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MECH0004 Mechanical Engineering and Practical Skills I 2022 – 2023


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Mechanical Engineering and Practical Skills I (MECH0004)

Applied Programming Coursework Briefing | 2022  2023

Coursework Overview

This coursework is  part of the  Mechanical  Engineering and  Practical Skills  I –  MECH0004 module assessment. This coursework counts towards 15% of your final MECH0004 grade .

In this coursework you will be using Python programming language to analyse data collected from a Stirling engine.

This briefing aims to give you an overall idea of what you will expect and what you need to do to complete this coursework as expected.

Important Dates

Mon    Tue    Wed   Thu      Fri      Sat     Sun

Mon    Tue    Wed   Thu      Fri      Sat     Sun

Data Collection Session


Coursework Working Time


Coursework is Released


Coursework Deadline

Figure 1: Applied Programming Assessment Important Dates.

 Data Collection Sessions.

two-hour data collection session in the MechSpace building is scheduled for you to attend and collect a dataset from a 3D printed Stirling Engine.

Please check your timetable to know the date, group, and time of your session. All sessions take place on UCL Weeks 28 and 29.

Attendance is required as the coursework questions cannot be solved without the collected dataset. Please make sure to understand and save the dataset for analysis.

The handout used during the data collection session can be found in the link below:


Also, the code required for the lab is hosted on Github (https://github.com/alxzhng/stirling-

engine-code) and you will be able to download it to the lab computers and run the lab with the instructions from the handout.

 Coursework Release

The coursework will be released on Friday 17th  March 2023 at 18:00 on Moodle under the tab of “Applied Programming Assessment” .

The  coursework  will  be  uploaded  as  a  .pdf  file  with  a  title  of  Applied  Programming Coursework_202223” .

 Working on your coursework.

After collecting your data, you have nearly 6 weeks to go through all the questions listed in the coursework file using Jupyter Notebook software.

Explain  in  detail  the  physics  and  the  mathematical  steps  behind  each  question  using Markdown cells and write all required codes with comments in Code cells that solves the problems.

 Submission Deadline.

The coursework’s submission deadline is on Friday 28th April 2023 at 14:00.

You need to submit a single Jupyter Notebook document (with format .ipynb) with questions in ascending order.