关键词 > ECON0023



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Independent Research Project

This piece of assessed coursework asks you to carry out an independent piece of research, on a topic of your choice, in international trade. It should be closely related to one or more of the topics covered during the course. The assessment for this project is based on a 1500-word report (not including tables, graphs and references) counts for 50% of the module mark. It is due on Monday April 24th by 5pm.

The report should clearly lay out your research question, your chosen dataset and variables used to answer the question, the  ECON0023 models used and the specifics of your answer as well as any caveats. The report must use at least one of the data sources linked below, at least one of the models studied in ECON0023, as well as a literature review section using at least 2 academic papers from the top 50 economics journals listed here (https://ideas.repec.org/top/top.journals.all.html). The empirical analysis can, but does not need to, make use of econometric estimations.

Data Sources

TheUK Data Serviceallows you to view World Bank, IMF, OECD & UN data from the same interface. Their key international macro data page mentions many relevant databanks, for example:

IMF Direction of Trade Statistics

The Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS) contains data on the value of merchandise exports and imports between each country and all its trading partners. Total bilateral and multilateral exports and imports are aggregated at national or regional group level.

UNIDO Industrial Statistics - INDSTAT4

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) INDSTAT4 database contains time series data from 1990 onwards. Data are available for country, year and ISIC at the 3- and 4-digit levels of ISIC. Revision 3 data contains 151 manufacturing sectors and sub-sectors, from 1990 onwards. Revision 4 data contains 161 manufacturing sectors and sub-sectors, from 2005 onwards.

OECD iLibrary

The OECD iLibrary has a dedicated section on trade. The Statistics section includes relevant databases plus pre-prepared indicators. Other relevant publications include the OECD Economic Outlook, and the OECD Main Economic Indicators.

World Bank World Development Indicators

The World Bank World Development Indicators (WDI) contain statistical data for over 600 development indicators for over 200 countries and 18 country groups running from 1960 onwards. The extensive collection of development data includes social, economic, financial, natural resources and environmental indicators.

For some datasets, the most recent data haven’t been uploaded, or if you wish, you can view the     native interfaces of the various IGOs.  For guidance on how to use these sources, please go through these support materials:



This ONS link takes you directly to the international trade results (available in XLS):


Other possible sources:

International Trade Centre

Easiest source for global trade data: Pick a commodity, then choose the trade partner countries. Or pick a country to see trade data. Data based on UN Comtrade and local statistical sources. Great resource for commodity trade data at the 2- and 4-digit level.

WTO International Trade & Tariff Data

- Statistics Database: Interactive access to the most up-to-date WTO trade statistics

- International Trade Statistics: Annual publication


UN Conference on Trade & Development statistics on international trade, economic trends, FDI, and more. Statistics include data by country groupings such as developmental status, monetary unions,  trade agreements, etc. as well as individual country profiles.

Detailed commodity trade statistics from 1962 onward for most countries of the world. Best data source for analyses of commodity trade trends between countries or regions.