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CPT102 – Data Structures Lab 0


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CPT102 – Data Structures

Lab 0 – Pre Lab

This document is for you to look or practice on your own time. (You should have already done in last semester.)


The aim of this document is for you to get familiar with the very basics of NetBeans (As               NetBeans has been installed in the Lab computers, we use NetBeans as IDE here. However, you can choose your own such as Eclipse.)


These labs are expected take more than the 1 hour. You should complete them in your own time before the next classes.

Do not save on the C: D: E: folders. Save on your network folder or your own USB stick.

Programming with NetBeans (You can use Eclipse as you wish, they are very similar. Have a try.)

Find NetBeans in your start menu. Open NetBeans.

Have a look of below steps to create a new project:

1.    Open NetBeans you will see below window:


2.    In the left corner, File -> New Project:


3.    Default Category is Java, project type is Java Application, keep then as they are. Click Next.


4.    Give your project a name such as: Lab0. Set up your project location where you want your code to be stored. Click Finish.


5.    Now you can find your project in the left panel called Projects” . You can then write your code in your java file.


6.    Get familiar with the IDE.

a.    Try right click your Source Packages or your Lab0 Package, create new Java Class.

b.   Try type come system.out code in your main method and run your project.