关键词 > CSEE4280



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Lab 7: Toy Processor with Memory on the Basys2 Board


Report Due: April 20, 5 PM 

Total Points: 100

In the last lab, you will be using the Basys2 board. Now we are going to synthesize our design and upload it onto the Basys2 board. We will also write 2 programs in machine code and execute them on the Basys2 board—with your processor.

This lab is divided into 2 parts. In the first part, you will finish the last bit of circuit design to adapt your toy processor to the Basys2 board. In the second part, you will write and load the program onto the Basys2 board.

In this lab, it is important to make sure your project before this point is correct. And it actually saves you time if you test each component before you go on to the next step.

Part 1 Clock and bypass circuits

The clock we will use for our toy processor will be provided by the FPGA. Because this clock is very fast, a program would run in a couple of milliseconds, and we would not be able to see anything but the final result. To get by this, we can use a push-button to generate a clock edge to allow us to manually step through the simulation. Xilinx will not allow the clock itself to be connected to a push-button (we did this in CSEE4270 and ran into a bounce problem), so we will create a finite state machine (FSM) for this purpose. This also accounts for the fact that one push of the button will probably be longer than the normal 100 ns clock time, so it is only the initial downward push of the button that is accounted for.

1. Create a schematic “clk_signal_sch.sch”.

2. Draw your schematic as follows.


Symbol clk_signal_sch

3. Simulate the schematic. Your results will look like.


With the simulation file “clk_signal_tb.v”

// clk_signal_tb.v

`timescale 1ns/1ps

module clk_signal_tb;

    reg CLK = 1'b0;

    reg PUSH = 1'b0;

    wire SGNAL;

    parameter PERIOD = 200;

    parameter real DUTY_CYCLE = 0.5;

    parameter OFFSET = 0;

    initial    // Clock process for CLK





            CLK = 1'b0;

            #(PERIOD-(PERIOD*DUTY_CYCLE)) CLK = 1'b1;




    clk_signal_sch UUT (




    initial begin

        // -------------  Current Time:  285ns


        PUSH = 1'b1;

        // -------------------------------------

        // -------------  Current Time:  485ns


        PUSH = 1'b0;

        // -------------------------------------

        // -------------  Current Time:  885ns


        PUSH = 1'b1;

        // -------------------------------------

        // -------------  Current Time:  1485ns


        PUSH = 1'b0;

        // -------------------------------------



4. Generate a symbol for clk_signal_sch.sch

Initially when we are in state zero of the toy processor, it takes 256 clock cycles to transition to the next state. Certainly you don’t want to push a button for 256 times just to get out of state zero. We would like the clock to be automatic when the memory is bootstrapping and to be the manual push-button after that. The easy way to do it is to take the overflow signal from the address counter in the memory circuit and connect it to a FSM that keeps it high once it goes high. Then we can create a circuit that ignores the actual clock stepping signal and receives the clock itself as long as the overflow signal is low. Once it goes high, the circuit reverts to the normal clock stepping FSM mentioned above. Of course, if your overflow signal from last lab already shows this behavior (that is, if it stays up forever after it goes high the first time), you don’t need the FSM, just the small combinatory circuit that follows it.

1. Create a schematic “BypassClk.sch”.

2. Draw your schematic as follows.


Circuit to Bypass Clock Step during Initialization

3. Simulate the schematic. Your results will look like:


With simulation testbench “BypassClk_tb.v”


`timescale 1ns/1ps

module BypassClk_tb;

    reg CLK = 1'b0;

    reg Overflow = 1'b0;

    reg PUSH = 1'b0;

    reg Reset = 1'b0;

    wire Signalout;

    parameter PERIOD = 100;

    parameter real DUTY_CYCLE = 0.5;

    parameter OFFSET = 0;

    initial    // Clock process for CLK





            CLK = 1'b0;

            #(PERIOD-(PERIOD*DUTY_CYCLE)) CLK = 1'b1;




    BypassClk UUT (






    initial begin

        // -------------  Current Time:  140ns


        Reset = 1'b1;

        // -------------------------------------

        // -------------  Current Time:  340ns


        Reset = 1'b0;

        // -------------------------------------

        // -------------  Current Time:  440ns


        PUSH = 1'b1;

        // -------------------------------------

        // -------------  Current Time:  640ns


        PUSH = 1'b0;

        // -------------------------------------

        // -------------  Current Time:  740ns


        PUSH = 1'b1;

        // -------------------------------------

        // -------------  Current Time:  840ns


        PUSH = 1'b0;

        // -------------------------------------

        // -------------  Current Time:  940ns


        Overflow = 1'b1;

        // -------------------------------------

        // -------------  Current Time:  1040ns


        Overflow = 1'b0;

        // -------------------------------------

        // -------------  Current Time:  2140ns


        PUSH = 1'b1;

