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Describe Data


Hello, dear friend, you can consult us at any time if you have any questions, add WeChat: daixieit

I want you to finish an online assessment for me this time. It will be some 8 short answer questions that need you to describe data. Sometimes you may need to present your answer with images of Excel diagrams. After you upload your answer, you also need to do peer review for 7 other students.

Online assessment Website:


How to begin:

· Get into the website by the link above.

· Lot in with the account and password I provide to you.

· Then you will see the page look like this:

Then you will see the page look like this:

Then you will see the page look like this:

· There are 8 questions that I have not finished yet.

· Finish them one by one.

· Finally, you click “mark for others” to do peer review. The peer review will look like

Finally, you click “mark for others” to do peer review. The peer review will look like this:

Sample Question and answer (Previous work done by me):


Before any analysis of the data takes place we need to understand the data and the problem. So, to start, please read the following document. The following document provides the problem statement, context, and instructions on where you obtain your individualized dataset. This dataset will be used for the following six (of eight) short answer questions thus it is strongly recommended that you familiarized yourself with it.

To start this analysis: (1) Calculate the mean, median or mode for the following variables (remember to choose one measure of central tendancy and justify why):









(2) Calculate the proportions of the following:

Proportion of male in your sample

Proportion of domestic students in your sample

Proportion of students that completed the excel certification test.

(3) Using the measures of central tendency above (mean, median and mode), summarise what you observe for a typical student.

(4) Do you notice any differences in the measures of central tendency for males relative to females, domestic relative to international students?


1)Measure of central tendency and why


Calculated as the middle point of the dataset. Hence, making it the most reliable indicator of central tendency as it removes the outliers from the observations/data set.


Proportion of male (represented as 1) = 45% of the dataset, see pie chart below

Proportion of domestic students (represented as 1) = 62% of dataset, see pie chart below

Proportion of students comp excel certification test (represented as 1) = 19% of dataset, see pie chart below

3)Understanding “typical” student behaviour

Based on the proportions above, we class the “typical student” as a female domestic student that hasn’t participated in the certification exam.

Insight 1: The typical student is often in first or second year of university.

Rounding down the mean from 19.39 to 19. We see that this matches the mode and median age of 19 as well. Illuminating that these students may still be early on in their degrees. As such, this could potentially explain the low participation rate on the certification exam as students may be busy with extra-curricular commitments to complete “additional” work outside of what’s required.

Insight 2: The typical student left their Associate and Expert exams until the last minute

Mode of 4 hours before the Associate test deadline and mode of 2 hours before the associate test deadline indicate that the majority of students left their first attempt at these certifications until the last minute.

Insight 3: Despite leaving it late, the average student still was able to complete each exam 2 times - with the second attempt scoring significantly higher than the first

Highlights by the median of 2 for number of attempts before the deadline for both tests, we see that students were still given ample time to properly attempt

Moreover, the significant median increase from 1st attempt score to best score meant that the typical student was able to implement feedback and drastically improve from their first (857 to 951 for Associate Test & 880 to 960 for Expert Test)

4)Differences in the measures of central tendency for males relative to females

**See image below… Calculated by filtering for the specific genders and calculating each measure of central tendency like in step 1

Difference 1: on average/arithmetic mean, women scored 90 points higher on the first attempt than men - although not a good indicator, it shows there’s a wider range/more outliers for men

Difference 2: on mode and median, most men left their 1st and last attempts of the exams later than women, but only by a couple of hours

5)Differences in the measures of central tendency for domestic relative to international students

**See image below… Calculated by filtering for domestics vs international student and calculating each measure of central tendency like in step 1

Difference 1: associate test, the most frequent score/mode was 885 on the 1st attempt for internationals vs 971 for domestic

Difference 2: associate test, international median for starting their 1st attempt was 26 hours before domestic students

Difference 3: associate test, international median for starting their last attempt was 30 hours before domestic students