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JRMK14 Research Methods: Design, Implementation and Analysis Spring 2023 1 Assignment 3


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Research Methods: Design, Implementation and Analysis - (JRMK14)

Spring 2023

Assignment 3: Quantitative analysis

In this assignment you will design, implement and analyze quantitative research. You will  work with a data file called “JIBS-air_2023” . The data contains answers from 500 participants of a survey regarding their satisfaction with a customer membership club. The data, however, is exemplary, so do not draw any conclusions about real-life situations from the data.

All the information you need for successfully solving the questions in this assignment you get from attending the quantitative Module and the Lab as well as from chapters 11 and 12 in the course book.

If you need extra information, you find several good books in the library and online, of which we, in particular, recommend “Bryman, A., & Cramer, D. (2012). Quantitative data analysis  with IBM SPSS 17, 18 & 19: A guide for social scientists: Routledge.” This book can be        downloaded from the library (https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9781136588907).

Please write in whole sentences. It is not enough to just copy plain SPSS outputs/tables/graphs. For each question, write a short paragraph in which you shortly explain your considerations and your analytic procedure, and then interpret the outcomes of your SPSS analysis. Each paragraph should end with one sentence that clearly answers the referring question. Use clear language and statistical terms (correctly).

How to submit your answers

1.   Submit your answers in a Word document.

2.   Save your output window from SPSS and have it available to hand it in on request.

Please keep in mind that SPSS remembers your last analysis. Therefore, clear any selected variable before doing a new analysis.

Hand in by April 30th, 2023, on canvas.

Good luck!

Your Task

Being a market researcher at JIBS Airways, Sweden’s most successful and popular airline,     you want to investigate how much your customers like the “Purple Sky Club” – a frequent-    traveler club for JIBS Airways customers. The customer club “Purple Sky Club” was founded a long time ago and has members of different ages.

Using the datafile “JIBS-air_2023” , you will investigate customers’ satisfaction with their club membership and which factors influence their satisfaction.

All variables (aside from age and membership length) are measured on a seven-point Likert scale from 1 (= do not agree at all) to 7 (= fully agree). You can see the formulation of the  survey items in the SPSS file for your better understanding.

In the role of a quantitative researcher, you want to answer the following research questions:

1)  Does age affect the members satisfaction?

2)   Which otherfactors affect satisfaction, and how strong is their influence?


First, you want to investigate the effect of the customersage.

1.   Provide an interpretation of the descriptive statistics of the variable age” . What do the   different values say about the age of the club members? Imagine that your readers have  limited knowledge of statistics; write in full sentences, and use your own language to      explain the different values clearly and understandably (N, range, minimum, maximum,  mean, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis). Motivate your answer and copy the tables with the measures and the histogram intoyour Wordfile. (3 p)

2.   You want to compare younger club members with older club members. Therefore,         generate a new variable that sorts the members aged 35 and below in the group ofjunior members and those 36 and older in the group of senior members. How many junior and senior members are in the dataset? Motivate your answer and copy the relevant tables    into your Wordfile. (1 p)

3.   Is there a DIFFERENCE in satisfaction between the group ofjunior and the group of      senior members? Motivate your answer and copy the relevant tables intoyour Wordfile.

(1,5 p)

In order to address research question 2, you want to find out how different characteristics of  the club members influence their membership satisfaction. Therefore, you follow the research model in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1: Research model




Environmental Consciousness



Social Influence



4.   Define a null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis for the relationship between each   variable and membership satisfaction (H1- H3). Regarding the direction of the alternative hypothesis, you can make a good guess. (1,5 p)

5.   Conduct a linear regression to test the model. Interpret all output tables. What do the     different values in the box labeled coefficients” mean? Motivate your answer and copy the relevant tables into your Wordfile. (5 p)

6.  Now you want to come back to your hypothesis. What can you say about the hypothesis? Which hypothesis is (not) rejected and why? (1,5 p).

You are not satisfied with your results yet, and you are wondering what role the age of the members plays.

7.   Conduct another linear regression with the previous independent variables plus the variable “age in years” .

Does this model do a worse or better job of explaining satisfaction differences than the model you estimated for Q5? And what could be the explanation for your observed      differences between the models? Copy the relevant tables into your Wordfile. (1,5 p)