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ITC426ME Business Intelligence and Analytics for Fashion


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ITC426ME Business Intelligence and Analytics for Fashion

As voted and agreed by majority of you, the submission deadline:

NO later than 11:59pm, 17 April 2023.

Appreciate your submission before the deadline. Please particularly note 4A to 4E below.

Take-Home Examination 40% of the total assessments

Important to comply with:

1. You must submit your answers in a Word File through Turnitin via Blackboard, as this is the regulation of the PolyU for your take-home exam. Any other ways e.g., a hard copy, and emailing to me or any Teaching Assistants, etc. are not accepted.

2. Your percentage of Turnitin Similarity Report must be 15% or below, which is the same as your Final Year Project. If your Turnitin Percentage is 16% or above, you will get 10% marks deducted. ** You can choose excluding bibliography to check your final percentage, if it reduces to 15% or below, that’s fine!

3.  You can  resubmit your Word file  before the above deadline. Turnitin can generate the similarity report immediately for your 1st  submission. But Turnitin takes one day or more to regenerate the similarity report for your 2nd submission and so forth.

4. No late submission is allowed. This is a take-home exam, which is totally different from an exam invigilated at the campus. This question paper has been released to you at 1:30pm on 29 March 2023 (Wednesday). You should have good time management to complete it.

A. If you claim to have any sick, sudden personal or family issues, (1) you must submit signed and certified true documents with chops by your stakeholders e.g., a doctor, parents and / or employers, AS WELL AS (2) you must get all other 130 26 students signed consensus to allow you to submit late without marks deducted, serving as evidence. You must email me ALL of the above documents no later than 11:59pm, 17 April 2023. After that, I dont take any into consideration.

B. Even if you can fulfil ALL 2 criteria of item A, the maximum time that you must submit your take-home exam is within one day (24 hours) from the time you email ALL documents to me that can fulfil 2 criteria in item A. That is, the last chance for your submission date and time without getting marks deducted is: no later than 11:59pm, 18 April 2023 (Tuesday) only if ALL 2 criteria of item A are met.

C. Otherwise, i.e., you cannot fulfil item A, same as your Final Year Project, 5 MARKS WILL BE DEDUCTED FOR EACH CALENDAR DAY OF LATE

SUBMISSION. (e.g., If you submit the Word File on Blackboard during 00:00am 11:59pm on 18 April 2023, 5 marks will be deducted. If you submit the Word File on Blackboard during 00:00am 11:59pm on 20 April 2023, 15 marks will be deducted.)

D. After 00:00am dated 20 April 2023, zero marks are given even you submit your work on Blackboard. The PolyUs official exam period will start from 20 April

2023. Your late submission cannot fit with the purposes of a take-home exam. A take-home exam is similar to an essay-typed paper, releasing your stress of the exam invigilated at campus. You are highly recommended to finish your take- home exam before your exam invigilated at campus.

E. Only a valid medical certificate is allowed. Rapid Antigen Test Results are not accepted as a valid medical certificate as no student names, dates, and no doctor signatures with a clinic chop are provided as valid evidence.

5.  If just a few words (around 20 words) more than the word limit for each question, that is fine.

6.  If more than 5 infographics are given, that is fine, but not recommended. Please recommend try to provide most convincing and valid data visualization to support each answer.

7. It is fine if you all use one to three different datasets downloaded from e.g., Statista, however, it is not allowed that all 5 sources and 5 datasets cannot be the same. In other words, it is not allowed to just use all 5 datasets from one source, e.g., Statista. You must use at least 3 different reliable sources for 5 different datasets. (e.g., the 1st source: Statista, the 1st to 3rd secondary datasets are used; the 2nd source: HKSARs Census and Statistics Department, the 4th secondary dataset is used: the 3rd source: Passport, the 5th dataset is used)

8.  It is optional if you would like to cite reliable journal papers and / or reliable references (which are different from required secondary datasets, e.g., Statista for ALL 5 questions, including Q1a, Q1b, Q1c, Q1d, Q2a, Q2b, Q2c, Q2d, Q3a, Q3b, Q3c, Q3d, Q4a, Q4b, Q4c, Q4d, Q5a, Q5b, Q5c, and Q56d). If so, you must cite in your answers and compile them in a reference list in APA style. That will help you make your ideas more convincing.