        // -------------------------------------

        // -------------  Current Time:  2340ns


        PUSH = 1'b0;


  PUSH = 1'b1;


  PUSH = 1'b0;

        // -------------------------------------



4. Generate a symbol for BypassClk.sch

Part 2 Programming the Basys2 Board

Before you move on, you need include bin_to_7seg and seven_seg_control_sch from the 4-bit ALU from Lab 2. If they are already in your project, there is no need to re-include them (it wouldn’t make a difference either way). Now you are ready to make the final schematic of your ToyProcessor. Open the schematics from the previous lab and change it as follows:

Programming the first Serial Addition Program

Understanding how a program is run on the board is an important part of the final processor. We will illustrate the process using a program that adds up the digits {0,…,9}.

Writing the program entails simply laying out the desired instructions and their accompanying operands/addresses and then converting everything into binary.  Remember the convention that the operand/address always follows directly after the instruction in memory.  Also, a good programming practice is to start off with a clear instruction at memory location zero.  For the summation program, there is the clear and then nine add instructions, each followed by one of the digits {1,…,9}.  Finally, the program ends by storing the resulting sum in memory location 100.  As you can see below, each line is then written in binary, for the convenience of later initializing it into the ROM array.

Writing the Program

Luckily, we have an Excel script (ELC lab folder – ROM INITIALIZATION SCRIPT) to help us initializing the ROM array. The script lets you insert a program in binary and it will tell you the appropriate 8-hexadecimal-digit code to use when initializing each of the 64 ROM components. However, it is also important to understand what is going on behind the script. Each 32 word x 1 bit ROM module is initialized by taking the reverse transpose of the 32x1 bit matrix and converting it into hexadecimal. The result is plugged into the appropriate ROM component as shown in the diagram. For implementation to the board, a User Constraint File (UCF) must be created that contains init statements, such as:


Programming the ROM

To use the Excel script to initialize the ROM, open the Excel file named ROM_Initialization_Script. In the second column to the left, enter your code instruction one line for each row. After you are done you excel should look like as follows.


Copy the whole highlighted section to the right. Then you can paste that whole section at the end of the UCF file of the overall project as shown in the attached Appendix.

The name BOOTSTRAP/ROMARRAY/ROMxx is essentially the path from the top level schematics to each 32x1 ROM. This means you should rename your mem_bootstrap_sch and the ROM  array inside it to match, like this:

1) Open your final toyprocessor schematics, then double-click on the mem_bootstrap_sch block.

2) Under InstName, change the value to BOOTSTRAP then press OK.

3) Now open you mem_bootstrap_sch schematics and double-click on the ROM_array block.

4) Under InstName, change the value to ROMARRAY and press OK.

When generating the UCF you should think about which LEDs, switches and buttons you would like to use for your inputs and outputs. Make sure your toy processor schematic is set as top module and that there are no other UCF files in your project. Now add your new UCF, then load the on Basys2 board as before. Congratulations!!! Your Basys2 board is programmed. You need to test it by yourself. 

Final Task: Programming the Self-Modifying Program

Write a second UCF file where the ROM is initialized to the second program that we saw in class (self-modifying code), which also performs addition of digits 0 through 9.  A self-modified program will be.


CLR    (ACC=0)




1 0  (ACC=10, becomes 9) (Running Index)




1        (ACC=9) (Current Number)




2        (Update Running Index)




18       (Done if Current Index is 0)




0        (Running Sum, becomes 9)




10        (Update Running Sum)




100      (Keep a Copy in Final Location)


CLR      (ACC=0)




1          (Forced Loop to Location 1)

Use the ROM Excel file to generate code again. And paste it to UCF file then program it onto board.


Here is an example UCF file for the first program. Yours may look different if you used other names for the signals and for the ROMS.

###Auto generated UCF file for BASYS2 Board

NET S0 LOC=M5;  # Discrete LED 0 (active high)

NET S1 LOC=M11;  # Discrete LED 1 (active high)

NET S2 LOC=P7;  # Discrete LED 2 (active high)

NET S3 LOC=P6;  # Discrete LED 3 (active high)

NET S4 LOC=N5;  # Discrete LED 4 (active high)

NET S5 LOC=N4;  # Discrete LED 5 (active high)

NET MEM_EN LOC=P4;  # Discrete LED 6 (active high)

### BASYS2 7-Segment LED:

### BASYS2    digit enables:

NET EN_L LOC=K14;  # left digit enable (active low)

NET EN_ML LOC=M13;  # middle left digit enable (active low)

NET EN_MR LOC=J12;  # middle right digit enable (active low)

NET EN_R LOC=F12;  # right digit enable (active low)

### BASYS2    segment enables:

NET seven_seg_out<0> LOC=L14;  # LED display segment a (active low)

NET seven_seg_out<1> LOC=H12;  # LED display segment b (active low)

