites, site visits), how many car parks covered in your dataset, and major pricing information (e.g. weekday price, weekend price, early bird price, monthly price)

3. Market Structure

Present facts and statistics again main criteria used to determine market structure (number of firms, barriers to entry and exit, product differentiation and rival’s action) and draw a conclusion on the type of market structure.

4. Competition and Market Power

Explain whether the market is competitive, whether some of the companies pose more market power, whether there are signs of price and non-price competition. Use evidence to support your argument.

5. Pricing Strategies

Present all the pricing strategies identified through research. For each strategy, present definition, facts or examples to explain why they are evidence for and explain the economic rationale for such strategy.

6. Advice on market entry

Outline the major risks and opportunities for domestic airline industry in Australia focusing on routes between capital cities.

7. Conclusion.

A brief conclusion.

References (counted towards the word limit)

List references cited in the assignment, try to avoid unreliable sources. Harvard style is preferred.

Appendix (does not count towards the word limit)

Tables and graphs