9. Very important: The infographics are all run and designed by you, not the infographics run by any online sources. It is not allowed to just copy and paste the original infographics as your answers. For example, you must change to be another infographic if you see that the original one is a bar chart. Otherwise, zero marks are given for the whole submission, regardless of how much you copy and paste. This is because you just copy and paste the infographic, not run your owned data visualization. It is a kind of plagiarism, which your plagiarism must be reported to the PolyU for their review and decision.

10.You can use Microsoft Excel, Voyant, and / or Tableau Public to run your infographics. Other software tools can be used, but not recommended.

11.Following your on-campus invigilated examinations, which give students the first 30 minutes to ask questions from your subject lecturer.

a. Thus, for this take-home exam, you can raise your questions during lecture and tutorial time via email (chats are not accepted as I may easily miss chat messages) or verbally face to face in class no later than 11am on 12 April 2023, your last lecture of ITC4209M.

b. After 11am, 12 April 2023, no questions are addressed by your subject lecturer, as you should have more than 19 days to seek clarification.

c. If you ask questions after 11am, 12 April 2023, you just have 5 days left to finish your take- home exam. It is strongly recommended to complete your work not at the last minute. This arrangement is much more than 30 minutes, that you must have sufficient time (over 19 days) to raise questions.

d. Any questions asked would be posted by your subject lecturer on Blackboard for keeping fair to all students.


a) Your Word Filename Format is Student Name_Student Number_ITC426ME”; your Family Name first; for example, CHAN Bo Bo_12345678D_ITC426ME . It helps mark your work clearer.

b)  You MUST answer each question according to its word limit.

c) Also, you MUST write down your total number of words for each question. Failure to do so would result in a maximum deduction of 5% for each question. In other words, a total of a maximum deduction of 25% for ALL 5 questions, including Q1a, Q1b, Q1c, Q1d, Q2a, Q2b, Q2c, Q2d, Q3a, Q3b, Q3c, Q3d, Q4a, Q4b, Q4c, Q4d, Q5a, Q5b, Q5c, and Q6d would be resulted.

d)  Answer ALL 5 questions, including Q1a, Q1b, Q1c, Q1d, Q2a, Q2b, Q2c, Q2d, Q3a, Q3b, Q3c, Q3d, Q4a, Q4b, Q4c, Q4d, Q5a, Q5b, Q5c, and Q6d. You MUST write question numbers clearly in a Word File.

e)  You are recommended to cite and list any reliable references in APA style. The more citation and references can make your answers more convincing. However, if you just use unreliable references, e.g., any brands’ owned social media, Wikipedia, Blogs, and Vblogs, and etc, your answers are not graded.

f) Citation and references are optional. Please judge whether they can help your answers.

f)g)You must cite the sources of your secondary datasets, e.g., “Source: Statista, (a year), just like your assignments. This time, please remember to add the year” .

g)h) Bolds, Highlights, Sub-headings, and Brackets, and so on are recommended to indicate concepts, theories, elements to show your organization clearer.


With reference to the following TWO news reports, and other relevant and reliable sources, address ALL of the following questions.

Scenario: you are a new entrepreneur running your new small-scale start-up in November 2022.   You are going to extend a new market in ONE of the countries or cities in the Middle East, with an aim take advantages of the HKSAR Government’s new initiatives in business.

Your business can be any NEW product(s) in fashion, beauty care, furnishing and / or pet collection. A product line is fine.

Important Notes:

1. The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th datasets and data visualization, i.e., infographics must be totally different.

Any duplicates, ONLY the 1st, i.e., ONE dataset and data visualization, i.e., ONE infographic MUST be graded. The rest of any duplicates MUST not be graded.

2. Your answers must show all required steps and elements in a marketing plan, though the following questions have not asked you to answer all of them. For example, the questions dont ask for psychographic factors, but you should consider explaining your answers linking with your New Product / Product Line.