NET seven_seg_out<2> LOC=N14;  # LED display segment c (active low)

NET seven_seg_out<3> LOC=N11;  # LED display segment d (active low)

NET seven_seg_out<4> LOC=P12;  # LED display segment e (active low)

NET seven_seg_out<5> LOC=L13;  # LED display segment f (active low)

NET seven_seg_out<6> LOC=M12;  # LED display segment g (active low)

NET Reset LOC=M4;  # Pushbutton 2 (active high)

NET PUSH LOC=A7;  # Pushbutton 3 (active high)

NET CLK LOC=B8;  # clock

### The following part comes from the ROM initialization script  




Lab Report/Code Requirements

Lab Report Format

Each team should submit one report using the format provided below. You should provide a detailed description/discussion for each lab report item including all schematics, codes and simulation waveforms from testbench. The lab report should be in WORD or PDF format and submitted as a single file to the dropbox in ELC. Please submit your lab reports in appropriate assignment folders on ELC before the deadline. 30% credit will be taken off if the submission is late by 0-24 hours. After 24 hours, late submission will not be accepted and zero credit will be given to the lab report.

1. Student Information (First page)

Lab Number and Title:

Names of members in the team:


Contributions: Please list contributions (in estimated percentages) of each member in the following categories.

· Pre-lab design and analysis (if any)

· In-lab module and testbench design (if any)

· In-lab testbench simulation and analysis (if any)

· In-lab FPGA synthesis and analysis (if any)

· Lab report writing

2. Lab Purpose (Second page)

Provide a brief summary of the lab assignment.

3. Implementation Details

Provide a detailed description of the steps you followed to implement the lab. Be sure to include all relevant information. Recommended information to be included:

· Pre-lab design and analysis (if any)

· Schematics of your design if available

· Module and testbench code

4. Experimental Results

Describe the results of the lab assignment. Be sure to include any simulation waveforms for testbench. You need to summarize the simulation results, supplemented by the evidence from Screen Captures of the waveforms. Please DO NOT just copy the waveforms as the results. You need explain why they correctly verify your design. When you attach the waveform screen captures, please crop them so that the variables names, time scale and waveforms are visible in your file.

5. Significance

What is the importance of the lab? How will you use the information you learned in this lab in the future?

In which applications you can use this information?

6. Comments/Suggestions

Please provide any comments or suggestions you may have for this lab assignment. Please indicate any areas of difficulty you encountered for this lab assignment.

7. Additional Lab Specific Information

Attach any additional information requested for this lab, including schematics, simulation waveforms, or manually performed tasks.

Grading Policy

Only one copy of the lab report from each team is needed. The grade for the report will apply to both team members, provided that each team member contributes roughly equally (50/50 – 40/60) to the lab. In the case where one team member contributes disproportionally lower to the lab, the instructor may reduce the grade of this member. Late submission after due date will receive partial credits (70% of credit for 0-24 hours late submission, no credit for more than 24 hours late submission).

Plagiarism: If plagiarism is found in reports, all of them will get ZERO points immediately, and face serious consequences.

5. Significance

What is the importance of the lab? How will you use the information you learned in this lab in the future?

In which applications you can use this information?

6. Comments/Suggestions

Please provide any comments or suggestions you may have for this lab assignment. Please indicate any areas of difficulty you encountered for this lab assignment.

7. Additional Lab Specific Information

Attach any additional information requested for this lab, including schematics, simulation waveforms, or manually performed tasks.

Grading Policy

Only one copy of the lab report from each team is needed. The grade for the report will apply to both team members, provided that each team member contributes roughly equally (50/50 – 40/60) to the lab. In the case where one team member contributes disproportionally lower to the lab, the instructor may reduce the grade of this member. Late submission after due date will receive partial credits (70% of credit for 0-24 hours late submission, no credit for more than 24 hours late submission).

Plagiarism: If plagiarism is found in reports, all of them will get ZERO points immediately, and face serious consequences.

5. Significance

What is the importance of the lab? How will you use the information you learned in this lab in the future?

In which applications you can use this information?

6. Comments/Suggestions

Please provide any comments or suggestions you may have for this lab assignment. Please indicate any areas of difficulty you encountered for this lab assignment.

7. Additional Lab Specific Information

Attach any additional information requested for this lab, including schematics, simulation waveforms, or manually performed tasks.

Grading Policy

Only one copy of the lab report from each team is needed. The grade for the report will apply to both team members, provided that each team member contributes roughly equally (50/50 – 40/60) to the lab. In the case where one team member contributes disproportionally lower to the lab, the instructor may reduce the grade of this member. Late submission after due date will receive partial credits (70% of credit for 0-24 hours late submission, no credit for more than 24 hours late submission).

Plagiarism: If plagiarism is found in reports, all of them will get ZERO points immediately, and face serious consequences.