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Building a store.


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Building a store.

Your task in groups of 2-3 (if you prefer to work alone please come talk to me).  Will be to build a store with some set functionalities you would expect a store to keep track of.

Your program must feature the following functionalities.

❖ A Store class named after your store this will keep track of the following: A Purchase of items:

■  A text input from the user of PRODUCT NAME and quantity eg.  (user inputs in bold)

Please enter a product name: tomatoes

Please enter a quantity: 3

Current total: $3.30

Would you like to enter more products?(y/n):y Please enter a product name: apple

Please enter a quantity: 2

Current total: $6.30

Would you like to enter more products?(y/n):n Your total is $6.30 after tax

A Number of sales.

A Revenue

A Shopper IDs (this would make for a great class)

■  Shoppers should be rewarded for return visits with rewards points that can be redeemed at check out.

❖ A product class(must contain at least 5 different products):

A With instance fields for inventory and price.

■  If the store is out of inventory what should happen?     A Storing types of products as a child class of the product class.

Keep in mind some goods/services are tax exempt.


Apple would be an object of the fruit class which is a child class of the products class.


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Code does not compile and some attempts have been made.

Code compiles with some features          missing.

Code compiles with all features and few errors.

Code compiles with no errors and all features are present.


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Code is unclear to understand with no effort put into commenting or the use of good variable names.

Code is unclear in some parts of the      code due to lack of good variable names or limited effective   commenting.

Code is mostly clear and easy to understand due to good use of variable names and                commenting.

Code is clear and   easy to understand with the use of        excellent variable  names, effective     commenting and    organization of the code.


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Code has little


associated with a


Code has some


associated with a


Code has most


associated with a


Code has all the expected functions of a store.