3. Please ensure each question answers should be inter-related and aligned. Lacking consistency and alignment must not be graded. Please be strongly recommended that it would be much better if you have a marketing plan in your mind first!

Question 1. (Total: 20%)

1a. Search secondary and reliable datasets. Cite the source. Print Screen or Copy the contents data of ONE, i.e., the 1st dataset as a Microsoft Excel file. And, paste the 1st dataset in a Word file. (Sub-total: 2%)

1b. Run the 1st  data visualization, i.e., infographic, which must be a Vertical or Horizontal Bar

Chart. (Sub-total: 4%)

1c. Interpret the 1st infographic to show your data literacy. (Sub-total: 6%)

1d. With  reference to your answers  in Q1a to Q1c, explain  how they can support your ONE demographic factor that you have confidence to implement your marketing most effectively. (Sub-total: 8%)

Q1a to Q1d, the word count: no more than 500 words, excluding the screen-print(s) and the infographic(s).

Question 2. (Total: 20%)

2a. Search secondary and reliable datasets. Cite the source. Print Screen or Copy the data contents of ONE, i.e., the 2nd dataset as a Microsoft Excel file. And, paste the 2nd dataset in a Word file. (Sub-total: 2%)

2b. Run the 2nd data visualization, i.e., infographic, which must be a Geographic Map. (Sub-total: 4%)

2c. Interpret the 2nd infographic to show your data literacy. (Sub-total: 6%)

2d. With  reference to your answers  in Q2a to Q2c, explain  how they can support your ONE geographic factor that you have confidence to implement your marketing most effectively. (Sub-total: 8%)

Q2a to Q2d, the word count: no more than 500 words, excluding the screen-print(s) and the infographic(s).

Question 3. (Total: 20%)

3a. Search secondary and reliable datasets. Cite the source. Print Screen or Copy the data contents of ONE, i.e., the 3rd dataset as a Microsoft Excel file. And, paste the 3rd dataset in a Word file. (Sub-total: 2%)

3b. Run the 3rd data visualization, i.e., infographic, which must be a Pie Chart. (Sub-total: 4%)

3c. Interpret the 3rd infographic to show your data literacy. (Sub-total: 6%)

3d. With reference to your answers in Q3a to Q3c, explain how they can support your ONE NEW

Product / Product Line that you have confidence to implement your marketing most effectively.    (Sub-total: 8%)

Q3a to Q3d, the word count: no more than 500 words, excluding the screen-print(s) and the infographic(s).

Question 4. (Total: 20%)

4a. Search secondary and reliable datasets. Cite the source. Print Screen or Copy the data contents of ONE, i.e., the 4th dataset as a Microsoft Excel file. And, paste the 4th dataset in a Word file. (Sub-total: 2%)

4b. Run the 4th data visualization, i.e., infographic, which must be either “a Line Graph” or “a Line Graph together with a Bar Chart . (Sub-total: 4%)

4c. Interpret the 4th infographic to show your data literacy. (Sub-total: 6%)

4d. With  reference to your answers  in Q4a to Q4c, explain  how they can support your ONE Promotion on ONE social media platform that you have confidence to implement your marketing most effectively. (Sub-total: 8%)

Q4a to Q4d, the word count: no more than 500 words, excluding the screen-print (s)and the infographic(s).

Question 5. (Total: 20%)

5a. Search secondary and reliable datasets. Cite the source. Print Screen or Copy the contents data of ONE, i.e., the 5th dataset as a MS Excel file. And, paste the 5th dataset in a Word file. (Sub-total: 2%)

5b. Run the 5th data visualization, i.e., infographic, which must be a Word Cloud (Sub-total: 4%)

5c. Interpret the 5th infographic to show your data literacy. (Sub-total: 6%)

5d. With reference to your answers in Q5a to Q5c, explain how they can support you to employ ONE endorser who can maximize your marketing efficacy. (Sub-total: 8%)

Q5a to Q5d, the word count: no more than 500 words, excluding the screen-print(s) and the infographic(s).